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Creator Name: Maison Martine
Creator Role: Manufacturer
Creator Name-CRT: Manufactured by La Maison Martine
Title: Textile Sample
Title Type: Object name
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: 1921
Creation End Date: 1925
Creation Date: ca. 1923
Object Type: Textiles
Classification Term: Textiles-Printed
Materials and Techniques: Silk
Dimensions: 90 x 34 in. (228.6 x 86.4 cm)
AMICA Contributor: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Owner Location: New York, New York, USA
ID Number: 23.178.11
Credit Line: Purchase, Edward C. Moore Jr. Gift, 1923
Rights: http://www.metmuseum.org/
Context: Poiret was a principal figure in the artistic revolution known as Art Deco (a name taken from the 1925 Exposition International des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels). After completing school, he began an apprenticeship with the couturier Jacques Doucet in Paris, and by 1903 he opened his own fashion house. In 1911 he founded the École Martine, an art school. Unlike traditional European art academies, the school encouraged young women to design in total creative freedom. To further their creativity, Poiret's students took trips to the botanical gardens, the aquarium, and the countryside, where they made sketches of plant and animal life to use in their designs. From these designs, textiles were produced for fashion, upholstery, curtains, wallpaper, carpets, and all types of home furnishings. Poiret, whose own creative genius took the form of liberating women's wear from its corseted past, invented many of his own textile patterns. This print of parrots sitting in tree branches combines his love of bold fantasy and brilliant color. The simplicity of the repeated imagery gives emphasis to the vivid yellows and salmon pinks. Poiret's affinity for orientalism and for the exoticism of the Ballets Russes as well as for the brightness and gaiety of contemporary painters such as Matisse is superbly demonstrated here.
AMICA ID: MMA_.23.178.11
AMICA Library Year: 2000
Media Metadata Rights:
Copyright The Metropolitan Museum of Art
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