Hoffmann, Johann
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This map is the same as the map used in "Europaelsch-Geographlsche Spiel-charte" but appeared in the book "Catholischer Raphael/ Das 1st: Cathollsches Rels-Bet-Buchlein..." published in 1677.
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Chronologie des rois de France. 1755 (i.e. 1775?)
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Pen-and-ink. Chronological chart covering the period 420-1774. "Voyez leurs portraits, feuille 74."
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775]
Full Title
(Covers to) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher. Amst. Bat : Apud Nicolaum Visscher Cum privil: ordin: general: belgii foederati. Ger. de Lairesse detin & Sculp.
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Visscher's Atlas minor, printed by Petrus Schenk and Reinier & Iosua Ottens. Atlas consists of hand colored title page, engraved by Ger. de Lairesse, and manuscript index page, listing 23 maps, double page engraved hand colored in outline, by Visscher, Schenk, Mortier, Ottens, F. Zuerner, H. Jaillot, Delisle, G. and L. Valk, and De Witt. Including: a double-hemispheric world, northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere, maps of the continents (Europe, Asia, Africa, and America), followed by maps of European regions (including Russia), and a map of the Holy Land. Atlas lacks sheet no. 17 (Hungaria ... ). Maps are in Latin, French and Dutch. Maps are undated, except the the map of L' Hemisphere Septentrional, dated 1740, map of Poland, dated 1734, and map of Terra sancta, dated 1659. Bound in half vellum over marbled paper covered boards. Not in Koeman.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775]
Full Title
(Index Page to) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher. Amst. Bat : Apud Nicolaum Visscher Cum privil: ordin: general: belgii foederati. Ger. de Lairesse detin & Sculp.
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Visscher's Atlas minor, printed by Petrus Schenk and Reinier & Iosua Ottens. Atlas consists of hand colored title page, engraved by Ger. de Lairesse, and manuscript index page, listing 23 maps, double page engraved hand colored in outline, by Visscher, Schenk, Mortier, Ottens, F. Zuerner, H. Jaillot, Delisle, G. and L. Valk, and De Witt. Including: a double-hemispheric world, northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere, maps of the continents (Europe, Asia, Africa, and America), followed by maps of European regions (including Russia), and a map of the Holy Land. Atlas lacks sheet no. 17 (Hungaria ... ). Maps are in Latin, French and Dutch. Maps are undated, except the the map of L' Hemisphere Septentrional, dated 1740, map of Poland, dated 1734, and map of Terra sancta, dated 1659. Bound in half vellum over marbled paper covered boards. Not in Koeman
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775]
Full Title
(Tile Page to) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher. Amst. Bat : Apud Nicolaum Visscher Cum privil: ordin: general: belgii foederati. Ger. de Lairesse detin & Sculp.
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Visscher's Atlas minor, printed by Petrus Schenk and Reinier & Iosua Ottens. Atlas consists of hand colored title page, engraved by Ger. de Lairesse, and manuscript index page, listing 23 maps, double page engraved hand colored in outline, by Visscher, Schenk, Mortier, Ottens, F. Zuerner, H. Jaillot, Delisle, G. and L. Valk, and De Witt. Including: a double-hemispheric world, northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere, maps of the continents (Europe, Asia, Africa, and America), followed by maps of European regions (including Russia), and a map of the Holy Land. Atlas lacks sheet no. 17 (Hungaria ... ). Maps are in Latin, French and Dutch. Maps are undated, except the the map of L' Hemisphere Septentrional, dated 1740, map of Poland, dated 1734, and map of Terra sancta, dated 1659. Bound in half vellum over marbled paper covered boards. Not in Koeman
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, Zurner, Adam Friedrich, 1679-1742.]
