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The Art Institute of Chicago
Madonna and Child with Two A …
[Correggio, Sir Joshua Reyno
The Art Institute of Chicago
[The Astronomers, Study, Fin
Donato Creti
The Art Institute of Chicago
Seated Male Nude
Empoli, Jacopo da, Follower …
The Art Institute of Chicago
17th century
Paolo Farinato
The Art Institute of Chicago
c. 1591
Reclining Male Nude, from Be …
Ferraù Fenzone
The Art Institute of Chicago
=1720/1739 wkg EAM
[The Holy Ghost and Angels,
Giovanni Domenico Ferretti
The Art Institute of Chicago
c. 1605
Death Mask of a Woman
Fontana, Lavinia, Circle of
The Art Institute of Chicago
The Infant Hercules Strangli …
Prospero Fontana
The Art Institute of Chicago
Crowned Woman Kneeling in La …
Prospero Fontana
The Art Institute of Chicago
mid-16th century
Virgin Mary Standing in Prof …
[Franciabigio Franciabigio,
The Art Institute of Chicago
After the Antique; Greek and …
Battista Franco
The Art Institute of Chicago
Half-length Sketch of Bearde …
Battista Franco
The Art Institute of Chicago
=1750/1766 wkg ald
[Architectural Fantasy, Monu
[Ferdinando Galli-Bibiena, M
The Art Institute of Chicago
=1750/1766 wkg ald
[Architectural Details, Arch
[Ferdinando Galli-Bibiena, M
The Art Institute of Chicago
Putti with Peacocks and Musi …
Gambara, Lattanzio, Workshop …
The Art Institute of Chicago
=1652-1705 wkg ald
[Last Supper, Copy, Final Pu
[Luca Giordano, Agostino Car
The Art Institute of Chicago
=1652-1705 wkg ald
[Reclining Child, Child on C
Luca Giordano
The Art Institute of Chicago
Roman Conquest
Girolamo da Carpi, Follower …
The Art Institute of Chicago
Blenheim Palace Sarcophagus: …
Girolamo da Carpi Girolamo d …
The Art Institute of Chicago
Blenheim Palace Sarcophagus: …
Girolamo da Carpi Girolamo d …
The Art Institute of Chicago
Study for the Triumphs of Ju …
[Giulio Romano, Mantegna, An
The Art Institute of Chicago
Sketch of Trees and House
Giulio Romano
The Art Institute of Chicago
Birth of Adonis
Giulio Romano
The Art Institute of Chicago
Cupid in Triumphal Chariot, …
Romano, Giulio, Follower of
The Art Institute of Chicago
Seated Faun Holding Cornucop …
Giulio Romano
The Art Institute of Chicago
17th/18th century
Study for Venus Asking Jupit …
Giulio Romano
The Art Institute of Chicago
=c. 1770 wkg AM//=1755-1765 …
[Adoration of the Shepherds,
Francesco Guardi
The Art Institute of Chicago
=1775-1780 wkg J79b
[Capriccio with a Squall on
Francesco Guardi
The Art Institute of Chicago
=1780-1785 wkg J79b
[Gateway Near a Landing Brid
Francesco Guardi
The Art Institute of Chicago
=c. 1750 wkg LG
[Il Ridotto, Il Ridotto (The
Giovanni Antonio Guardi
The Art Institute of Chicago
=c.1750 wkg LG
Sketch of Joseph Holding the …
Giovanni Antonio Guardi
The Art Institute of Chicago
=c. 1620 wkg DMa
[Final Published Work: Jacob
[Guercino, imitator of, Guer
The Art Institute of Chicago
Muleteers and Mules
Giovanni Guerra
The Art Institute of Chicago
Seated Virgin and Child
Bernardino India
The Art Institute of Chicago
c. 1555
Studies for the Deposition
Aurelio Luini
The Art Institute of Chicago
c. 1555
Studies for Prophets in Span …
Aurelio Luini
The Art Institute of Chicago
=1720-1725 wkg JM79
[Ballad Singer at a Shrine o
Alessandro Magnasco
The Art Institute of Chicago
=1720-1725 wkg JM79
[Picaresque Group with a Mon
Alessandro Magnasco
The Art Institute of Chicago
Design for Tomb with Canopy
[Marco Marchetti, Francesco
The Art Institute of Chicago
Sacrifice of Isaac
Orsi, Lelio, Follower of
The Art Institute of Chicago
Monk giving Last Communion
[Paggi, Giovanni Battista, C
The Art Institute of Chicago
c. 1580
Sketches for a Lamentation a …
Jacopo Palma, called Il Giov …
The Art Institute of Chicago
Sketches of the Dead Christ, …
Jacopo Palma, called Il Giov …
The Art Institute of Chicago
Study for Venice, Crowned by …
Jacopo Palma, called Il Giov …
The Art Institute of Chicago
[Two Sketches of Male Nudes,
Jacopo Palma, called Il Giov …
The Art Institute of Chicago
Three Sketches: Seated Male …
Jacopo Palma, called Il Giov …
The Art Institute of Chicago
Study for the Flagellation o …
Jacopo Palma, called Il Giov …
The Art Institute of Chicago
Saint Justina of Padua Enthr …
Jacopo Palma, called Il Giov …
The Art Institute of Chicago
Sketches of Heads, Eyes, Ear …
Jacopo Palma, called Il Giov …
The Art Institute of Chicago
St. Lawrence
Jacopo Palma, called Il Giov …