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[Great Britain. War Office, Stevens, Benjamin Franklin]
Full Title
(Covers to) B.F. Steven's Facsimile of the Unpublished British Head Quarters Coloured Manuscript map of New York & Environs, 1782, Reproduced from the original drawing in the War Office, London. Issued only to subscribers at 4, Trafalgar Square, W.C., London. 1900. Malby and Sons. Engravers.
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From the printed advertisement for the map: "BF STEVENS'S Facsimile of the Unpublished British Headquarters Coloured Manuscript Map of New York and Environs 1782. Reproduced from the Original Drawing in the War Office London. 24 sheets Scale 6 1/2 inches to a mile. 10 feet by 4 feet. The successive British Commanders in Chief in America Generals Sir William Howe, Sir Henry Clinton, and Sir Guy Carleton during their respective occupations of New York and Environs in the Revolution caused this manuscript plan from time to time to be kept up. The plan extends from below Guanas Bay to the Heights of Spikendevi, a distance of about eighteen or nineteen miles. It shows the Fortifications, Defenses, Topography, Streets, Roads, etc. of the whole of the Island of New York with the Harbor Islands, Water Ways, and River Frontages on the Hudson and East Rivers, the Military Works on Long Island including Brooklyn, the Works in Paulus Hook and parts of the Jersey Shore. It has a copious Table of References to various works British and American, some of them with notes as to the time of their construction or destruction. The Original Drawing, ten feet by four feet, is on a scale of about six and a half inches to a mile. It is handsomely reproduced for subscribers only in careful facsimile on 24 sheets which can be joined up and mounted like the original as a Wall Map or mounted on linen if desired. It will be issued either mounted on linen to fold in book form with leather slip case 13 x 10 inches or the 24 sheets 22 x 15 inches, each will be supplied in a portfolio. No more than 100 copies are being printed and the engravings are erased as each sheet is printed off. A few extra copies of sheet 8 have been printed so that it can be sent as a specimen on application from intending subscribers. Prices to Subscribers Mounted on linen to fold in book form with leather slip case $30 ne.t Unmounted on 34 sheets in portfolio $25 net. The above prices include delivery to any Public Libra
[Great Britain. War Office, Stevens, Benjamin Franklin]
Full Title
(Map Title Page to) B.F. Steven's Facsimile of the Unpublished British Head Quarters Coloured Manuscript map of New York & Environs, 1782, Reproduced from the original drawing in the War Office, London. Issued only to subscribers at 4, Trafalgar Square, W.C., London. 1900. Malby and Sons. Engravers.
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From the printed advertisement for the map: "BF STEVENS'S Facsimile of the Unpublished British Headquarters Coloured Manuscript Map of New York and Environs 1782. Reproduced from the Original Drawing in the War Office London. 24 sheets Scale 6 1/2 inches to a mile. 10 feet by 4 feet. The successive British Commanders in Chief in America Generals Sir William Howe, Sir Henry Clinton, and Sir Guy Carleton during their respective occupations of New York and Environs in the Revolution caused this manuscript plan from time to time to be kept up. The plan extends from below Guanas Bay to the Heights of Spikendevi, a distance of about eighteen or nineteen miles. It shows the Fortifications, Defenses, Topography, Streets, Roads, etc. of the whole of the Island of New York with the Harbor Islands, Water Ways, and River Frontages on the Hudson and East Rivers, the Military Works on Long Island including Brooklyn, the Works in Paulus Hook and parts of the Jersey Shore. It has a copious Table of References to various works British and American, some of them with notes as to the time of their construction or destruction. The Original Drawing, ten feet by four feet, is on a scale of about six and a half inches to a mile. It is handsomely reproduced for subscribers only in careful facsimile on 24 sheets which can be joined up and mounted like the original as a Wall Map or mounted on linen if desired. It will be issued either mounted on linen to fold in book form with leather slip case 13 x 10 inches or the 24 sheets 22 x 15 inches, each will be supplied in a portfolio. No more than 100 copies are being printed and the engravings are erased as each sheet is printed off. A few extra copies of sheet 8 have been printed so that it can be sent as a specimen on application from intending subscribers. Prices to Subscribers Mounted on linen to fold in book form with leather slip case $30 ne.t Unmounted on 34 sheets in portfolio $25 net. The above prices include delivery to any Public Libra
[Great Britain. War Office, Stevens, Benjamin Franklin]
Full Title
B.F. Steven's Facsimile of the Unpublished British Head Quarters Coloured Manuscript map of New York & Environs, 1782, Reproduced from the original drawing in the War Office, London. Issued only to subscribers at 4, Trafalgar Square, W.C., London. 1900. Malby and Sons. Engravers.
