Aachen, Hans von
Andrea Del Sarto
Angrand, Charles
Anselmi, Michelangelo
Armstrong, William
Arzere, Stefano dall'
Attwood, Francis Gilbert
Avercamp, Hendric
Back, George
Baillairgé, François
Bailly, David
Bainbrigge, Philip John
Baldi, Lazzaro
Bandinelli, Baccio
Barnsley, James Macdonald
Barocci, Federico
Bartlett, W.H.
Bassano, Jacopo
Bassetti, Marcantonio
Batoni, Pompeo
Beaucourt, François
Beccafumi, Domenico
Bejot, Eugene
Bell-Smith, Frederic Marl
Bellange, Jacques
Bellanger, Camille-Felix
Belle, Charles de
Bellefleur, Léon
Bellini, Filippo
Benso, Giulio
Bercham, Claes Pietersz.
Berczy, William
Berczy, William Bent
Besnard, Albert
Beurdeley Jacques
Bisschop, Jan de
Bloemaert, Abraham
Bochner, Mel
Boilly, Louis-Léopold
Bone, David Muirhead Sir
Bonnard, Pierre
Boscoli, Andrea
Bouchardon, Edmé
Boucher, François
Boudin, Eugène Louis
Boughton, George Henry
Brandi, Giacinto
Bresdin, Rodolphe
Bronzino, Agnolo
Brownell, Franklin
Bruce, William Blair
Brymner, William
Buhot, Félix
Buonarroti, Michelangelo
Burchfield, Charles
Burnside, J.T.M.
Bury Priscilla
Butteri, Giovanni Maria
Cades, Giuseppe
Callot, Jacques
Cambiaso, Luca
Cammarano, Giuseppe
Campi, Bernardino
Cantagallina, Remigio
Cantarini, Simone
Canuti, Domenico Maria
Caraglio, Giovanni Jacopo
Caravaggio, Polidoro da
Carmichael, Frank
Carmontelle, Louis Carrog
Caron, Paul
Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste
Carr, Emily
Carracci, Agostino
Carracci, Annibale
Carracci, Lodovico
Casolani, Alessandro
Cassas, Louis François
Cassatt Mary
Castello, Bernardo
Castiglione, Francesco
Castiglione, Giovanni Ben
Cavenezia, Giacomo
Cedini, Constantino
Cesari, Giuseppe (Cavalie
Cesi, Bartolomeo
Chaplin Charles
Chassériau Théodore
Chimenti, Jacopo (called
Chodowiecki, Daniel
Chéret, Jules
Cignani, Carlo
Cipriani, Giovanni Battis
Cittadini, Pier Francesco
Clerk of Eldin, John
Cochin, Charles-Nicolas I
Cockburn, James Pattison
Cole, Ernest
Collings, Charles John
Colville, Alex
Constable John
Corneille, Jean-Baptiste
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Cami
Cory, Fanny Y
Cotelle, Jean (the Elder)
Courtois, Guillaume
Cox, Palmer
Cresson, William Emlen
Creti, Donato
Crone, Samuel H.
Cummins, Jane
Cuyp, Aelbert
Cézanne, Paul
Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal A
Daguerre, Louis Jacques M
Danby, Francis
Dartnell, George Russell
Daubigny, Charles Françoi
Daumier, Honoré-Victorin
David, Gheerart
David, Jacques Louis
David, Jacques-Louis
David, Jean-Pierre
Davies, Arthur Bowen
Davies, Thomas
de With Pieter
Decamps, Alexandre Gabrie
Degas, Edgar Germain Hil
Delacroix, Eugène
Delfosse, Georges
Devéria, Eugène François
Dewing, Thomas Wilmer
Dick, David B.
Don, Martino del
Donly, Eva Brook
Doomer, Lambert
Doré, Gustave
Dubois, Ambroise
Dulongpré, Louis
Dumonstier, Daniel
Duncan, James
Duranti, Fortunato
Dusart, Cornelis
Dürer, Albrecht
Edson, Allan
Edwards, George Wharton
Elliott, Elizabeth Shippe
Empoli, Jacopo da
Eschard, Charles
Everdingen, Allart van
Farinati, Paolo
Fenzone, Ferraù
Fenzoni, Ferrau
Ferretti, Giovanni Domeni
Filhon, Paul
Fine Arts Museums of San
Fish, Fred
Flagg, James Montgomery
Foggini, Giovanni Battist
Fontana, Lavinia
Fontana, Prospero
Forbes, Elizabeth Armstro
Ford, Harriet
Forrest, Charles Ramus
Foster, Myles Birket
Fowler, Daniel
Fragonard Alexandre-Evari
Fragonard, Jean Honoré
Francelli, Pietro
Franceschini, Marc Antoni
Franciabigio, Franciabigi
Franco, Battista
Franco, Giovanni Battista
Fraser, John A.
