[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) R. D. et illust. principi, D. Matthæo, M. Diuina, Sacrosanctæ Ro. ... (1)
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Text to Cosmographica Petri Apiani. With woodcut initial letter. First of two pages.
[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) R. D. et illust. principi, D. Matthæo, M. Diuina, Sacrosanctæ Ro. ... (2)
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Text to Cosmographica Petri Apiani. With woodcut initial letter. Second of two pages.
[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Prima pars huius libri de cosmographiæ & geographiæ principiis. (1)
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First part to Cosmographica Petri Apiani. Title translates to: The first part of this book, on cosmographic and geographic principles. Includes first chapter: Quid sit cosmographia, et quo differat à geographia & chorographia : Caput primum. Text begins with a distinction between cosmography, geography, and chorography. Chorography is the art of describing or mapping a region, and by extension such a description or map. This term derives from the writings of the ancient geographer Pomponius Mela and Ptolemy, where it meant geographical descriptions. With woodcut initial letter. First part spans pages 1-30.
[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Prima pars huius libri de cosmographiæ & geographiæ principiis. (5)
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First part to Cosmographica Petri Apiani. Title translates to: The first part of this book, on cosmographic and geographic principles. Includes fourth chapter: De quin que zonis : Cap. IIII. With woodcut initial letter and a round world map situated within an armillary sphere, showing the zones of the globe, such as the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn, as well as the associated zodiac positions. In addition, the facing page includes a round, abstracted world map, entitled "Divisionis præmissæ formula in plano extensa". Map shows climate regions as curved and parallel bands between the Arctic and Antarctic Poles. First part spans pages 1-30.
[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Prima pars huius libri de cosmographiæ & geographiæ principiis. (6)
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First part to Cosmographica Petri Apiani. Title translates to: The first part of this book, on cosmographic and geographic principles. Includes fifth chapter: De parallelis circulis : Cap. V. With woodcut initial letter and a diagram featuring four inset maps, including one demonstrating that the earth is spherical. In addition, the facing page includes a round, abstracted world map, entitled "Ecce schema divisionis parallelorum". Map shows climate regions as parallel bands between the Arctic and Antarctic Poles. First part spans pages 1-30.
[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Prima pars huius libri de cosmographiæ & geographiæ principiis. (7)
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First part to Cosmographica Petri Apiani. Title translates to: The first part of this book, on cosmographic and geographic principles. Includes sixth chapter: De climatibus : Cap. VI. With woodcut initial letter and a round, abstracted world map, entitled "Sequitur formula præmissæ traditionis". Map shows climate regions as parallel bands between the Arctic and Antarctic Poles. In addition, tables describe the globe's parallel axes and climate. First part spans pages 1-30.
[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Prima pars huius libri de cosmographiæ & geographiæ principiis. (12)
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First part to Cosmographica Petri Apiani. Title translates to: The first part of this book, on cosmographic and geographic principles. Includes tenth chapter: De longitudine regionum, provinciarum, oppidorum, locorúmue inuestiganda : Cap. X. With woodcut initial letter and an abstracted world map. Map shows latitudinal and longitudinal lines, and features a volvelle, which provides information on the position and movement of the planet. First part spans pages 1-30.
[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Prima pars huius libri de cosmographiæ & geographiæ principiis. (20)
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First part to Cosmographica Petri Apiani. Title translates to: The first part of this book, on cosmographic and geographic principles. Includes thirteenth and fourteenth chapters: De distantiis locorum inueniendis : Cap. XIII -- Quomodo globus cosmograph. ad mundi cardines, & ad quancunque regionem, provinciam, aut oppidum, rectè sit aptandus : Cap. XIIII. With woodcut initial letter. Features a table describing cardinal points. First part spans pages 1-30.
[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Prima pars huius libri de cosmographiæ & geographiæ principiis. (22)
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First part to Cosmographica Petri Apiani. Title translates to: The first part of this book, on cosmographic and geographic principles. Includes fourteenth chapter: Quomodo globus cosmograph. ad mundi cardines, & ad quancunque regionem, provinciam, aut oppidum, rectè sit aptandus : Cap. XIIII. With woodcut initial letter and a celestial map in the shape of a globe, held by a hand. Map includes illustrations of constellations, longitudinal lines and two bar scales. In addition, facing page has a diagram showing directions and degrees within a sphere. First part spans pages 1-30.
[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Appendix. (3)
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Appendix of second part to Cosmographica Petri Apiani. With woodcut initial letter and an illustration of a figure using an astronomical instrument. Appendix spans pages 56-59.
[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Libellus de Locorum : describen dorum ratione, et de eorum distantiis inueniendis, nunquam antehac visus. Per Gemmam Frisium. (1)
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Descriptive text within Cosmographica Petri Apiani. Title translates to: The book of places ... With woodcut initial letter and an illustration of a figure using an astronomical instrument. Text spans pages 59-66.