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From the printed advertisement for the map: "BF STEVENS'S Facsimile of the Unpublished British Headquarters Coloured Manuscript Map of New York and Environs 1782. Reproduced from the Original Drawing in the War Office London. 24 sheets Scale 6 1/2 inches to a mile. 10 feet by 4 feet. The successive British Commanders in Chief in America Generals Sir William Howe, Sir Henry Clinton, and Sir Guy Carleton during their respective occupations of New York and Environs in the Revolution caused this manuscript plan from time to time to be kept up. The plan extends from below Guanas Bay to the Heights of Spikendevi, a distance of about eighteen or nineteen miles. It shows the Fortifications, Defenses, Topography, Streets, Roads, etc. of the whole of the Island of New York with the Harbor Islands, Water Ways, and River Frontages on the Hudson and East Rivers, the Military Works on Long Island including Brooklyn, the Works in Paulus Hook and parts of the Jersey Shore. It has a copious Table of References to various works British and American, some of them with notes as to the time of their construction or destruction. The Original Drawing, ten feet by four feet, is on a scale of about six and a half inches to a mile. It is handsomely reproduced for subscribers only in careful facsimile on 24 sheets which can be joined up and mounted like the original as a Wall Map or mounted on linen if desired. It will be issued either mounted on linen to fold in book form with leather slip case 13 x 10 inches or the 24 sheets 22 x 15 inches, each will be supplied in a portfolio. No more than 100 copies are being printed and the engravings are erased as each sheet is printed off. A few extra copies of sheet 8 have been printed so that it can be sent as a specimen on application from intending subscribers. .." <a href=http://www.davidrumsey.com/view/google-earth-browser#new-york-1782 target=_blank>View in Google Earth</a>
[Great Britain. War Office, Stevens, Benjamin Franklin]
Full Title
(Composite of) B.F. Steven's Facsimile of the Unpublished British Head Quarters Coloured Manuscript map of New York & Environs, 1782, Reproduced from the original drawing in the War Office, London. Issued only to subscribers at 4, Trafalgar Square, W.C., London. 1900. Malby and Sons. Engravers.
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(Composite removing linen gaps between sections). From the printed advertisement for the map: "BF STEVENS'S Facsimile of the Unpublished British Headquarters Coloured Manuscript Map of New York and Environs 1782. Reproduced from the Original Drawing in the War Office London. 24 sheets Scale 6 1/2 inches to a mile. 10 feet by 4 feet. The successive British Commanders in Chief in America Generals Sir William Howe, Sir Henry Clinton, and Sir Guy Carleton during their respective occupations of New York and Environs in the Revolution caused this manuscript plan from time to time to be kept up. The plan extends from below Guanas Bay to the Heights of Spikendevi, a distance of about eighteen or nineteen miles. It shows the Fortifications, Defenses, Topography, Streets, Roads, etc. of the whole of the Island of New York with the Harbor Islands, Water Ways, and River Frontages on the Hudson and East Rivers, the Military Works on Long Island including Brooklyn, the Works in Paulus Hook and parts of the Jersey Shore. It has a copious Table of References to various works British and American, some of them with notes as to the time of their construction or destruction. The Original Drawing, ten feet by four feet, is on a scale of about six and a half inches to a mile. It is handsomely reproduced for subscribers only in careful facsimile on 24 sheets which can be joined up and mounted like the original as a Wall Map or mounted on linen if desired. It will be issued either mounted on linen to fold in book form with leather slip case 13 x 10 inches or the 24 sheets 22 x 15 inches, each will be supplied in a portfolio. No more than 100 copies are being printed and the engravings are erased as each sheet is printed off. A few extra copies of sheet 8 have been printed so that it can be sent as a specimen on application from intending subscribers..." <a href=http://www.davidrumsey.com/view/google-earth-browser#new-york-1782 target=_blank>View in Google Earth</a>
Klinckowstrom, Axel Leonhard
Full Title
Newyorks Hamn och Redd Fran Brooklyn pa Longisland. Rit. af Klinckowstrom. Gr. af Akrell. (Stockholm: Stente af C. Muller, 1824)
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Engraved view of New York Harbor and docks from Brooklyn on Long Island in 1820. "Only known state. This view is interesting particularly as showing the types of steam ferries and sail-boats in use at this period."--Stokes.
