The Cleveland Museum of Art
[c. 1535, c. 1540-1547]
[River Gods, Two Reclining M
Domenico Beccafumi
The Art Institute of Chicago
Oracle and Worshippers befor
[Polidoro da Caravaggio, Gio
The Art Institute of Chicago
Foreshortened Putto
The Art Institute of Chicago
After the Antique; Greek and
Battista Franco
The Cleveland Museum of Art
mid 1500s
Design for Two Vases and an
Perino del Vaga
The Cleveland Museum of Art
mid 1500s
Sketches of Five Arms and a
Perino del Vaga
National Gallery of Canada
c. 1525
The Transfiguration of Chris
Biagio Pupini
The Art Institute of Chicago
Design for Overdoor: Two Ign
Salviati, Francesco, Circle
The Art Institute of Chicago
Seated Woman with Spindle
Salviati, Francesco, Circle