Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 18, Reign of Amenhot
Fowl Case with Mummified Pig
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 18, Reign of Amenhot
Fowl case with mummified pig
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 18, 1539-1295/1292 B
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
1550-1070 B.C.
Container in the shape of a
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Late Dynasty 11 to early Dyn
Wooden model boat
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
2140-2040 B.C.
Coffin of Menkabu
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
332-30 B.C.
Canopic chest
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 26, about 700-675 B.
Shawabtys of Nes-mut-aat-ner
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 17, about 1630-1539
Shawabty and coffin
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 21-24, about 1085-75
Face from a coffin
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 21-26, about 1075-52
Face from an anthropoid coff
Artist not recorded