Full Title
Planisphaerium terrestre cum utroque coelesti hemisphaerio, sive diversa orbis terraquei ... Opera et studio A.F. Zurneri = Vlakke Aard-kloot met het beide hemelsch half-rond, of de onderscheidene verbeelding van de land-water-waereld ... Door vlyt en naarstigheid van A.F. Zurner. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map of the Eastern and Western hemispheres. Surrounded by two northern and southern celestial hemispheres, 26 astronomical and geographical diagrams. Shows the coast of Australia, the western coast of New Zealand, California shown as an island with an indistinct Fretum Anian and Terra Esonis above it. Includes explanatory text and explorer's tracks, including Magellan, Dampier, Tasman, Gaetani and Charmont. Relief shown pictorially. Includes panorama views at the bottom depicting earthquakes, tides, vortices, and volcanoes. Date estimated.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, L'Isle, Guillaume de, Covens et Mortier.]
Full Title
L' Hemisphere Septentrional pour voir plus distinctement les Terres Arctiques : par Guillaume Del'Isle de l'Academie R[oya]le des Sciences. A Amsterdam Chez Jean Covens et Corneille Mortier. De St. Petersbourg le 13/24 Janvier 1740. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map of Northern hemisphere, by the French map maker Guillaume De Isle, published by Covens and Mortier. Shows North America, California is correctly shown as a peninsula, but with a dotted line still hinting at the possibility of the island form, the Arctic, the Pacific, Asia. Includes explanatory text in French and Dutch written by "Monsieur Swartz, Dutch ambassador at St. Petersburga, dated Jan. 13, 1740. Relief shown pictorially.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726, Covens et Mortier.]
Full Title
L' Hemisphere meridional pour voir plus distinctement les Terres Arctiques : par Guillaume Del'Isle de l'Academie R[oya]le des Sciences. A Amsterdam Chez Jean Covens et Corneille Mortier. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline first edition of De L'Isle's important map of the Southern Hemisphere, and an early map of the South Polar regions, by the French map maker Guillaume De Isle, published by Covens and Mortier. Relief shown pictorially. Shows the routes of the major exploration in the 16th and 17th Centuries, including Magellan, Mendana, Quiros and Gallegos, Le Maire, Halley, Dampier, S. Louis, and Tasman. Includes explanation text, describing Lozier Bouvet's voyage.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, Zurner, Adam Friedrich, 1679-1742.]
Full Title
Europae in Tabula Geographica Delineatio : admentem novissimorum eorumque optimorum geographorum emendata, indicibus utilissimis aucta et adusum Tyronum imprimis geographicorum variis compendiosae methodi adminiculis accomodata. Opera A.F. Zurneri ... Ex officina Petri Schenkii. In Platea vulgo de Warmoes straat sub signo N. Visscher athlas. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map of Europe with decorative cartouche, inset map, explanatory table and index. Published by A. F. Zuerner, printed by P. Schenk. Shows political boundaries, cities, rivers and mountains. Relief shown pictorially.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, Zurner, Adam Friedrich, 1679-1742.]
Full Title
L' Asiae in Tabula Geographica Delineatio : admentem novissimorum eorumque optimorum geographorum emendata, indicibus utilissimis aucta et adusum Tyronum imprimis geographicorum variis compendiosae methodi adminiculis accomodata. Opera A.F. Zurneri ... Ex officina Petri Schenkii. In Platea vulgo de Warmoes straat sub signo N. Visscher athlas. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map of Asia with decorative cartouche, table and index. Prepared by A. F. Zuerner, printed by P. Schenk. Shows political boundaries, cities, towns, rivers and mountains. Relief shown pictorially.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, Zurner, Adam Friedrich, 1679-1742.]
Full Title
Africae in Tabula Geographica Delineatio : admentem novissimorum eorumque optimorum geographorum emendata, indicibus utilissimis aucta et adusum Tyronum imprimis geographicorum variis compendiosae methodi adminiculis accomodata. Opera A.F. Zurneri ... Ex officina Petri Schenkii. In Platea vulgo de Warmoes straat sub signo N. Visscher athlas. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map of Africa with decorative cartouche, table and text. Published by A. F. Zuerner, printed by P. Schenk. Shows political boundaries, cities, towns, rivers and mountains. Relief shown pictorially.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, Zurner, Adam Friedrich, 1679-1742.]
