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The Cleveland Museum of Art
17th Century
Pair of Stirrups
England (?), 17th Century
The Cleveland Museum of Art
16th-17th century
Crossbow Bolt
Germany, 16th-17th century
The Cleveland Museum of Art
17th century
Pauldron for Right Shoulder
France, 17th Century
The Cleveland Museum of Art
17th century
Switzerland, 17th century
The Cleveland Museum of Art
17th century
Switzerland, 17th century
The Cleveland Museum of Art
17th Century
Pellet Crossbow
South Germany (?), 17th Cent …
The Cleveland Museum of Art
17th century
Cup-Hilted Rapier
Italy, Venice, 17th century
The Cleveland Museum of Art
17th century
Cavalry Spider Helmet
France, 17th century
The Cleveland Museum of Art
late 17th Century
Executioner's Sword
Germany, late 17th Century