Search Results: All Fields similar to 'Massachusetts'

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Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673
Nova Belgica Et Anglia ...
Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673
Full Title
Nova Belgica Et Anglia Nova
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20 Milliaria Germanica communia = 4.6 cm
Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673
Nova Belgica Et Anglia ...
Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673
Full Title
Nova Belgica Et Anglia Nova
List No
20 Milliaria Germanica communia = 4.6 cm
Goos, Pieter, 1616-1675
Pas caerte van Nieu Ned...
Goos, Pieter, 1616-1675
Full Title
Pas caerte van Nieu Nederlandt en de Engelsche Virginies.
List No
Hubbard, William
Text Page: The printer ...
Hubbard, William
Full Title
(Text Page to) The printer to the Reader. A. Narra. (with text ) to John Leveret Esq; Governour of the Colony of the Massachusetts, Josiah Vvinsolow Esq; Governour of the Colony Plimouth, Vvilliam Leet Esq; Governour of the Colony of Connecticut. (to accompany) A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New-England, from ... 1607 to this present year 1677. (with) The Happiness of a People in the Wisdome of their Rulers Directing and in Obedience of their Brethren Attending unto what Israel ought to do: Recommended in a Sermon ... Boston, Printed by John Foster. 1676.
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Note to reader and dedicartory text by William Hubbard.
Hubbard, William
Text Page: (Continues) ...
Hubbard, William
Full Title
(Text Page to) The printer to the Reader. A. Narra. (with text ) to John Leveret Esq; Governour of the Colony of the Massachusetts, Josiah Vvinsolow Esq; Governour of the Colony Plimouth, Vvilliam Leet Esq; Governour of the Colony of Connecticut. (to accompany) A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New-England, from ... 1607 to this present year 1677. (with) The Happiness of a People in the Wisdome of their Rulers Directing and in Obedience of their Brethren Attending unto what Israel ought to do: Recommended in a Sermon ... Boston, Printed by John Foster. 1676.
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Note to reader and dedicartory text by William Hubbard.
Hubbard, William
Text Page: (Continues) ...
Hubbard, William
Full Title
(Text Page to) The printer to the Reader. A. Narra. (with text ) to John Leveret Esq; Governour of the Colony of the Massachusetts, Josiah Vvinsolow Esq; Governour of the Colony Plimouth, Vvilliam Leet Esq; Governour of the Colony of Connecticut. (to accompany) A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New-England, from ... 1607 to this present year 1677. (with) The Happiness of a People in the Wisdome of their Rulers Directing and in Obedience of their Brethren Attending unto what Israel ought to do: Recommended in a Sermon ... Boston, Printed by John Foster. 1676.
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Note to reader and dedicartory text by William Hubbard.
Hubbard, William
A map of New England
Hubbard, William
Full Title
A map of New England, being the first that ever was here cut, and done by the best pattern that could be had, which being in some places defective, it made the other less exact: Yet doth it sufficiently show the situation of the country and conveniently well the distance of Places. The figures that are joyned with the Names of Places are to distinguish such as have been assaulted by the Indians from others. (to accompany) A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New-England, from ... 1607 to this present year 1677. (with) The Happiness of a People in the Wisdome of their Rulers Directing and in Obedience of their Brethren Attending unto what Israel ought to do: Recommended in a Sermon ... Boston, Printed by John Foster. 1676.
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This is a facsimile of the folding map of New England originally published in this volume, attributed to John Foster, who is thought to have been the only man in Boston to have made woodcuts during that period. The layout of the map might be slightly disorienting because it depicts the western part of New England along the top of the sheet and the northern regions (including the White Hills of what is now New Hampshire) along the right side. The survey was commissioned by the government of Massachusetts to justify the colonies northern and southern boundaries, which are indicated by two parallel lines on the map. The map shows New England from Nantucket to Pemaquid Point and from New Haven almost to the White Mountains. Map shows name of places, distances, rivers, sailing ships, etc.
Lea, Philip; Thornton, ...
A New Map of New Englan...
