Detail View: The AMICA Library: The actor Ichikawa Yaozo II as Goi no Sho Munesada with a deer, in the play Kuni no Hana Ono no Itsumoji (Flower of Japan: Ono no Komachi's Five Characters), performed at the Nakamura Theater from the first day of the eleventh month, 1771

AMICA Library Year: 
Object Type: 
Creator Name: 
Ippitsusai Buncho
Creator Nationality: 
Asian; Far East Asian; Japanese
Creator Dates/Places: 
Japanese; fl. c.1755-1790 Asia,East Asia,Japan
Creator Name-CRT: 
Ippitsusai Buncho
The actor Ichikawa Yaozo II as Goi no Sho Munesada with a deer, in the play Kuni no Hana Ono no Itsumoji (Flower of Japan: Ono no Komachi's Five Characters), performed at the Nakamura Theater from the first day of the eleventh month, 1771
Title Type: 
full view
Creation Date: 
Edo period, 1771
Creation Start Date: 
Creation End Date: 
Materials and Techniques: 
Woodblock print.
Classification Term: 
Subject Description: 
Ichikawa Yaozo II here appears in the role of the courtier Goi no Sho Munesada, in a historical drama based on legendary episodes in the life of the ninth-century beauty and poet Ono no Komachi. Later in the play Munesada takes the tonsure and the monastic name Henjo; it is under this name that he is colebrated as one of the Six Immortal Poets (Rokkasen)-a constellation to which Komachi also belongs. He wears a purple kimono decorated with a pattern of drifting snow (the crenellated white circles, here shown as halfcircles, are called yuki-wa, 'snow circles'), and holds up a branch of maple to which is attached a lacquer document box (fubako) tied with tasselled silk cords. It is as if the deer, coming up inquisitively behind him, has surprised him, and he is holding the branch up out of the animal's reach. ('The Actor's Image', 1994)
Creation Place: 
Asia,East Asia,Japan
Hosoban; 30.1 x 13.6 cm
AMICA Contributor: 
The Art Institute of Chicago
Owner Location: 
Chicago, Illinois, USA
ID Number: 
Credit Line: 
The Art Institute of Chicago, The Clarence Buckingham Collection
SIGNATURE Ippitsusai Buncho gaARTIST'S SEAL Mori uji
Related Image Identifier Link: 