Browse All : Ceramic and Decorative Arts and Utilitarian Objects from 100

1-14 of 14
Goatyard With Herdsman
Artist not recorded
Goatyard With Herdsman
2nd-3rd Century
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Goatyard With Herdsman
Creation Date
2nd-3rd Century
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Goatyard With Herdsman
Artist not recorded
Goatyard With Herdsman
2nd-3rd Century
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Goatyard With Herdsman
Creation Date
2nd-3rd Century
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Seated male figure
Seated male figure
2nd - 3rd century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Seated male figure
Creation Date
2nd - 3rd century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Standing male figure holding rasp
Standing male figure ho...
2nd century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Standing male figure holding rasp
Creation Date
2nd century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Seated male and female pair
Seated male and female ...
2nd century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Seated male and female pair
Creation Date
2nd century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Japan, Middle Yayoi Per...
c. 100 BC - 100
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Japan, Middle Yayoi Period
Creation Date
c. 100 BC - 100
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Severed Head Effigy Vessel
Peru, Nacza
Severed Head Effigy Ves...
200 BC - 100 AD
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Peru, Nacza
Severed Head Effigy Vessel
Creation Date
200 BC - 100 AD
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Double-Spout Jar
Peru, Ica Valley, Parac...
Double-Spout Jar
c. 300 BC-AD 100
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Peru, Ica Valley, Paracas
Double-Spout Jar
Creation Date
c. 300 BC-AD 100
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Peru, South Coast, Para...
c. 300 BC-AD 100
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Peru, South Coast, Paracas
Creation Date
c. 300 BC-AD 100
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Vessel with Supernatural Figures
Peru, South Coast, Para...
Vessel with Supernatura...
c. 300 BC-AD 100
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Peru, South Coast, Paracas
Vessel with Supernatural Figures
Creation Date
c. 300 BC-AD 100
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Vessel in the form of achira root
Nazca Culture
Vessel in the form of a...
100 - 400 A.D.
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Nazca Culture
Vessel in the form of achira root
Creation Date
100 - 400 A.D.
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Double-spouted vessel depicting lizards
Nazca Culture
Double-spouted vessel d...
100 - 200 A.D.
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Nazca Culture
Double-spouted vessel depicting lizards
Creation Date
100 - 200 A.D.
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Vessel in the form of warrior with trophy head and dart thrower
Nazca Culture
Vessel in the form of w...
100 - 400 A.D.
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Nazca Culture
Vessel in the form of warrior with trophy head and dart thrower
Creation Date
100 - 400 A.D.
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Bowl with Trophy-head Taster Image
Peru, South Coast, Nasc...
Bowl with Trophy-head T...
c. 100-350
The Cleveland Museum of...
Creator Name-CRT
Peru, South Coast, Nasca
Bowl with Trophy-head Taster Image
Creation Date
c. 100-350
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
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