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Creator Name: Dubreuil, Pierre
Creator Nationality: European; French
Creator Role: Artist
Creator Dates/Places: 1872 - 1944
Biography: Pierre Dubreuil French, 1872-1944A pioneering modernist photographer, Pierre Dubreuil was born into a wealthy mercantile family in Lille. He began his career as a pictorial photographer, joining the prestigious Photo-Club de Paris in 1896 and exhibiting his work in international salons. In 1903 he was elected to membership in the Linked Ring; seven years later his work was included in the important exhibition of pictorial photography organized by Alfred Stieglitz for the Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo. Asdid many other photographers of the time, Dubreuil experimented with various printing techniques, including platinum, gum bichromate, and the carbon process. However, around 1904 he came to favor oil-pigment printing, which offered freedom for manipulation, and soon mastered the process. From the latter part of the decade until World War I, Dubreuil began producing innovative images that embraced a modernist idiom, but continued to use the soft-focus technique favored by the pictorialists. He experimentedwith bird's-eye perspective and abstraction, and made pictures that emphasized the flat, two-dimensional nature of the photographic image. His photographs often upset the traditional ordering of objects by giving equal or greater prominence to those normally considered unimportant. During these years Dubreuil lived in Lille, except for two years spent in Paris (1908-10). In 1924 he moved to Belgium where he continued his innovative work, exploring fragmented images and the closeup. Considered a leading innovator, Dubreuil was honored with a retrospective by London's Royal Photographic Society (1935). He returned to France during World War II, and after his death in 1944 his work was forgotten. Almost 40 years later, interest in Dubreuil was revived by Tom Jacobson, a San Diego photographer, collector, and dealer who sought out surviving examples of his photographs in Europe. Drawing upon these recently rediscovered images, an exhibition of Dubreuil's work was organized by the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (1988). M.M.
Gender: M
Creator Birth Place: Lille, France
Creator Death Place: Brussels, Belgium
Creator Name-CRT: Pierre Dubreuil
Title: Interlude
Title Type: Primary
Title: L'Entracte
Title Type: Foreign
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: 1932
Creation End Date: 1932
Creation Date: 1932
Object Type: Photographs
Classification Term: Photography
Materials and Techniques: oil print, Rawlins oil print process
Dimensions: Image: 24.6cm x 19.4cm
Inscriptions: Written in pencil on recto: artist's monogram; "Entracte"; in blue ink on verso: "79 [?]"; "Entr'act."; in pencil: "P. Dubreuil, M.L.[?] S.P."; in black ink: "No. 1 [underlined]- / Propriete de G. GHEUDE [underlined]- / Président A.B.P.C. / Bruxelles [underlined]"; in pencil: "D 098 / M"; in red crayon: "Z"
AMICA Contributor: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Owner Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
ID Number: 1987.217
Credit Line: John L. Severance Fund
Copyright: ? Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris
Rights: http://www.arsny.com
Context: In Pierre Dubreuil's carefully planned still life, ordinary objects---a musical score, tuning fork, and eye glasses---are given an air of mystery. The photograph reveals the artist's interest in bold light and shadow patterns, strong contrasts of tone, and distorted scale and perspective, achieved through the use of a close-up viewpoint and an unusual camera angle. A pioneering modernist little known until recently, Dubreuil's preoccupation with the dream world and the human psychological condition linked him with the Surrealists of Brussels and Paris.
AMICA ID: CMA_.1987.217
AMICA Library Year: 1998
Media Metadata Rights:
Copyright, The Cleveland Museum of Art
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