Freundlich, Otto
Friend, Washington
Frost, A. B.
Fuhr, Ernest
Fuller, Thomas
Fullylove, John
Gagen, R.F.
Gagnon, Clarence
Galli-Bibiena, Ferdinando
Gambara, Lattanzio
Gandolfi, Gaetano
Gauguin, Paul
Gelder, Aert de
Gervais, Paul
Gheyn II, Jacques de
Ghezzi, Pier-Leone
Gibson, Charles Dana
Gifford, Sanford Robinson
Gillot, Claude
Gionima, Antonio
Giordano Luca
Girodet de Roucy-Trioson,
Girolamo da Carpi
Giulio Romano (Giulio Pip
Glackens, L. M
Glackens, William James
Gogh, Vincent Van
Gonin, Francesco
Goodwin, Betty
Goodwin, Betty Roodish
Goya y Lucientes, Francis
Goyen, Jan van
Grant, D.E.
Grant, Gordon
Green, W.
Greenaway, Kate
Gregoire, Paul
Greuze, Jean-Baptiste
Griffiths, James
Grimaldi, Giovanni France
Grosvenor, Thelma Cudlipp
Gruger, Frederic Rodrigo
Guardi, Francesco
Guardi, Giovanni Antonio
Guerra, Giovanni
Géricault, Jean Louis And
Géricault, Théodore
Harding, Charlotte
Hart, George Overbury (Po
Heemskerck, Maerten van
Heemskerck, Marten van
Held, John
Herford, Oliver
Heriot, George
Hind, William G.R.
Hochstein, A
Hoin, Claude Jean Baptist
Holberg, Richard A
Holdstock, A.W.
Holmes, Robert H.
Homer, Winslow
Hopkins, J.W.
Howard, A.H.
Huard, Charles
Huet, Jean Baptiste
Huet, Paul
Hunt, William Holman
Huot, Charles
India, Bernardino
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Domi
Iskowitz, Gershon
Jacobi, O.R.
Jacobi, Otto Reinhold
Jacobs, William Leroy
Jacopo da Ponte (called J
Jefferys, C.W.
Jordaens, Jacob
Jouvenet, Jean Baptiste,
Julien, Henri
Jungen, Brian
Kamrowski, Gerome
Kappes, Alfred
Keith, Dora
Keller, Arthur Ignatius
Kerr-Lawson, James
Kigusiuq, Janet
Kirchner Ernst
Kitaj, R. B.
Klee, Paul
Klimt, Gustav
Knowles, Farquhar McGilli
Koninck, Philips
Kuniyoshi, Utagawa
La Fosse, Charles de
Lagneau, Nicolas
Lancret, Nicolas
Lanino, Bernardino
Lapointe, Lyne
Larose, Ludger
Le Brun, Charles
Le Sueur, Eustache
Leduc, Ozias
Leonardo Da Vinci
Levinge, Richard George A
Lhermitte, Léon Augustin
Library of Congress Pri
Lievens, Jan (the Elder)
Lievrat, Leon-Henri
Lismer, Arthur
Loo, Carle van
Lorrain, Claude
Luini, Aurelio
Lyle, John M.
Léger, Onésime-Aimé
Lépicié, Nicolas Bernard
MacDonald, J.E.H.
MacDonald, James Edward H
Machefert, Adrien Claude
Magnasco, Alessandro
Manet, Édouard
Mantegna, Andrea
Maratti, Carlo
Marchetti, Marco (Marco d
Marinari, Onorio
Martin, T. Mower
Marullo, Michelangelo
Matthews, Marmaduke
Maxwell, Edward
McBey, James
McCutcheon, John T.
McGillivray, Florence H.
Mercer, Alexander Cavalié
Meulen, Frans van der
Millet Jean-Baptiste
Millet, Jean-François
Milne, David B.
Milne, David Brown
Morandini, Francesco
Moreau, Gustave
Moreau, Jean Michel 'Le J
Moreau, Louis Gabriel
Morisot, Berthe
Morrice, James Wilson
Morris, Edmund
Morrison George
Muhlstock, Louis
Myers Jerome
Nanteuil, Célestin Franço
Nast, Thomas
National Gallery of Can
Neilson, H. Ivan
Newell, Peter
Novelli, Pietro Antonio
O'Brien, Lucius R.