Full Title
Americae tam Septentrionalis Quam Meridionalis in Mappa Geographica Deliniatio : admentem novissimorum eorumque optimorum geographorum emendata, indicibus utilissimis aucta et adusum Tyronum imprimis geographicorum variis compendiosae methodi adminiculis accomodata. Opera A.F. Zurneri ... Ex officina Petri Schenkii. In Platea vulgo de Warmoes straat sub signo N. Visscher athlas. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map of America with decorative cartouches, table and text describing discovery of America. Published by A. F. Zuerner, printed by P. Schenk. Shows political boundaries, cities, towns, rivers and mountains. Depicting California as an island. Relief shown pictorially.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, Reinier & Iosua Ottens, Jaillot, Alexis-Hubert]
Full Title
Les Isles Britanniques qui contiennent les royaumes d'Angleterre, Escosse, et Irlande : distingues en leurs principales provinces subdivisees en leurs shireries ou comtes : a l'usage de Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne, par son tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur H. Iaillot. = Magnae Britanniae tabula, comprehendens Angliae, Scotiae, ac Hiberniae regna : ad usum serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis. A Amsterdam chez Reinier & Iosua Ottens. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map of British Isles with decorative cartouches and inset map of "Les isles de Fero," "Les isles de Schetland," and "La mer d'Escosse". Shows political boundaries, cities, towns and rivers.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775]
Full Title
Dania Regnum, Ducatus Holsatia et Slesvicum Insulae Danicae et Provinciae Iutia Scania etc. Auctore Petrus Schenck ... Cum privilegio ord. Holl. et West-frisiae. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map, with decorative title cartouche. Shows political boundaries, cities, towns, mountains, forests and rivers. Relief shown pictorially.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, L'Isle, Guillaume de, R. & J. Ottens]
Full Title
Carte la plus nouvelle de la Scandinivie, ou, Les couronnes du nord : scavoir la Suede, le Danemarc, et la Norvege, ou l'on trouve la Mer baltique et une grande partie de la Moscovie etc. : augmentee suivant G. de l'Isle et autres observations plus nouvelle etc. Par Regner et Iosue Ottens geogr. a Amsterdam. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher. (inset) Islande au Roy de Danemarc.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map, with decorative title cartouche. Shows political boundaries, cities, towns, mountains, forests and rivers. Relief shown pictorially.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, Valk, Leonard, Valk, Gerhard]
Full Title
Russia Alba, sive Moscovia : regio valde extensa : divisaque in regna, ducatus, principatus et provincias : cum adjacentibus regnis, cura Gerardi et Leonardi Valk. Cum privilegio ord. Holl. et West-frisiae. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map. Shows political and administrative boundaries, cities, towns, mountains, forests and rivers. Relief shown pictorially.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, L'Isle, Guillaume de]
Full Title
La Pologne : dressee sur ce qu'en ont donee Starovolsk, Beauplan, Hartnoch, et autres auteurs, rectifiee par les observations d'Hevelius etc. par Guillaume Del'Isle Geographe de l'Academie Royale des Sciences. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map of Poland, Lithuania, and surrounding areas, with decorative title cartouche. Shows political boundaries, cities, towns, roads. mountains, forests and rivers. Relief shown pictorially.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, Valk, Leonard, Valk, Gerhard]
Full Title
Germania divisa in decem Circulos : Austriam, Bavariam, Franconiam, Sueviam, Burgundiam, Rhenanum Superiorem et Inferiorem, Westphaliam, Saxonicum Superior et Inferiorem, cum Imperatoriis Regionibus Haereditariis, Regno Bohemiae, Ducatu Silesiae, Marchionatibus Lusatiae et Moraviae. curantibus Gerardi et Leonardi Valk. Cum privilegio. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map. Shows political and administrative boundaries, cities, towns, roads. mountains, forests and rivers. Relief shown pictorially.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775]
Full Title
Germaniae Inferioris XVII provinciarum accuratissima tabula. Nunc apud Petrum Schenk Jun. Nuperrime edita per Nicolaum Vischer. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map with decorative title cartouche and decorative reference cartouche including the crest of Johan Munster at the bottom. Shows political and administrative boundaries, cities, towns, roads. mountains, forests and rivers. Relief shown pictorially.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775]
Full Title
Belgii Pars Septentrionalis communi nomine Vulgo Hollandia nuncupata : Continens Statum Potentissimae Batavorum Reipublicae Seu Provincias VII. Foederatas. Cum omnium provinciarum insignibus, additis omnibus nominibus urbium et pagorum : edente Petro Schenkio Exc. : Cum privil. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher. (insets) Batavorum coloniae occidente Indiis septentrionalis Americae implantatae. (with) India orientalis Batavorum commerciis potentià & coloniis celeberrima. (with: Continuation of the southern Netherlands).
