Browse All : Copper alloy and Sculpture of Asian; Indian Sub-Continent; Indian and India, Tamil Nadu from Chola period, 12th century

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Saint Sambandar
South Indian
Saint Sambandar
Chola period, 12th cent...
Asia Society
Creator Name-CRT
South Indian
Saint Sambandar
Creation Date
Chola period, 12th century
AMICA Contributor
Asia Society
South Indian
Chola period, 12th cent...
Asia Society
Creator Name-CRT
South Indian
Creation Date
Chola period, 12th century
AMICA Contributor
Asia Society
Saint Mannikkavachaka
South Indian
Saint Mannikkavachaka
Chola period, 12th cent...
Asia Society
Creator Name-CRT
South Indian
Saint Mannikkavachaka
Creation Date
Chola period, 12th century
AMICA Contributor
Asia Society
Shiva and Parvati (Somaskanda)
South Indian
Shiva and Parvati (Soma...
Chola period, 12th cent...
Asia Society
Creator Name-CRT
South Indian
Shiva and Parvati (Somaskanda)
Creation Date
Chola period, 12th century
AMICA Contributor
Asia Society
Shiva as Lord of the Dance (Shiva Nataraja)
South Indian
Shiva as Lord of the Da...
Chola period, 12th cent...
Asia Society
Creator Name-CRT
South Indian
Shiva as Lord of the Dance (Shiva Nataraja)
Creation Date
Chola period, 12th century
AMICA Contributor
Asia Society
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