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Creator Name: Qiu Ying
Creator Nationality: Chinese
Creator Role: Artist
Creator Dates/Places: 1494 - 1552
Gender: M
Creator Name-CRT: Qiu Ying
Title: The Garden for Self-Enjoyment
Title Type: Primary
View: Detail
Creation Start Date: 1515
Creation End Date: 1552
Creation Date: 1515-1552
Object Type: Paintings
Materials and Techniques: handscroll, ink and slight color on silk
Dimensions: Overall: 27.8cm x 381cm
Inscriptions: Accompanying text of an essay together with seven poems of Ssu-ma Kuang and one poem of Su Shih written by Wen Cheng-ming in 1558.2 colophons and 82 seals: 4 seals of Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559); 59 seals of Hsiang Yüan-pien (1525-1590); 1 colophon, dated 1644, and 7 seals of Hsiang Yü-k'uei (16th-17th c.); 1 colophon, dated 1880, and 2 seals of Weng T'ung-ho (1830-1904); 2 seals of Ch'eng Chen-i (19th c.); 1 seal of Han Ch'ung (19th c.); 4 seals of Weng Wang-go (20th c.); 3 seals unidentified.Colophon by Hsiang Yü-kuei:The painting of The Garden for Self-enjoyment on the right by Shih-chou, Mr. Ch'iu [Ch'iu Ying] is in the style of Li Lung-mien. Its mood is peaceful, as if meeting the ancient gentlemen face to face among the brushes and silk; it lifts one above the sordid bustle of life. Formerly, my late father handed me this scroll which had only the painting without the written essay. I considered asking a good calligrapher to write the essay to add to it but was afraid that the quality of the writing would not match the painting. Several years later, I saw at a friend's house this essay and poems (of Ssu-ma Kuang] written by Heng-shan [Wen Cheng-ming], once owned by my grandfather; so I spared no expense to obtain it. I rejoiced at this and said: "The divine swords are finally united. How things are pre-destined!" Now my friend Chang Kung-chao's technique for mounting [painting and calligraphy] is excellent. Therefore by daring to take them out and join them together, I can preserve this beautiful story of singular reunion.Hsiang Yü-k'uei recorded at Hai-yeh-t'ang [hall] two days before New Year's Eve in the chia-sheng year of the Ch'ung-chen era [1644]. trans. LYSL/HK/WKH
AMICA Contributor: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Owner Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
ID Number: 1978.67
Credit Line: John L. Severance Fund
Rights: http://www.clemusart.com/museum/disclaim2.html
AMICA ID: CMA_.1978.67
AMICA Library Year: 2001
Media Metadata Rights:
Copyright, The Cleveland Museum of Art
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