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Creator Name: Hill, David Octavius
Creator Nationality: European; British
Creator Role: Artist
Creator Dates/Places: 1802 - 1870
Biography: David Octavius Hill British, b. Scotland, 1802-1870; and RobertAdamson British, b. Scotland, 1821-1848 Brought together out of necessity, David Octavius Hill and RobertAdamson proved to be collaborators whose work was as inspired as itsimpact has been long lasting. Hill was born in Perth to a family inthe printing and publishing business. Trained as a painter, anoccupation pursued throughout his life, Hill also was an illustratorand lithographer. His earliest work, Sketches of Scenery inPerthshire Drawn from Nature and on Stone (1821), published before hewas 20, was one of the first in Britain to employ the new medium oflithography. In 1829 he helped found the Royal Scottish Academy,serving as secretary from 1830-70. Hill turned to photography as an aid for a large groupportrait of the 474 ministers who formed the new Free Church ofScotland. Noting the difficulties of such a monumental task,photographic pioneer Sir David Brewster, an associate of WilliamHenry Fox Talbot, introduced Hill to Robert Adamson (born inBrunswick). Trained as an engineer, Adamson had learned the techniqueof photography from his brother John, whom Brewster had taught. Theportraits necessary for Hill's work were the beginning of theircollaboration, the two working in Adamson's Edinburgh studio in 1843.Hill is generally thought to be the artistic mind behind theirimages, while Adamson served as the technician responsible for thecamera. This opinion among scholars, however, is shifting towardgreater recognition of Adamson's artistic skill. After Adamson's early death in 1848, Hill stopped workingentirely for 10 years before continuing in collaboration with A.McGlashan of Glasgow at a considerably diminished level. Theportraits by Hill and Adamson are known for their painterly, OldMaster quality and exceptional use of light and shadow. Other imagesinclude architecture, landscape, and a series on the small fishingvillage of Newhaven. T.W.F.
Gender: M
Creator Birth Place: Perth, Scotland
Creator Death Place: Edinburgh, Scotland 5/17/1870
Creator Name-CRT: David Octavius Hill
Creator Name: Adamson, Robert
Creator Qualifier: and
Creator Dates/Places: 1821 - 1848
Biography: Robert Adamson (see David Octavius Hill)
Creator Birth Place: b. St. Andrews, Scotland 4/26/1821
Creator Death Place: St. Andrews, Scotland 1/14 (or) 18/1848
Creator Name-CRT: Robert Adamson
Title: Elizabeth Rigby, later Lady Eastlake (1809-1893)
Title Type: Primary
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: 1844
Creation End Date: 1845
Creation Date: c. 1844-1845
Object Type: Photographs
Materials and Techniques: salted paper print from calotype negative
Dimensions: Image: 21.5cm x 15.6cm
Inscriptions: Written in pencil on recto: "H/1163"; "Lady Eastlake"
AMICA Contributor: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Owner Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
ID Number: 1987.16
Credit Line: Andrew R. and Martha Holden Jennings Fund
Rights: http://www.clemusart.com/museum/disclaim2.html
Provenance: David Octavius Hill; Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh
Context: One of the earliest and most productive partnerships in thehistory of photography, the artistic and technical collaborationbetween David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson primarily featuredgenre scenes and portraits. Working in an outdoor studio, Hill andAdamson captured the dignity, presence, and individuality of theirsubjects through the use of simple gestures and settings. Thebackground of this portrait has been reduced to darkness to emphasizethe contrasting areas of brightness and shadow in the sitter. Aninfluential writer and art critic, Elizabeth Rigby was photographedmore frequently by Hill and Adamson than any other female model.
AMICA ID: CMA_.1987.16
AMICA Library Year: 1998
Media Metadata Rights:
Copyright, The Cleveland Museum of Art
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