O'Brien, Lucius Richard
O'Neill, Rose Cecil
Oakley, Violet
Oldenburg, Claes
Oonark, Jessie
Orizzonte (Frans von Bloe
Orpen, William Newenham M
Orsi, Lelio (Lelio da Nov
Ortkens, Aert
Oudry, Jean-Baptiste
Paggi, Giovanni Battista
Pajou, Augustin
Palma Il Giovane
Palmer, Samuel
Parsons, Alfred
Passarotti, Bartolomeo
Passarotti, Bartolommeo
Passeri, Giuseppe
Peixotto, Ernest
Pellegrini, Giovanni Anto
Penfield, Edward
Penni, Luca
Peranda, Sante
Perino del Vaga
Petrini, Giuseppe Antonio
Pflug, Christiane
Piazzetta, Giovanni Batt
Picchi, Giorgio
Pietro da Cortona
Pietro da Cortona (Pietro
Pillement, Jean Baptiste
Pinelli Bartolomo
Piola, Domenico
Piranesi, Giovanni Battis
Pissarro, Camille
Pittoni, Giovanni Battist
Poccetti, Bernardino
Pope Clara
Portail, Jacques André
Poussin, Nicolas
Preller, Friedrich
Preston, James M
Preston, May Wilson
Primaticcio, Francesco
Procaccini, Camillo
Procaccini, Giulio Cesare
Pupini, Biagio
Puvis de Chavannes, Pierr
Rackham, Arthur
Ravier, François-Auguste
Redon, Odilon
Reid, George A.
Reinhart, Charles Stanley
Rembrandt Harmensz van Ri
Remington, Frederic
Renesse, Constantyn à
Renoir, Pierre Auguste
Reynolds, Joshua
Richardson, Jonathan (the
Righini, Pietro
Rindisbacher, Peter
Rittig, Peter
Robert, Hubert
Robinson, Boardman
Robinson, Rachael
Rogers, W. A.
Romano, Giulio
Roncalli, Cristoforo
Rosenthal, Toby E.
Ross, Fred
Rosso Fiorentino
Rousseau Théodore
Rousseau, Theodore
Rovere, Giovanni Battista
Rovere, Giovanni Battista
Rubens, Peter Paul
Ruskin, John
Réattu Jacques
Sabbatini, Lorenzo
Saint-Aubin, Gabriel Jacq
Salviati, Francesco
Sandham, Henry
Schaefer, Carl
Schaefer, Carl Fellman
Schedoni, Bartolomeo
Schiele, Egon
Schipper, Gerritt
Schnorr von Carolsfeld, J
School of Redon
Scott, T.S.
Seurat, Georges
Shadbolt, Jack
Shannon Charles H.
Sherwood, Rosina Emmet
Shirlaw Walter
Simone, Scipione
Sirani, Elisabetta
Sloan, John
Smedley, W. T.
Smith, E. Boyd
Snellinck, Hans (I)
Sogliani, Giovanni Antoni
Solimena, Francesco
Sommer, William
Steele, Frederic Dorr
Steiger, Rudolf
Stella, Joseph
Stephens, Alice Barber
Sterner, Albert
Suzor-Coté, Marc-Aurèle d
Svarupa Rama
Tamagni, Vincenzo
Taylor, Charles Jay
Taylor, F. Walter
Tesi, Mauro Antonio
The Art Institute of Ch
The Cleveland Museum of
The Minneapolis Institut
Thompson, Mills
Thomson, Tom
Tiepolo, Giovanni Battis
Tiepolo, Giovanni Domenic
Tintoretto, Jacopo
Tischbein, Carl Wilhelm
Tissot, James
Tito, Ettore
Torre, Flaminio
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri d
Trotti, Giovanni Battista
Trémolières, Pierre Charl
Turner, J.M.W.
Twachtman, John Henry
Uden, Lucas van
Urbino, Carlo
Vallotton, Félix Edouard
Valpuesta, Pedro de
Van Horne, William
Varley, F.H.
Vasari, Giorgio
Veen, Otto van
Venusti, Marcello
Verdier, François
Verner, Frederick A.
Vernet, Carle
Vernet, Claude-Joseph
Veronese, Paolo
Vimercati, Carlo
Vinckeboons, David
Vlieger, Simon de
Volterra, Daniela da
Vrancx, Sebastian
Vuillard, Édouard
Walker, Horatio
Ward, William Dudley
Washburn, Cadwallader
Watteau, Jean Antoine
Watteau, Jean-Antoine
Way, C.J.