[Lea, Philip, Thornton, John, Morden, Robert]
Full Title
A New Map of New England New York New Iarsey Pensilvania Maryland and Virginia
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"Early and highly important map of the English Colonies in North America, which includes the earliest printed plan of New York Harbor. Thornton, Morden & Lea's map is the first obtainable state of the finest general map of England’s American colonies to date. The map is one of the earliest to include Augustine Herrman’s cartography for Virginia and Maryland. To the North it includes one of the earliest depictions of the Pennsylvania colony (est. 1681), the first printed chart of New York Harbor, and significant additions to the cartography of New England. The map shows the English colonies from Cape Ann in Massachusetts to Cape Henry at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. The map extends as far north as the tributaries of the Hudson, and in the southwest it shows the Delaware and Susquehannah Rivers and as far west as the tributaries of the Potomac and Rapahannock. Augustyn and Cohen note the importance of the inset:: 'To the ambitious person, the map would have presented an enticing vista: it displays a loose federation of colonies, between and beyond which there appears to be ample unclaimed land. It creates an image of an area comfortingly linked by civilization but still containing much open territory.'The geography of Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey derives from the Thornton-Greene Mapp of Virginia Mary-land, New Jarsey, New-York, & New England (ca 1678), whose depiction of the region is in turn based largely on Augustine Herrman’s Virginia and Maryland (1673). The Thornton-Morden-Lea departs from these prototypes, however, in showing the new colony of Pennsylvania and incorporating changes to the course of the Delaware and place names along its banks. New York and southern New England are drawn from the Thornton-Greene map, which in turn draws on John Seller’s Mapp of New England (1676). Here as well, Thornton, Morden and Lea, have departed substantially from the prototypes: Long Island’s barrier beaches are shown for the first time on a printed map and numerous place names are introduced along the Connecticut coast and on Cape Cod; the boundaries between Massachusetts, Plymouth and Connecticut colonies are drawn; and several roads are shown. " (Ruderman)
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Covers: Forces del Evro...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Covers to) Les forces de l'Europe, ou Description des principales villes, avec leurs fortifications : Dessinees par les meilleurs ingenieurs; particulierement celles qui sont sous la domination de la France, dont les plans ont estee levez par Monsieur de Vauban, ... & aussi la description de tous les instrumens servans aa la fortification, aa l'attaque & deffense des places, ensemble ceux qui servent pour l'artillerie, la maniere de dresser un camp devant une ville assiegee. Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... pour l'usage de Monseigneur le duc de Bourgogne. A Paris, chez l'auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693). Avec privilege du Roy.
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One volume in 8 parts. Each part has separate title-page, dated 1693-1696, by Nicholas De Fer. Title pages to each part printed in red and black. Includes engraved dedication to the Duc de Bourgogne “Introduction a la Fortification dediee a Monseigneur le Duc Bourgogne … 1693.”, and Armorial bookplate of "The Right Hon.ble Algernon Capell, Earl of Essex, Viscount Maldon, and Baron Capell of Hadham," dated 1701 on verso. Letter press table of contents for parts 1-5 and contemporary manuscript listing of parts 5-8 on verso. Allegorical frontispiece engraved by Schoonebeck following the part 2 title page. Atlas includes 184 uncolored engraved maps, plans and views, one folded, some with corresponding letterpress or engraved text. Showing fortifications of European cities in France, Germany and the Netherlands, also includes other regions, including Malta, Constantinople,Tripoli, Batavia and map of Quebec, which is bound in part 5 as map 23. “The Battle of Quebec was fought in October 1690 between the colonies of New France and Massachusetts Bay. In 1690, Sir William Phips was appointed major-general by Massachusetts to command an expedition against French Acadia. He sailed with seven vessels carrying a 450-strong provincial "Foot Regiment", and Port Royal surrendered on 21 May. Atlas bound in contemporary calf, with raised decorated spine, with title “Forces del Evrope.” Nicolas De Fer, a French Publisher, engraver, geographer and cartographer. He made maps of places in Europe and North America, including New Spain,[7] places fortified by Vauban, the Low Countries, and the War of the Spanish Succession. In 1698, de Fer published a map of North America, which included a depiction of beavers building dams near Niagara Falls.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Title Page: Les forces ...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Title Page to) Les forces de l'Europe, ou Description des principales villes, avec leurs fortifications : Dessinees par les meilleurs ingenieurs; particulierement celles qui sont sous la domination de la France, dont les plans ont estee levez par Monsieur de Vauban, ... & aussi la description de tous les instrumens servans aa la fortification, aa l'attaque & deffense des places, ensemble ceux qui servent pour l'artillerie, la maniere de dresser un camp devant une ville assiegee. Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... pour l'usage de Monseigneur le duc de Bourgogne. Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693). Avec privilege du Roy.
