Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
19th century
The decline of the Carthagin
after James Baylis Allen
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
19th century
View of Orvieto
S. Bradshaw
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
19th century
The Lorreto Necklace
Charles Cousen
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
19th century
The Goddess of discord in th
Thomas Ariel Prior
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
19th century
Crossing the brook
George Richardson
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
19th century
Interior of large vine house
S. Turrell
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
19th century
Italy; Childe harold's pilgr
James Tilbitts Willmore
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
19th century
Dido & Aneas, the morning of
James Tilbitts Willmore
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
19th century
Mercury & Argus
James Tilbitts Willmore