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Creator Name: Matteo da Milano
Creator Nationality: European; Southern European; Italian
Creator Role: Artist
Creator Dates/Places: c. 1380 - 1439
Gender: M
Creator Birth Place: Milan
Creator Name-CRT: Matteo da Milano
Title: Cutting from a Missal: Initial O with Christ Performing an Exorcism
Title Type: Primary
Title: Initial O with Christ Performing an Exorcism: Cutting from a Missal
Title Type: Former
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: 1515
Creation End Date: 1525
Creation Date: c. 1520
Object Type: Books
Classification Term: Manuscript
Materials and Techniques: ink, tempera and liquid gold on vellum
Dimensions: Each leaf: 7.7cm x 6.7cm
AMICA Contributor: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Owner Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
ID Number: 1999.135
Credit Line: The Jeanne Miles Blackburn Collection
Rights: http://www.clemusart.com/museum/disclaim2.html
Provenance: (all owners are known from shortly after the sacking of the Sistine Chapel sacristy by Napolean's troops in 1798 to the present):William Young Ottley (1771-1836) [his sale, Sotheby's, London, 11-12 May 1838, lot 50 (one of three miniatures)]; Robert S. Holford (1808-1892); Sir George Holford (1860-1926) [his sale, Sotheby's, London, 12 July 1927, lot 27]; G. Wells; A. R. H. Mann [his sale, Sotheby's, London, 11 April 1961, lot 77]; [Areade Gallery]; Philip Hofer; private collection, New York; Roger Wieck; [Bruce Ferrini, Akron]
Context: Matteo da Milano (Italian [born Milan], active in Ferrara and Rome)Cutting from a Missal:Initial O: Christ Performing an Exorcism,about 1520Ink, tempera, and liquid gold on vellumThe Jeanne Miles Blackburn Collection CMA 1999.135[Cat. no. 81]This initial is probably the "O" beginning the Introit for the Third Sunday in Lent, Occuli mei semper ad Dominum (My eyes are ever towards the Lord). The Gospel reading from that Sunday tells the story of Christ casting out a demon. The artist's style is easily recognized in the facial features, and in the borders, in which he typically mixed still-life motifs, scattered small red and blue flowers, strawberries, and simulated pearls and jewels.Matteo's life dates are not known. His career probably began in Milan in the 1490s, but his name occurs in the accounts of the d'Este family at Ferrara from 1502 to 1512. The climax of Matteo's career was his activity in Rome, where he was apparently responsible for a number of luxury illuminated liturgical manuscripts. In 1520 he illuminated a missal for Cardinal Giulio de' Medici, the future Pope Clement VII (1523-34). The initial shown here comes from another missal that he must have illuminated around the same time. This missal was most probably in the Sistine Chapel sacristy when it was sacked by Napoleon's troops in 1798.
AMICA ID: CMA_.1999.135
AMICA Library Year: 2001
Media Metadata Rights:
Copyright, The Cleveland Museum of Art
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