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Other Images from The AMICO Library Collection: Amico Public Creator Nationality: North American; Native American; Algonquian; Ojibwa Creator Name: Chippewa Title: Garters Creation Date: c. 1845 Object Type: Costume and Jewelry Materials and Techniques: Glass beads, cotton fabric and twine, wool yarn, brass hook-eyes AMICO Contributor: The Detroit Institute of Arts Owner Location: Detroit, Michigan, USA ID Number: 81.76.1-.2 Credit Line: Founders Society Purchase Rights: http://www.diamondial.org AMICO PUBLIC RIGHTS: a) Access to the materials is granted for personal and non-commercial use. b) A full educational license for non-commercial use is available from The AMICO Library™ and Cartography Associates at www.davidrumsey.com/amico/institution_subscribe.html c) Licensed users may continue their examination of additional materials provided by The AMICO Library™ and Cartography Associates, and d) commercial rights are available from the rights holder. Media Metadata Rights: Copyright The Detroit Institute Of Arts Home
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