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Engraved hand colored in outline map with cartouches and inset of the insignia of all the provinces. Shows administrative boundaries, cities, towns, roads. mountains, canals and rivers. Relief shown pictorially.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775]
Full Title
Rhenolandia, Amstelandia Et Circumiacentia aliquot Territoria, cum Aggeribus omnibus Terminisque suis. Accurate et distincte edita per Nicolaum Visscher ... Nunc apud Petrum Schenk Junior. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map of the region surrounding Amsterdam, with decorative title cartouche. Shows city center, roads, mountains, canals and rivers. Relief shown pictorially. Includes compass rose.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, Hogeboom, Andries]
Full Title
Exactissima Helvetiae Rhaetiae, Valesiae caeterorumque confoederatorum ut et finitimorum populorum regionum tabula. Nunc apud Petrum Schenk Junior. Ex conatibus Nicolai Visscher. A. Hogeboom sculp. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map, with decorative cartouches. Shows administrative boundaries, cities, towns, landmarks, roads, mountains and rivers. Relief shown pictorially. Includes notes and compass rose.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775]
Full Title
Galliae seu Franciae Tabula : qua omnes Provinciae, Viae angiariae, et aliae res notatu dignae distincte et accurate ostenduntur. Per Nicolaum Visscher. Nunc apud Petrum Schenk Junior. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map, with decorative title cartouche. Shows administrative boundaries, cities, towns, roads, mountains and rivers. Relief shown pictorially. Includes legend, notes and compass rose.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775]
Full Title
Hispaniae Et Portugalliae Regna : Per Nicolaum Visscher. Nunc apud Petrum Schenk Junior. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map, with decorative title cartouche. Shows political and administrative boundaries, cities, towns, roads, landmarks, mountains and rivers. Relief shown pictorially. Includes compass rose.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, Wit, Frederick de, Mortier, Pierre]
Full Title
Novissima et accuratissima totius Italiae, Corsicae et Sardiniae descriptio correcta mutis aucta et in lucem edita per F. de Witt, Amstelodami : cum priv. D. D. ord. hollandiae westfrisiaeq. Ex oficina P. Mortier. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map, with decorative title cartouche. Shows political and administrative boundaries, cities, towns, roads, landmarks, mountains and rivers. Relief shown pictorially. Includes legend, compass rose and illustrations of sailing ships and a naval battle of the Gulf of Naples.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775, Valck, Gerard, Valck, Leonard]
Full Title
Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa : divisum in sua regna et regiones, nempe Graeciam, Natoliam, Armeniam, Arabiam, Aegyptum, regna Algeriae, Tunetanum, Tripoleos et Barcae, cum reliquis adjacentibus regionibus : per Gerardum et Leonardum Valk, cum privil. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher. (inset map) Regnum Algericanum.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map of the Ottoman Empire in Europe, Asia, and Africa, extending from the Persian Gulf and Red Sea to the Mediterranean. Shows political and administrative boundaries, cities, towns, roads, landmarks, mountains and rivers. Relief shown pictorially. Includes notes.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775]
Full Title
Regni Hungariae, Graeciae, Moreae, totius Danubii, adiacentiumque regnorum, nec non totius Graeciae et Archipelagi delineatio nova, expressa a Petro Schenk. Amst. C. priv. re. Pol : et Elect. Sax. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map, with title cartouche. Shows political and administrative boundaries, cities, towns, roads, landmarks, mountains and rivers. Relief shown pictorially.
[Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702, Schenk, Petrus, 1693-1775]
Full Title
Terra sancta, sive promissionis, olim Palestina recens delineatio, et in lucem edita per Nicolaum Visscher. Anno 1659. (to accompany) Atlas minor sive Totius orbis terrarum contracta delinea ex conatibus Nic. Visscher. (inset) Castrorum populi Israelitici prout secundum Dei ordinationem per Desertum Aegypti versus Terram Promißionis Canaan Iter instituit Delineatio.
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Engraved hand colored in outline map of Holy Land, with title cartouche by N. Visscher issued by P. Schenk in Amsterdam. Shows the regions occupied by each of the twelve tribes on both sides of the Jordan, cities, towns, roads, landmarks, mountains and rivers. Relief shown pictorially. Included illustration of ships and inset plan of Israelite encampment during the Exodus is at bottom center.
Van Ewyk, Nicolaas
Full Title
Nouvelle Carte de la Moitie Meridionale du Globe Terrestre montrant la Variation du Compas, ou le Merveileux accord enchaine des mouvemens regles et ne jamais cessans du vivant pourvoir Magnetique; telles qu'on les a trouvez l'An 1750 (A new map of the southern half of the earth's globe : shewing the variation of the compass, or the marvelous concatenated concurrence of the regular and never ceasing motion of the living magnetick power, as it was found in the year 1750)
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Van Ewyk, Nicolaas
Full Title
Nouvelle Carte de la Moitie Septentrionale du Globe Terrestre montrant la Variation du Compas, ou le Merveileux accord enchaine des mouvemens regles et ne jamais cessans du vivant pourvoir Magnetique; telles qu'on les a trouvez l'An 1750 (A new map of the southern half of the earth's globe : shewing the variation of the compass, or the marvelous concatenated concurrence of the regular and never ceasing motion of the living magnetick power, as it was found in the year 1750)
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[Green, John, d d. 1757, Jefferys, Thomas]
Full Title
A chart of North and South America including the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with the nearest coasts of Europe, Africa and Asia (by John Green]. Publish'd according to Act of Parliament Feb. 19, 1753, by T. Jefferys, Geographer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales at the Corner of St. Martins Lane Charing Cross ...
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The 1st ed. of this map, here published as a complete chart of six sheets joined, dissected into 16 sections and folded into Jeffery's original case with a printed label: "Bought of Thomas Jefferys Engraver..." Both map and case are preserved in a new half cloth blue marbled paper book-like case 36x31 with "Green And Jefferys. Chart of North and South America. 1753." stamped in gilt on a leather label on the spine. "This is one of the most important American maps of the period, the first to label Behring's Straits, and the most accurate of the time in establishing more correct placements of the coasts of North and South America and Northeastern Asia. The map is extensively annotated by Green to show the differences of latitude and longitude between his placements on the map and other cartographers, notably Bellin, D'Anville, Brouckner, Popple, and especially DeLisle and Buache in their claims of new discoveries on the American Northwest coast. Jefferys also published Green's "Remarks, In Support of the New Chart of North and South America, in six sheets" which further detail Green's attack on DeLisle's cartography and French claims to the American Northwest. The six sheets of this map are also found bound individually with the text, as in Streeter 3453. Our copy has a printed paste down label in the lower corner of sheet six that explains the color code used to distinguish the different claims of the British, French, etc. Stevens & Tree list several later issues of this chart, including those that appear in Jeffery's American Atlas of 1775. Outline color. See our 13402.000 for the 48 pages of descriptive text that were issued with the map, here bound separately.
Jefferys, Thomas
Full Title
(Covers to) The natural and civil history of the French dominions in North and South America. Giving a particular account of the climate, soil, minerals, animals, vegetables, manufactures, trade, commerce, and languages ... Illustrated by maps and plans of the principal places, collected from the best authorities, and engraved by T. Jefferys, Geographer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Part I. Containing a description of Canada and Louisiana. London, Printed for Thomas Jefferys at Charing-Cross. MDCCLX.