[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Libellus de Locorum : describen dorum ratione, et de eorum distantiis inueniendis, nunquam antehac visus. Per Gemmam Frisium. (3)
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Descriptive text within Cosmographica Petri Apiani. Title translates to: The book of places ... Includes first chapter: De descriptione regionis alicuius in plano, incognitis latitudine, longitud. & distantia : Cap. I. With woodcut initial letter and an abstracted map showing connecting lines between cities, such as Antwerp and Brussels (Belgium). Text spans pages 59-66.
[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Libellus de Locorum : describen dorum ratione, et de eorum distantiis inueniendis, nunquam antehac visus. Per Gemmam Frisium. (7)
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Descriptive text within Cosmographica Petri Apiani. Title translates to: The book of places ... Includes fifth and sixth chapters: Duobus vel tribus visis : Cap. V. -- Quartus modus per distantiam & angulum positionis : Cap. VI. With woodcut initial letter and diagram. Text spans pages 59-66.
[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Vsus annuli astronomici. Gemma Frisio mathematico autore. (1)
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Descriptive text within Cosmographica Petri Apiani. Title translates to: The astronomical ring. Includes introduction. With woodcut initial letter and a diagram. Text spans pages 67-73.
[Apian, Peter, 1495-1552, Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555, Gaultherot, Vivant]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Didaci pyrrhi lusitani Carmen. Parisiis Impressum expensis Viuantii Gaultherot anno domini 1551.
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Portuguese song on the final page of Cosmographica Petri Apiani. With woodcut initial letter. Colophon at bottom of page, dated 1551.
Lafreri, Antonio, 1512-1577
Full Title
Disegno dell Isola di Malta con li porti et forti… In Roma per Antonio Lafreri nel anno 1565…
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Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598
Full Title
(Text Page) De Mona Druidum Insula, Antiquitati Suae Restituta (Cuius in Angliae Descriptione Meminimus) Epistola Nobilis et Eruditi Viri Humfredi Lhuyd... 5 Aprilis. 1568.
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Letter by Humphrey Llwyd, dated 5 April 1568.
[Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Mercator, Rumold, approximately 1545-1599]
Full Title
Septentrionalium Terrarum descriptio. Per Gerardum Mercatorem Cum Privilegio
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[Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Mercator, Rumold, approximately 1545-1599]
Full Title
(Text page to) Polus Arcticus. Ac Terrarum Circumjacentium descriptio.
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[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Title Page to) (Vol I) Civitates Orbis Terrarum, Liber Primus
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) (Vol I) Georgis Braun Agrippinensis Benevolis Lectoribus S.D.
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) (Vol I) Georgis Braun (cont'd); Melchior Hittorpius (letter).
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) Vol I (1)
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
VoI I (1) Lisbona. Olisipo, Sive ut Pervetustae Lapidum Inscriptiones Habent, Ulysippo, Vulgo Lisbona Florentis Simum Portugalliae Emporiu(m). (with) Cascale Lusitaniae opp.
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) Vol I (2) (with) Vol 1 (1) (cont'd)
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
Vol I (2) Hispalis, Sevilla Taraphae, celebre et pervetus tum in Hispania...; Cadiz, olim Gades... ; Malaga, Masace maritimum Hispaniae Boeticae oppidum
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) Vol I (3) (with) Vol I (2) (cont'd)
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
Vol I (3) Toletum. Vallisoletum.
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) Vol I (4) (with) Vol I (3) (cont'd)
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
Vol I (4) Granada. 1563.
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) Vol I (5) (with) Vol I (4) (cont'd)
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
Vol I (5) Barcelona. Eciia.
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) Vol I (6)
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
Vol I (6) Burgos. Sanct. Sebastianum.
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) Vol I (7) (with) Vol I (6) (cont'd)
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
Vol I (7) Lutetia, vulgari nomine Paris.
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) Vol I (8) (with) Vol I (7) (cont'd)
List No
In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
Vol I (8) Monspessulanus, Turo, Pictauis
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) Vol I (9)
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
Vol I (9) Rotomagvs, vulgo Roan Normandae Metropolis. Nemavsus, Nismes, civitas narbonensis galliae vetustissima. Civitatis Bvrdegalensis in qvitanea genvina descript
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
Vol I (9) Rotomagvs, vulgo Roan Normandae Metropolis. Nemavsus, Nismes, civitas narbonensis galliae vetustissima. Civitatis Bvrdegalensis in qvitanea genvina descript
List No
In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
Vol I (10) Lugdunum. Lyon.
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) Vol I (11) (with) Vol I (10) (cont'd)
List No
In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
Vol I (11) Leodium. Liege.
List No
In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) Vol I (12) (with) Vol I (11) (cont'd)
List No
In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
Vol I (12) Aquisgranum, vulgo Aich
List No
In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) Vol I (13) (with) Vol I (12) (cont'd)
List No
In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
Vol I (13) Mons. Arras.
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In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
(Text Page) Vol I (14) (with) Vol I (13) (cont'd)
List No
In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.
[Braun, Georg, 1541-1622, Hogenberg, Franz, 1539-1590]
Full Title
Vol I (14) Bruxella. (Brussels)
List No
In this last edition of Volume I, van der Krogt 41:1.1 (1640), the preliminary section is reduced to Braun's forward and the Hittorp letter. The London map/view is not present and instead is found at the beginning of Volume V.