Browse All : Drawing from 17th century and 1700

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Birth of Alexander
Polidoro da Caravaggio
Birth of Alexander
17th century
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Polidoro da Caravaggio
Birth of Alexander
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Landscape with Farm Buildings
Pieter de With
Landscape with Farm Bui...
17th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
Pieter de With
Landscape with Farm Buildings
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Madonna and Child in the Clouds (adored by two pairs of donors)
Madonna and Child in th...
17th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
Madonna and Child in the Clouds (adored by two pairs of donors)
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
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