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Jefferys, Thomas
Full Title
(Title Page to) The natural and civil history of the French dominions in North and South America. Giving a particular account of the climate, soil, minerals, animals, vegetables, manufactures, trade, commerce, and languages ... Illustrated by maps and plans of the principal places, collected from the best authorities, and engraved by T. Jefferys, Geographer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Part I. Containing a description of Canada and Louisiana. London, Printed for Thomas Jefferys at Charing-Cross. MDCCLX.
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Printed in red and black.
[Lattre, Jean, 1743 -1793, Nohn, J.B.]
Full Title
Carte des provinces de Picardie et d 'Artois : gouvernement militaire de Picardie divise en ses differents pays, partie des gouvernemens militaires de l'Isle de France et des Pays Bas françois ... Par J.B. Nohn ... 1775. (to accompany) Atlas Geographique contenant la Mappemonde et les quatre parties, avec les differents Etats, avec apprpbation & privilage du Roy MDCC.LXIII (1763).
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Engraved outlined hand color map. Includes administrative divisions, place names and text in left and right panels. Relief shown pictorially.
[Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772, Depot de la Marine]
Full Title
Carte Reduite d'une Partie de l'Ocean Atlantique ou Occidental.
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From J.F. Letenneur: "Exceptional onboard document of this rare and fabulous maritime atlas, a masterpiece by the greatest French hydrographer of the 18th century, with maps of all the coastlines known at the time. Bound with the coat of arms of the King of France, the atlas was taken by the English aboard the frigate la Nymphe, off the coasts of Ushant August 10, 1780, during one of the naval battles of the American War of Independence which took place on European waters. In the context of the war at the end of the 18th century, and of the rivalry between the French and British Navy, maritime atlases, were strategic tools, and this “Hydrographie Françoise” more so than any other, because its purpose was to provide the best maritime charts for the French ships that were fighting on the American side against the British. (The handwritten captions throughout most of the atlas are prices for individual maps and all include the same mention: “for sailors”). These atlases were not the kind to be kept in a library, but precious tools, based on the observations of the travelers and continuously improved upon, as reflect in the present copy. It was bound with the engraved title page of the edition of 1737-1765, but the index includes maps printed after 1765 (until 1772), and the copy was augmented by six maps that do not appear in the index (until 1776), as well as 14 pages of text from the Versailles edition of 1773. The later maps are signed by Verdun de la Crenne and were done during the campaigns of the Flore (1771-1772) and of the Isis led by Fleurieu in 1768-1769. The captions explain that the maps were created using the latest technology of the day that could measure longitude (maritime clocks)." (Continued in the Pub Note field).
[Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772, Depot de la Marine]
Full Title
Carte Reduite des Iles Antilles. Carte Reduite des Debouquements de St. Domingue.
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From J.F. Letenneur: "Exceptional onboard document of this rare and fabulous maritime atlas, a masterpiece by the greatest French hydrographer of the 18th century, with maps of all the coastlines known at the time. Bound with the coat of arms of the King of France, the atlas was taken by the English aboard the frigate la Nymphe, off the coasts of Ushant August 10, 1780, during one of the naval battles of the American War of Independence which took place on European waters. In the context of the war at the end of the 18th century, and of the rivalry between the French and British Navy, maritime atlases, were strategic tools, and this “Hydrographie Françoise” more so than any other, because its purpose was to provide the best maritime charts for the French ships that were fighting on the American side against the British. (The handwritten captions throughout most of the atlas are prices for individual maps and all include the same mention: “for sailors”). These atlases were not the kind to be kept in a library, but precious tools, based on the observations of the travelers and continuously improved upon, as reflect in the present copy. It was bound with the engraved title page of the edition of 1737-1765, but the index includes maps printed after 1765 (until 1772), and the copy was augmented by six maps that do not appear in the index (until 1776), as well as 14 pages of text from the Versailles edition of 1773. The later maps are signed by Verdun de la Crenne and were done during the campaigns of the Flore (1771-1772) and of the Isis led by Fleurieu in 1768-1769. The captions explain that the maps were created using the latest technology of the day that could measure longitude (maritime clocks)." (Continued in the Pub Note field).
