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Creator Name: Verelst, Simon
Creator Nationality: European; Dutch
Creator Role: Artist
Creator Dates/Places: 1644 - 1721
Gender: M
Creator Name-CRT: Simon Verelst
Title: Flowers in a Vase
Title Type: Primary
Title: Vase of flowers
Title Type: Exhibition
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: 1664
Creation End Date: 1674
Creation Date: c. 1669
Object Type: Paintings
Materials and Techniques: oil on wood
Dimensions: Unframed: 26.4cm x 22.6cm
AMICA Contributor: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Owner Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
ID Number: 1982.246
Credit Line: Gift of Mrs. Noah L. Butkin
Rights: http://www.clemusart.com/museum/disclaim2.html
Provenance: (R. Warner, London). S. W. Highley, Harrogate (1928). Mrs. Noah L. Butkin.
Context: With just a few flowers, Verelst created a composi-tion of great sophistication and balance. A simple glass flask has been filled with a large rose, a red anemone, and a white narcissus tinged with pink. These flowers are surrounded by a scattering of smaller blossoms. Like many still-life painters Verelst depicted a window reflected in the glass vase, but here he did not show the window's precise structure. He did, however, use another common device?the depiction of a few chips in the stone surface to make the material seem more tangible.Born in Holland, Verelst moved to London early in his career where he worked for the court of King James II and was extravagantly praised for the realism of his flower pictures. It was reported that the artist became so vain and conceited that he experienced a mental breakdown.
AMICA ID: CMA_.1982.246
AMICA Library Year: 2000
Media Metadata Rights:
Copyright, The Cleveland Museum of Art
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