The Metropolitan Museum of A
Rapier of Prince-Elector Chr
[Blade by Juan Martinez, Hil
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c, 1700
Rowel Spur
Spain, c. 1700
The Cleveland Museum of Art
13th century
Pricked Spur
Spain, 13th century
The Cleveland Museum of Art
second half of 16th Century
Two-Handed Sword
Spain, Toledo (?), second ha
The Cleveland Museum of Art
second half of 16th Century
Two-Handed Sword
Spain, Toledo, second half o
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1580-1610
Spain, Toledo, about 1580-16
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1650
Cup-Hilted Rapier
Spain, c. 1650
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1650
Spain, about 1650