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d, 1697-1782
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Premiere partie de la carte d'Asie, contenant la Turquie, l'Arabie, la Perse, l'Inde en deca du Gange et de la Tartarie, ce qui est limitrophe de la Perse et de l'Inde. Publiee sous les auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans, Premier Prince du Sang. Par le Sr. d'Anville, MDCCLI. Grave par Guille. De-la-Haye. A Paris, ches l'Auteur aux Galeries du Louvre, avec Privil?
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Engraved map on 2 sheets. Country boundaries hand col. Relief shown pictorially. Includes geographic notes and ornamental cartouche by "H. Gravelot, invenit., DeLafosse, sculpsit." David Rumsey Collection copy mounted as 1 sheet. Hand numbered "5" on verso.
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d, 1697-1782
Full Title
Troisieme partie de la carte d'Asie, contenant la Siberie, et quelques autres parties de la Tartarie. Publiee sous les auspices de Monseigneur Louis-Philippe d'Orleans, Duc d'Orleans, Premier Prince du Sang. Par le Sr. d'Anville, Secretaire de Son. Alt? Sereniss? Guill? De la Haye (sculp. A Paris, chez l'Auteur, aux Galeries du Louvre). M DCC LIII.
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Engraved map on 2 sheets. Country boundaries hand col. Relief shown pictorially. Includes geographic notes and ornamental cartouche by "H. Gravelot, invenit., DeLafosse sculpsit." David Rumsey Collection copy mounted as 1 sheet. Hand numbered "7" on verso.
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d, 1697-1782
Full Title
Carte de l'Inde. (Northern section). Dressee pour la Compagnie des Indies par le Sr. d'Anville, Secretaire de S.A.S.Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans. (Paris), Novembre 1752. (Grave par Guill? De-la-Haye).
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Engraved map on 2 sheets. Relief shown pictorially. Inset maps: Negrais -- Riviere d'Aracan -- Riv. de Sirian -- Archipel de Merghi -- Environs de Junk Selon. Includes ornamental cartouche by "H. Gravelot invenit, De Lafosse sculpsit," and geographical notes. David Rumsey Collection copy mounted as 1 sheet. Hand numbered "16" on verso.
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d, 1697-1782
Full Title
(Carte de l'Inde. Southern section. Dressee pour la Compagnie des Indies par le Sr. d'Anville, Secretaire de S.A.S.Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans. Paris, Novembre 1752. Grave par) Guill? De-la-Haye.
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Engraved map on 2 sheets. Relief shown pictorially. Inset maps: Environs de Goa -- Entree du Gange -- Environs d'Ashem. Ganges delta map has soundings. David Rumsey Collection copy mounted as 1 sheet. Hand numbered "17" on verso.
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d, 1697-1782
Full Title
(Composite of) Carte de l'Inde. Dressee pour la Compagnie des Indies par le Sr. d'Anville, Secretaire de S.A.S.Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans. (Paris), Novembre 1752. (Grave par) Guill? De-la-Haye.
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Engraved map on 4 sheets. Relief shown pictorially. Inset maps: Negrais -- Riviere d'Aracan -- Riv. de Sirian -- Archipel de Merghi -- Environs de Junk Selon -- Environs de Goa -- Entree du Gange -- Environs d'Ashem. Ganges delta map has soundings. Includes ornamental cartouche by "H. Gravelot invenit, De Lafosse sculpsit," and geographical notes. David Rumsey Collection copy mounted as 2 sheets. Hand numbered 16-17 on verso.
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d, 1697-1782
Full Title
Guinee, entre Serre-Lione et le passage de La Ligne. Par le Sr. d'Anville, Premier Geographe du Roi, et des Academies royales des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres et des Sciences, et de celle de Petersbourg, Secretaire de S.A.S. Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans. M DCC LXXV. (Grave par) Guill? De-la-Haye.
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Engraved map. Includes geographical notes. Relief shown pictorially. Inset map of "Cote d'Or" shows European settlements, etc. A later ed. laid in d'Anville's (Atlas general). 1771.
