The Minneapolis Institute of
17th century
Joseph and His Brethren, Gen
Lazzaro Baldi
The Art Institute of Chicago
17th/18th Century
Christ Crowned with Thorns
Jacopo Bassano
The Art Institute of Chicago
17th century
Paolo Farinato
The Minneapolis Institute of
17th century
Study for a Console
Giovanni Battista Foggini
The Minneapolis Institute of
17th century
Landscape with Trees
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
The Minneapolis Institute of
17th century
The Holy Family
attributed to Il Guercino (G
The Minneapolis Institute of
17th century
Two Putti Covering a Cartouc
Il Guercino (Giovanni France
The Cleveland Museum of Art
[1600s, 1690s]
Ruth and Boaz
Michelangelo Marullo
The Cleveland Museum of Art
[1600s, 1690s]
The Fall of Simon Magus
Michelangelo Marullo
The Minneapolis Institute of
17th century
Hagar and Ishmael in the Des
Domenico Piola
The Art Institute of Chicago
17th century
Group of Youths
Raffaello Sanzio, called Rap