Wenzell, Albert Beck
Wireman, Eugenie M
Woolford, John Elliott
Yohn, Frederick Coffay
Yunkers, Adja
Zehme, W
Zuccarelli, Francesco
Zuccaro, Federico
Zucchi, Jacopo
Browse All
Drawing and Drawings and Watercolors
Creator Name-CRT
Hans von Aachen
Adoration of the Shepherds
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Hans von Aachen
Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus
Creation Date
c. 1584-1587
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
Andrea del Sarto Andrea del Sarto
Saint Michael and San Giovanni Gualberto
Creation Date
Late 16th Century
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Creator Name-CRT
Andrea del Sarto Andrea del Sarto
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Creator Name-CRT
Andrea del Sarto Andrea del Sarto
Saint Mary Magdalene
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Creator Name-CRT
Charles Angrand
[Paysage aux meules, End of the Harvest]
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
[Michelangelo Anselmi, Michelangelo Anselmi, Circle of]
Kneeling Mother Embracing Child
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Creator Name-CRT
William Armstrong
Arrival of the Prince of Wales at Toronto, September 1860
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
Stefano dall' Arzere, Circle of
Saint Anthony of Padua
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Creator Name-CRT
Francis Gilbert Attwood
Born to dwell with birds & flowers
Creation Date
between 1875 and 1899
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Creator Name-CRT
Francis Gilbert Attwood
Peace on Earth, good will to men : a Christmas satire
Creation Date
between 1880 and 1889
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Creator Name-CRT
Francis Gilbert Attwood
October : the stump orator is loose!
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Creator Name-CRT
Francis Gilbert Attwood
AMICA Contributor
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Creator Name-CRT
Hendric Avercamp
[Two Old Men beside a Sled Bearing the Coats of Arms of Amsterdam and Urtecht, The Amsterdam-Utrecht Mail Sled, The Amsterdam Mail Sled, Winter Scene, with the Mail Sled, Winter Scene]
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Creator Name-CRT
George Back
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
George Back
Expedition Crossing Cracroft's River
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
George Back
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
George Back
Upper Part of the Mackenzie River, Woods on Fire
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
George Back
Encampment between Points King and Sabine
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
George Back
A-wak-aw-e-paw-etek, or Slave Falls
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
George Back
Loss of the Third Canoe at the Barrier Rapid, Kamanatekwoya River
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
George Back
Eskimos Coming towards the Boats in Shoalwater Bay
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
François Baillairgé
Creation Date
c. 1778-1781
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
David Bailly
Head of a Man with Curly Hair
Creation Date
c. 1635-1645
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
Philip John Bainbrigge
Artillery Returning to Montreal
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
Lazzaro Baldi
Joseph and His Brethren, Genesis 41 (recto); Minor Sketches of Head and Figures (verso)
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Creator Name-CRT
Baccio Bandinelli
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
Baccio Bandinelli
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
James M. Barnsley
Landscape with Two Figures
Creation Date
c. 1881-1892
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
James M. Barnsley
Portrait of a Woman
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
James M. Barnsley
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
[Federico Barocci, Jonathan Richardson, the elder]
Head of Bearded Man Looking Upwards
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Creator Name-CRT
W.H. Bartlett
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
Jacopo Bassano
Christ Crowned with Thorns
Creation Date
17th/18th Century
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Creator Name-CRT
Pompeo Batoni
Studies for the Figure of St. Paul in the Allegory of Benedict XIV
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Creator Name-CRT
François Beaucourt
Portrait of a Young Girl
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
Domenico Beccafumi
[River Gods, Two Reclining Male Nudes, Three Reclining Male Nudes, Study for Moses and the Israelites Drinking, Three Male Nudes]
Creation Date
[c. 1535, c. 1540-1547]
AMICA Contributor
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Eugene Bejot
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Eugene Bejot
La Seine au Port-Marie, Paris
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Frederic M. Bell-Smith
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
Jacques Bellange
[The Holy Family Resting on the Flight into Egypt, Rest on the Flight into Egypt, Le repos pendant la fuite en Egypte]
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Creator Name-CRT
Camille-Felix Bellanger
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Charles de Belle
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
Charles de Belle
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
Léon Bellefleur
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
[Filippo Bellini, Bellini, Filippo, Circle of]
Virgin of Mercy (Madonna della Misericordia)
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Creator Name-CRT
Claes Pietersz. Bercham
Landscape with Waterfalls and Bridges, Peasants in the Foreground
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Creator Name-CRT
William Berczy
William Bent Berczy
Creation Date
c. 1798-1799
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
William Bent Berczy
Huron Indians Leaving their Residence near Amherstburg, Upper Canada, on a Hunting Excursion
Creation Date
c. 1825-1834
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada
Creator Name-CRT
William Bent Berczy
Creation Date
c. 1840-1850
AMICA Contributor
National Gallery of Canada