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d, 1697-1782
Full Title
Canada, Louisiane et Terres Angloises. (Northwest section). Par le Sr. d'Anville, de l'Academie Rle. des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, et de celle des Sciences de Petersbourg, Secretaire de S.A.S. Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans. Novembre MDCCLV. Sous le Privilege de l'Academie. Chez l'Auteur, aux Galeries du Louvre. (Grave par G. De-la-Haye)
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Engraved map. Shows forts, missions, Native American villages and territories, etc. Relief shown pictorially. Ornamental cartouche designed by H. Gravelot and engraved by De Lafosse. Originally published with a 26 p. pamphlet entitled "Memoire sur la carte intitulee: Canada, Louisiane, & Terres angloises," 1756.
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d, 1697-1782
Full Title
(Canada, Louisiane et Terres Angloises. Northeast section. Par le Sr. d'Anville, de l'Academie Rle. des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, et de celle des Sciences de Petersbourg, Secretaire de S.A.S. Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans. Novembre MDCCLV. Sous le Privilege de l'Academie. Chez l'Auteur, aux Galeries du Louvre. Grave par G. De-la-Haye)
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Engraved map. Shows forts, missions, Native American villages and territories, etc. Relief shown pictorially. Originally published with a 26 p. pamphlet entitled "Memoire sur la carte intitulee: Canada, Louisiane, & Terres angloises," 1756.
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d, 1697-1782
Full Title
(Canada, Louisiane et Terres Angloises. Southeast section). Le Fleuve Saint-Laurent represente plus en detail que dans l'entendue de la Carte. (Par le Sr. d'Anville, de l'Academie Rle. des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, et de celle des Sciences de Petersbourg, Secretaire de S.A.S. Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans. Novembre MDCCLV. Sous le Privilege de l'Academie. Chez l'Auteur, aux Galeries du Louvre. Grave par G. De-la-Haye)
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Engraved map. This sheet contains only the inset map of the Saint Lawrence River. Originally published with a 24 p. pamphlet entitled "Memoire sur la carte intitulee: Canada, Louisiane, & Terres angloises," 1756.
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d, 1697-1782
Full Title
(Canada, Louisiane et Terres Angloises. Southeast section. Par le Sr. d'Anville, de l'Academie Rle. des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, et de celle des Sciences de Petersbourg, Secretaire de S.A.S. Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans. Novembre MDCCLV. Sous le Privilege de l'Academie. Chez l'Auteur, aux Galeries du Louvre. Grave par G. De-la-Haye)
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Engraved map. Shows forts, missions, Native American villages and territories, etc. Relief shown pictorially. Originally published with a 26 p. pamphlet entitled "Memoire sur la carte intitulee: Canada, Louisiane, & Terres angloises," 1756.
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d, 1697-1782
Full Title
(Composite of) Canada, Louisiane et Terres Angloises. Par le Sr. d'Anville, de l'Academie Rle. des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, et de celle des Sciences de Petersbourg, Secretaire de S.A.S. Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans. Novembre MDCCLV. Sous le Privilege de l'Academie. Chez l'Auteur, aux Galeries du Louvre. Grave par) G. De-la-Haye)
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Engraved map on 4 sheets. Shows forts, missions, Native American villages and territories, etc. Relief shown pictorially. Ornamental cartouche designed by H. Gravelot and engraved by De Lafosse. Originally published with a 26 p. pamphlet entitled "Memoire sur la carte intitulee: Canada, Louisiane, & Terres angloises," 1756.
[Benedetti, Ignazio, Nolli, Giovanni Battista]
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La topografia di Roma di Gio. Batta Noli dalla maggiore in qvesta minor tauola dal medesimo ridota : All. Emo. e Rino. Sigr. Sigr. Pne Colmo Il Sigr. Cardinale Gio. Carlo Boschi Emp, e Rmo Principe ...
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[Carletti, Niccolò, 1723-1796, Carafa, Giovanni, 1715-1768, Pignatelli, Giovanni]
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(Naples sheet 1) Mappa Topografica della Città di Napoli e de' suoi Contorni.
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[Carletti, Niccolò, 1723-1796, Carafa, Giovanni, 1715-1768, Pignatelli, Giovanni]
Full Title
(Naples sheet 2) Mappa Topografica della Città di Napoli e de' suoi Contorni.
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