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Title page to the first part. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693). One volume in 8 parts. Each part has separate title-page, dated 1693-1696, by Nicholas De Fer. Title pages to each part printed in red and black. Includes engraved dedication to the Duc de Bourgogne “Introduction a la Fortification dediee a Monseigneur le Duc Bourgogne … 1693.”, and Armorial bookplate of "The Right Hon.ble Algernon Capell, Earl of Essex, Viscount Maldon, and Baron Capell of Hadham," dated 1701 on verso. Letter press table of contents for parts 1-5 and contemporary manuscript listing of parts 5-8 on verso. Allegorical frontispiece engraved by Schoonebeck following the part 2 title page. Atlas includes 184 uncolored engraved maps, plans and views, one folded, some with corresponding letterpress or engraved text. Showing fortifications of European cities in France, Germany and the Netherlands, also includes other regions, including Malta, Constantinople,Tripoli, Batavia and map of Quebec, which is bound in part 5 as map 23. The Battle of Quebec was fought in October 1690 between the colonies of New France and Massachusetts Bay. In 1690, Sir William Phips was appointed major-general by Massachusetts to command an expedition against French Acadia. He sailed with seven vessels carrying a 450-strong provincial "Foot Regiment", and Port Royal surrendered on 21 May. Atlas bound in contemporary calf, with raised decorated spine, with title “Forces del Evrope.” Nicolas De Fer, a French Publisher, engraver, geographer and cartographer. He made maps of places in Europe and North America, including New Spain,[7] places fortified by Vauban, the Low Countries, and the War of the Spanish Succession. In 1698, de Fer published a map of North America, which included a depiction of beavers building dams near Niagara Falls.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Text Page: Introduction...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Text Page to) Les forces de l'Europe, ou Description des principales villes, avec leurs fortifications : Dessinees par les meilleurs ingenieurs; particulierement celles qui sont sous la domination de la France, dont les plans ont estee levez par Monsieur de Vauban, ... & aussi la description de tous les instrumens servans aa la fortification, aa l'attaque & deffense des places, ensemble ceux qui servent pour l'artillerie, la maniere de dresser un camp devant une ville assiegee. Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... pour l'usage de Monseigneur le duc de Bourgogne. Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693). Avec privilege du Roy.
List No
One volume in 8 parts. Each part has separate title-page, dated 1693-1696, by Nicholas De Fer. Title pages to each part printed in red and black. Includes engraved dedication to the Duc de Bourgogne “Introduction a la Fortification dediee a Monseigneur le Duc Bourgogne … 1693.”, and Armorial bookplate of "The Right Hon.ble Algernon Capell, Earl of Essex, Viscount Maldon, and Baron Capell of Hadham," dated 1701 on verso. Letter press table of contents for parts 1-5 and contemporary manuscript listing of parts 5-8 on verso. Allegorical frontispiece engraved by Schoonebeck following the part 2 title page. Atlas includes 184 uncolored engraved maps, plans and views, one folded, some with corresponding letterpress or engraved text. Showing fortifications of European cities in France, Germany and the Netherlands, also includes other regions, including Malta, Constantinople,Tripoli, Batavia and map of Quebec, which is bound in part 5 as map 23. The Battle of Quebec was fought in October 1690 between the colonies of New France and Massachusetts Bay. In 1690, Sir William Phips was appointed major-general by Massachusetts to command an expedition against French Acadia. He sailed with seven vessels carrying a 450-strong provincial "Foot Regiment", and Port Royal surrendered on 21 May. Atlas bound in contemporary calf, with raised decorated spine, with title “Forces del Evrope.” Nicolas De Fer, a French Publisher, engraver, geographer and cartographer. He made maps of places in Europe and North America, including New Spain,[7] places fortified by Vauban, the Low Countries, and the War of the Spanish Succession. In 1698, de Fer published a map of North America, which included a depiction of beavers building dams near Niagara Falls.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Text Page: (Continues) ...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Text Page to) Les forces de l'Europe, ou Description des principales villes, avec leurs fortifications : Dessinees par les meilleurs ingenieurs; particulierement celles qui sont sous la domination de la France, dont les plans ont estee levez par Monsieur de Vauban, ... & aussi la description de tous les instrumens servans aa la fortification, aa l'attaque & deffense des places, ensemble ceux qui servent pour l'artillerie, la maniere de dresser un camp devant une ville assiegee. Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... pour l'usage de Monseigneur le duc de Bourgogne. Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693). Avec privilege du Roy.
