Detail View: The AMICA Library: The actor Asao Tamejuro I as Drunken Gotobei in act three of the play Yoshitsune Koshigoe Jo (Yoshitsune's Koshigoe Petition), performed at the Ichimura Theater from the ninth day of the ninth month, 1790

AMICA Library Year: 
Object Type: 
Creator Name: 
Katsukawa, Shun'ei
Creator Nationality: 
Asian; Far East Asian; Japanese
Creator Dates/Places: 
Japanese; 1762-1819 Asia,East Asia,Japan
Creator Name-CRT: 
Katsukawa Shun'ei
The actor Asao Tamejuro I as Drunken Gotobei in act three of the play Yoshitsune Koshigoe Jo (Yoshitsune's Koshigoe Petition), performed at the Ichimura Theater from the ninth day of the ninth month, 1790
Title Type: 
full view
Creation Date: 
Edo period, 1790
Creation Start Date: 
Creation End Date: 
Materials and Techniques: 
Woodblock print.
Classification Term: 
Subject Description: 
The Osaka actor Asao Tamejuro I appears as Gotobei, in a later moment of his drunken dance before Lord Yoshitsune in the play Yoshitsune Koshigoe Jo. Here he has hoisted a large bucket of sake up onto his back with a broom through the handle, perhaps inimitation of a manservant (yakko) carrying a travelling case in the entourage of a feudal lord. The red and black lacquered bucket bears Tamejaro I's acting crest-two parallel lines in a circle-painted on the handle.Once again Shun'ei has skillfully captured the actor's depiction of drunken buffoonery: his tongue lolling in his open mouth and his eyebrows raised in befuddlement. He has also not hesitated to show Tamejuro I's flabby torso, in what is clearly a later part of the dance, when Gotobei is moredeeply drunk and has discarded more of his clothes. ('The Actor's Image', 1994)
Creation Place: 
Asia,East Asia,Japan
Hosoban; 32.9 x 14.7 cm 12 7/8 x 5 3/4"
AMICA Contributor: 
The Art Institute of Chicago
Owner Location: 
Chicago, Illinois, USA
ID Number: 
Credit Line: 
The Art Institute of Chicago, Frederick W. Gookin Collection
Related Image Identifier Link: 