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
(Covers to) Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
(Title page to) Description De L'Égypte.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
(Title page to) Antiquites Tome Premier. Description De L'Égypte. : Ou, Recueil Des Observations Et Des Recherches Qui Ont Été Faites En Égypte Pendant L'expédition De L'armée Française. Seconde Edition. Dediee Au Roi, Publiée Par C. L. F. Panckoucke. Paris, C. L. F. Panckoucke
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
A MM Les Souscripteurs. Médaille Égyptienne. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I This is an offering of a special medal to subscribers of the work.
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
S.M. Louis XVII Ordonne Que La Description De L' Égypte Sont Continuée Et Que Les Éditions En Soient Multipliées. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Description Du Tableau. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I Describes in detail the scenes in the decorative title page that follows.
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Fac-Simile Des Monumens Coloriés De L'Égypte D'après Le Tableau De C.L.F. Panckoucke, Chevalier De La Légion d'Honneur, Editeur De La Description De l'Egypte, 2.E Edition. 1825. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Produits De La Machine À Graver. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I Shows the kinds of surfaces the engraving machine could produce. The machine was made especially for the Description of Egypte project by Nicolas Jacques Conté. It greatly reduced the time needed to complete the over 900 engravings. For more information see https://napoleon.lindahall.org/conte.shtml
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Canvas Trigonometrique du Kaire; Canevas Trigonometrique d'Alexandrie; Canevas Trigonometrique de Thebes. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Medailles trouvees en Syrie. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 1, île de Philæ. Plan Général De L'île Et De Ses Environs. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 2, île de Philæ. Vue Générale Prise Du Côté Du Nord-Ouest. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 3, île de Philæ. Vue Générale Prise Du Coté Du Nord-Est. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 4, île de Philæ. Vue Des Monuments De L'île Et Des Montagnes De Granit Qui L'environnent. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 5, île de Philæ. 1.1.2 Plan Et Coupe Générale Des Principaux Édifices. 3 Coupe Longitudinale Du Grand Temple. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 6, île de Philæ. 1.6. Coupe Et Élévation De La Galérie De L'est. Élévations Des Deux Colonnades Et De L'édifice Du Sud. 7.Élévation Du Premier Pylône. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 7, île de Philæ. Chapiteaux Et Corniche Du Portique Du Grand Temple. 5.6 Corniches Des Deux Pylônes. Chapiteaux Et Corniche De La Galerie De L'est. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 8, île de Philæ. Détails De Quatorze Chapiteaux Des Deux Colonnades. Chapiteaux Ébauchés.15. Chapiteaux De L'édifice Du Midi. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 9, île de Philæ. Diverses Coupes Du Grand Temple Et Des Deux Pylônes, 6.7 Détails Des Lions Placés Devant Le Premier Pylône. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 10, île de Philæ. Sculptures Du Portique Du Grand Temple . 5.6.7 Élévation , Coupe Et Plans D'un Monolithe Du Même Temple. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 11, île de Philæ. 1.2.4 Sculptures Du Portique Du Grand Temple Et Du Premier Pylône. 3 Bas-Relief De L'édifice Ruiné De L'ouest. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 12, île de Philæ. 1.3 Sculptures Des Deux Pylônes. 