Library of Congress Prints a
between 1896 and 1906
Hairy kid, Chinatown, San Fr
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1896 and 1906
In holiday finery, Chinatown
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1896 and 1906
Little Plum Blossom, Chinato
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1896 and 1906
The fish dealer's daughter,
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1896 and 1906
The fish dealer's daughter,
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1896 and 1906
Young girl walking down the
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1896 and 1906
Young girl walking down the
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1896 and 1942
Unidentified child, portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1896 and 1942
Unidentified child, standing
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1896 and 1942
Boy in the gardens of the Na
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1896 and 1942
Unidentified child, portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1899 and 1926
Travel views of Cuba and Gua
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1899 and 1926
Travel views of Cuba and Gua
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1906 Sept
Haskett boy, with cat, portr
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1906 and 1912
Horst child, portrait photog
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1906 Dec. 2
Coxhead girl, portrait photo
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1907 Jan. 24
Furth, M., Mrs., boy of, por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1907 Feb. 12
Welch, A., Mrs., baby of, po
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1907 July 20
Ansbro baby, portrait photog
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1907 Aug. 20
Hooker group, portrait photo
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1907 Sept. 30
Turpin group, portrait photo
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1907 Oct. 16
Plottner boy with dog, portr
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1908 Feb. 15
Guittard, Mrs., child of, po
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1908 Mar. 4
Trowbridge, C.C., Mrs., chil
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1908 Dec. 4
Morris, F., child of, portra
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1908 Dec. 5
Smith, Betty, Miss, portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1908 Dec. 5
Smith, Scott, Master, and Mi
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1908 or 1909
Rogers, Arthur, children of,
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1908 or 1909
Rogers, Arthur, child of, po
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Travel views of Japan and Ko
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Neuhaus, Master, portrait ph
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Neuhaus, Master, portrait ph
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Nov. 17
Casserly, E., Mrs., and baby
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Nov. 17
Casserly, E., Mrs., and Mast
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Nov. 17
Casserly, Michel, Master, po
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1910 Nov. 28
Moore, Miss, nephew of, port
Arnold Genthe