List No
One volume in 8 parts. Each part has separate title-page, dated 1693-1696, by Nicholas De Fer. Title pages to each part printed in red and black. Includes engraved dedication to the Duc de Bourgogne “Introduction a la Fortification dediee a Monseigneur le Duc Bourgogne … 1693.”, and Armorial bookplate of "The Right Hon.ble Algernon Capell, Earl of Essex, Viscount Maldon, and Baron Capell of Hadham," dated 1701 on verso. Letter press table of contents for parts 1-5 and contemporary manuscript listing of parts 5-8 on verso. Allegorical frontispiece engraved by Schoonebeck following the part 2 title page. Atlas includes 184 uncolored engraved maps, plans and views, one folded, some with corresponding letterpress or engraved text. Showing fortifications of European cities in France, Germany and the Netherlands, also includes other regions, including Malta, Constantinople,Tripoli, Batavia and map of Quebec, which is bound in part 5 as map 23. The Battle of Quebec was fought in October 1690 between the colonies of New France and Massachusetts Bay. In 1690, Sir William Phips was appointed major-general by Massachusetts to command an expedition against French Acadia. He sailed with seven vessels carrying a 450-strong provincial "Foot Regiment", and Port Royal surrendered on 21 May. Atlas bound in contemporary calf, with raised decorated spine, with title “Forces del Evrope.” Nicolas De Fer, a French Publisher, engraver, geographer and cartographer. He made maps of places in Europe and North America, including New Spain,[7] places fortified by Vauban, the Low Countries, and the War of the Spanish Succession. In 1698, de Fer published a map of North America, which included a depiction of beavers building dams near Niagara Falls.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Contents: Table des fig...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Contents to) Les forces de l'Europe, ou Description des principales villes, avec leurs fortifications : Dessinees par les meilleurs ingenieurs; particulierement celles qui sont sous la domination de la France, dont les plans ont estee levez par Monsieur de Vauban, ... & aussi la description de tous les instrumens servans aa la fortification, aa l'attaque & deffense des places, ensemble ceux qui servent pour l'artillerie, la maniere de dresser un camp devant une ville assiegee. Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... pour l'usage de Monseigneur le duc de Bourgogne. Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693). Avec privilege du Roy.
List No
One volume in 8 parts. Each part has separate title-page, dated 1693-1696, by Nicholas De Fer. Title pages to each part printed in red and black. Includes engraved dedication to the Duc de Bourgogne “Introduction a la Fortification dediee a Monseigneur le Duc Bourgogne … 1693.”, and Armorial bookplate of "The Right Hon.ble Algernon Capell, Earl of Essex, Viscount Maldon, and Baron Capell of Hadham," dated 1701 on verso. Letter press table of contents for parts 1-5 and contemporary manuscript listing of parts 5-8 on verso. Allegorical frontispiece engraved by Schoonebeck following the part 2 title page. Atlas includes 184 uncolored engraved maps, plans and views, one folded, some with corresponding letterpress or engraved text. Showing fortifications of European cities in France, Germany and the Netherlands, also includes other regions, including Malta, Constantinople,Tripoli, Batavia and map of Quebec, which is bound in part 5 as map 23. The Battle of Quebec was fought in October 1690 between the colonies of New France and Massachusetts Bay. In 1690, Sir William Phips was appointed major-general by Massachusetts to command an expedition against French Acadia. He sailed with seven vessels carrying a 450-strong provincial "Foot Regiment", and Port Royal surrendered on 21 May. Atlas bound in contemporary calf, with raised decorated spine, with title “Forces del Evrope.” Nicolas De Fer, a French Publisher, engraver, geographer and cartographer. He made maps of places in Europe and North America, including New Spain,[7] places fortified by Vauban, the Low Countries, and the War of the Spanish Succession. In 1698, de Fer published a map of North America, which included a depiction of beavers building dams near Niagara Falls.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Contents: (Continues, m...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Contents to) Les forces de l'Europe, ou Description des principales villes, avec leurs fortifications : Dessinees par les meilleurs ingenieurs; particulierement celles qui sont sous la domination de la France, dont les plans ont estee levez par Monsieur de Vauban, ... & aussi la description de tous les instrumens servans aa la fortification, aa l'attaque & deffense des places, ensemble ceux qui servent pour l'artillerie, la maniere de dresser un camp devant une ville assiegee. Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... pour l'usage de Monseigneur le duc de Bourgogne. Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693). Avec privilege du Roy.