2 Bas-Relief Du Temple De L'ouest.4.5 Bas-Reliefs Du Grand Temple. 6….11 Inscriptions Hiéroghlyphiques. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 13, île de Philæ. 1.3.4 Sculptures De La Galerie De L'est. 2 Bas- Relief Du Temple De L'ouest. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 14, île de Philæ. Collection De Vases Sculptés Dans Divers Édifices. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 15, île de Philæ. 1 Collection De Vases Coloriés, Sculptés Et Peints Dans Le Grand Temple. 2…11 Détail De Coeffures Symboliques. Sculptures Du Grand Temple. 14 Bas-Relief Du Temple De L'ouest.Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 16, île de Philæ. 1.2 Bas-Reliefs Coloriés Sculptés Sous Le Portique Du Grand Temple. 3….24 Détails De Coeffures Symboliques. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 17, île de Philæ. Vue Perspective Du Second Pylône Et De La Cour Qui Le Précède. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 18, île de Philæ. Vue Perspective Intérieure Coloriée, Prise Sous Le Portique Du Grand Temple. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 19, île de Philæ. 1.2. Bas-Reliefs De L'édifice Ruiné De L'ouest. 3 Sculpture Du Grand Temple. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 20, île de Philæ. Plan, 1.2. Élevations, Coupes Et Détails Du Temple De L'ouest. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 21, île de Philæ. Détails Des Chapiteaux Du Temple De L'ouest. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 22, île de Philæ. Bas-Reliefs Sculptés Sous La Galerie Du Temple De L'ouest. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 23, île de Philæ. 1…5 Bas-Reliefs Et Autres Sculptures Du Temple De L'ouest. 6….29 Détails D'hierglyphes Du Même Temple. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 24, île de Philæ. Vue Perspective Du Temple De L'ouest Et De Plusieurs Autres Édifices. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 25, île de Philæ. Vue De L'édifice De L'est Et De Plusieurs Monumens. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 26, île de Philæ. Plan, Coupe, Élévation Et Détails De Trois Chapiteaux De L'édifice De L'est. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 27, île de Philæ. 1.2 Décorations Intérieures De Deux Murs D'entrecolonnement De L'édifice De L'est. 3…22 Détails D'hiéroglyphes. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 28, île de Philæ. Vue Perspective De L'édifice De L'est. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 29, île de Philæ. 1….27 Détails De Coeffures Symboliques. 28.29 Plan Et Élévation D'un Petit Portique A L'est Du Grand Temple. Plan, Élévation, Coupe Et Vue Perspective D'une Construction Romaine.Planche 29, île de Philæ. 1….27 Détails De Coeffures Symboliques. 28.29 Plan Et Élévation D'un Petit Portique A L'est Du Grand Temple. Plan, Élévation, Coupe Et Vue Perspective D'une Construction Romaine. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 30, Éléphantine. 1.2.3.Vue Et Plans De La Cataracte De Syène Et Des Environs. 4. Vue Des Ruines D'éléphantine. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 31, Syène. Plan Général De L'île D'éléphantine, De Syène, Et Des Carriers De Granit Exploitées Par Les Anciens Égyptiens. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 32, Syène. 1 Vue De L'île Et Des Environs. 2 Vue De Syène. 3 Vue D'un Rocher De Granit Portant Les Traces De L'exploitation. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 33, Éléphantine. Plan, Élévation, Coupe Et Détails D'un Nilometre. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 34, Éléphantine. Vue Du Temple Du Sud. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Full Title
Planche 35, Éléphantine. Plan, Coupe, Élévation Et Détails Et Bas-Reliefs Du Temple Du Sud. Antiquites Tome Premier.
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Antiquites I