List No
One volume in 8 parts. Each part has separate title-page, dated 1693-1696, by Nicholas De Fer. Title pages to each part printed in red and black. Includes engraved dedication to the Duc de Bourgogne “Introduction a la Fortification dediee a Monseigneur le Duc Bourgogne … 1693.”, and Armorial bookplate of "The Right Hon.ble Algernon Capell, Earl of Essex, Viscount Maldon, and Baron Capell of Hadham," dated 1701 on verso. Letter press table of contents for parts 1-5 and contemporary manuscript listing of parts 5-8 on verso. Allegorical frontispiece engraved by Schoonebeck following the part 2 title page. Atlas includes 184 uncolored engraved maps, plans and views, one folded, some with corresponding letterpress or engraved text. Showing fortifications of European cities in France, Germany and the Netherlands, also includes other regions, including Malta, Constantinople,Tripoli, Batavia and map of Quebec, which is bound in part 5 as map 23. The Battle of Quebec was fought in October 1690 between the colonies of New France and Massachusetts Bay. In 1690, Sir William Phips was appointed major-general by Massachusetts to command an expedition against French Acadia. He sailed with seven vessels carrying a 450-strong provincial "Foot Regiment", and Port Royal surrendered on 21 May. Atlas bound in contemporary calf, with raised decorated spine, with title “Forces del Evrope.” Nicolas De Fer, a French Publisher, engraver, geographer and cartographer. He made maps of places in Europe and North America, including New Spain,[7] places fortified by Vauban, the Low Countries, and the War of the Spanish Succession. In 1698, de Fer published a map of North America, which included a depiction of beavers building dams near Niagara Falls.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Text Page: Definitions ...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Text Page to) Definitions des lignes & Figures composent une Fortification. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Text to the 1st plate.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Premier planche: Le poi...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Le pont Mathematique est ce qui ne comprend aucune partie). Premier planche. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Engraved plate of the mathematical points.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Seconde planche: Des fi...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Des figures Mathematiques avec leurs definitions). A Paris. Chez le Sr. deFer ... 1693. Seconde planche. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Engraved plate of the mathematical figures with their definitions.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Text Page: Explication ...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Text Page to) Explication de la troisiesmes planche. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Text to the 3rd. plate.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Troisisesme planche: De...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Des figures qui appartiennent proprement aux Fortifications). Troisisesme planche. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Engraved plate to the Figures belonging properly to the fortifications.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Text Page: Definitions ...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Text Page to) Definitions des angles et des cotes du pentagone fortisie. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Text to the 4th. plate
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Quatriesme planche: Pen...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Pentagone Fortisie a simples Bastions. Quatriesme planche. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Engraved plate showing pentagon bastion fortress.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Text Page: Definitions ...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Text Page to) Definitions des dehors. Explication de la cinqme. planche. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Text to the 5th. plate.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Exagone Fortisie avec t...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Exagone Fortisie avec toutes sortes de dehors. A Paris. Chez le Sr. deFer ... 1693. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Engraved plan of the hexagon fortress. Includes notes.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Text Page: Renvoy de la...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Text Page to) Renvoy de la sisieme planche. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Text to the 6th. plate.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Sixieme planche: Divisi...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Division des Fortifications. Sixieme planche. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Engraved plans and views of various fortresses, with notations.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Text Page: Definitions ...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Text Page to) Definitions de plusieurs Instrumens de Guerre. Renvoy de la Septieme planche. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Text to the 7th. plate.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Septieme planche: Plusi...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Plusieurs Instrumens de Guerre). 7me. planche. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plate, showing various war instruments.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Principlaes palaces for...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Cet ouvrage est la premiere partie. dont la seconde qui paroistra dans quelque temps sera composee des principlaes palaces fortress de l'Europe et se vendra comme celle cy. A Paris Chez le Sr. De Fer. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plan and list of the fortresses in Europe.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Place attaquee dans les...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Place attaquee dans les formes avec les lignes de circonvalation et contrevalation. 9me. planche. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plan of the beseiged fortress with circumvallation & contrevallation lines. Shows rivers, canals, settlements and place names. Includes key to the important sites on the map and notes.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Anvers Antwerpen en fla...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Anvers Antwerpen en flamand belle et grande ville des Pais Bas ... A Paris. Chez le Sr. De Fer. H. Van Loon. Sculp. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plan of Antwerp with its fortifications. Shows rivers, canals, settlements and place names. Includes key to the important sites on the map and notes.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Ath. Ville Forte Des Pa...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Ath. Ville Forte Des Pais bas dans le Comte de Hainaut ... 1678. A Paris. Chez le Sr. De Fer. H. Van Loon. Sculp. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plan of Ath fort in Belgium. Shows rivers, canals, settlements and place names. Includes key to the important sites on the map and notes.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Bonne ou Bonn ville sit...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Bonne ou Bonn ville situee sur et deca le Rhein, a 4 lieues au-dessus de Cologne ... 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Engraved plan of the fortifications at Bonn during 1689 when it was destroyed by Elector Frederick III of Brandenburg. Shows rivers, canals and place names. Includes key to the important sites on the map and notes.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Charleroy, Ville forte ...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Charle-roy, Ville forte des Pays Bas dans le comte de Namur … A Paris. Chez l'autheur ... 1693. De Fer. H. Van Loon. Scu. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Engraved plan of fortifications and battlefields at Charleroi and the surrounding. Shows rivers, canals and place names. Includes notes.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Maeatricht. Comme elle ...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Maestricht. Comme elle estoit quand les Francois la remirent aux Hollandois. A Paris. Chez l'autheur ... 1693. De Fer. H. Van Loon. Scu. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plan of fortifications and battlefields at Maastricht. Shows rivers, canals and place names. Includes key to the important sites on the map and notes.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Mayence, est situee dec...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Mayence, est situee deça le Rhein et au confluant du Main et de cette riviere ... 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plan of fortifications and battlefields at Mainz. Shows rivers, canals and place names. Includes key to the important sites on the map and notes.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Mons, ville capitale du...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Mons, ville capitale du Hainaut ... Comme estoit Mons, quand le Roy ... s'en rendit maistre ... le 8 avril 1691. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plan of fortification and battlefields. Shows rivers, canals and place names. Includes key to the important sites on the map, illustrations and note.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Namur, capitale du comt...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Namur, capitale du comte de mesme nom, aux Espagnols ... A Paris Chez l'Autheur ... 1693. H. Van Loon Sculp. De Fer. 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plan of fortification and battlefields. Shows rivers, canals, settlements and place names. Includes key to the important sites on the map and note.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Turin, Ville Capitale d...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Turin, Ville Capitale de Piemont ... 1e. Partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Premiere partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plan of the city and fortifications at Turin. Shows rivers, canals, bridges, streets, landmarks and place names. Includes key to the important sites on the map and note.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Title Page: Les forces ...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Title Page to) Les forces de l'Europe, ou Description des principales villes, avec leurs fortifications : Dessinees par les meilleurs ingenieurs; particulierement celles qui sont sous la domination de la France, dont les plans ont estee levez par Monsieur de Vauban, ... & aussi la description de tous les instrumens servans aa la fortification, aa l'attaque & deffense des places, ensemble ceux qui servent pour l'artillerie, la maniere de dresser un camp devant une ville assiegee. Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... pour l'usage de Monseigneur le duc de Bourgogne. Seconde partie. A Paris, chez l'auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693). Avec privilege du Roy.
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Title page to the second part. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693). One volume in 8 parts. Each part has separate title-page, dated 1693-1696, by Nicholas De Fer.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Frontispiece: Partie de...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
(Frontispiece) Partie des forces de l'Europe mis au jour par N. de Fer, Geographe de Monseigneur le Dauphin. Schoonebeek, del. et fec. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Seconde partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Allegorial frontispiece engraved and signed by Schoonebeck. Represents part of the Forces of Europe, a battle scene, fortification, etc. Includes a note in the lower margin: "On avertit que ce Livre est la Seconde partie de l'Introduction a la Fortification, dont la Premiere a etee donnée l'Annee derniere, et que le Sr. de Fer en donnera tous les Ans une partie composee de pareil nombre de Plans." and "Avec Privilege du Roy. 1693."
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Plaine de Weill
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Le 4re Septembre 1690 : l'Armee que commandoit Monseigneur le Dauphin arriva dans la Plaine de Weill, sur le cote oriental du Rhein ... 2nde. partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Seconde partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plan of the battlefields and fortifications. Shows rivers, canals, bridges, forests, the line of operations of the army and place names. Includes a note in the lower margin. Relief shown pictorially.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Mont Royal
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Mont Royal est une fortresse nouvelle, bastie par le Roy sur la Moselle ... 2nde. partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Seconde partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Engraved plan of the battlefields and fortifications at Mont Royal. Shows rivers, canals, bridges, forests and place names. Includes note. Relief shown by hachures.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Donquerque. Duynkerck e...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Donquerque. Duynkerck en Flamand ville forte des Pais Bas ... 2nde. partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Seconde partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plan of the battlefields and fortifications at Donquerque. Shows rivers, canals, bridges, forests and place names. Includes decorative cartouches, note and key to the important sites on the map. Relief shown pictorially.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Casal : dit le St. Vas,...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Casal : dit le St. Vas, Ville forte d'Italie, Capitale du Monserrat ... 1681. 2nde. partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Seconde partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Engraved plan of the city and fortifications at Casal. Shows rivers, canals, bridges, forests and place names. Includes decorative title cartouche and note.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Veue de Mont Melian du ...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Veue de Mont Melian du Coste de la Perouse ... 2nde. partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Seconde partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved view of Montmelian. shows the city and fortifications, rivers, canals, bridges, buildings, forests and place names. Relief shown pictorially.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
La Forteresse de Mont-M...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
La Forteresse de Mont-Melian est situee sur un roche au bord de la riuiere d'Issere ... A Paris. Chez le Sr. De Fer ... 1693. J.S.f. 2nde. partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Seconde partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Engraved plan of Montmelian fortress, engraved by John Seller. Shows rivers, canals, bridges and buildings. Relief shown pictorially.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Dinant ville de l'evesc...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Dinant ville de l'evesche de Liege. H. Van Loon Sculp. 2nde. partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Seconde partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plan of the city and fortress at Dinant. Shows rivers, canals, bridges and buildings. Relief shown pictorially. Includes key to important sites on the map and notes.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Verue : Ville forte d'I...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Verue : Ville forte d'Italie et des Estats du Duc de Savoye ... A Paris. Chez le Sr. De Fer ... J.S.f. 2nde. partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Seconde partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
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Engraved plan of the city and fortress at Verrue. Shows rivers, canals, bridges and buildings. Relief shown pictorially.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Pignerol : Ville forte ...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Pignerol : Ville forte d'Italie en Piemont ... 2nde. partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Seconde partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plan of the city and fortress at Pinerolo. Shows rivers, canals, bridges and buildings. Relief shown pictorially. Includes note.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Coblentz : Ville d'Alem...
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720
Full Title
Coblentz : Ville d'Alemagne, de l'Archeveche de Treves ... 2nde. partie. (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Seconde partie. A Paris, chez l'Auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. LXXXXIII (1693).
List No
Engraved plan of the city and fortress at koblenz. Shows rivers, canals, bridges, buildings and landmarks. Relief shown pictorially. Includes note.
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