Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Silenus with Three Satyrs
Francesco di Domenico Maria
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Air (Iris on a Rainbow) from
Giulio Carpioni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Water (A Naiad with a water
Giulio Carpioni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Satyr Children Singing and D
Giulio Carpioni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
The Triumph of Galatea, pl.9
Carlo Cesio (or Carlo Cesius
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
The Family of Darius at the
Giovanni Battista Galestruzz
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Two Senators Speaking to the
Giovanni Battista Galestruzz
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Christ and the Woman Taken i
after Palma Giovane (Jacopo
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Orpheus Charming the Wild Be
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Orbis fabrica (The Creation
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Hominis creatio (The Creatio
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Aetas aurea (The Age of Gold
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Aetas ferrea (The Age of Iro
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Gigantomachia (Giants Atempt
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Diluvium (The Flood), pl. 7
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Reparatio generis humani (Re
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Python ab Apolline interfici
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
(Argus a Mercurio iugulatur
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Funestas ad Phoebum Phaeton
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Phaetontiws casus (The Death
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Coronis in cornicem transfor
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Apoliinis sagitta Coronis tr
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Ocyroe vaticinata in equam (
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Mercurius Herses amore accen
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Pallas Invidiam in Aglaurum
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Aglauros a Mercurio in lapid
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Iupiter tauri imagine Europa
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Draco a Cadmo interficitur (
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Dianoe aspectu Actaeon in ce
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Semele divino Iovis concubit
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Amore sui inardescens Narcis
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Thisbe leonoe aspectu territ
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Thisbe Pyrami exemplum aemul
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Coniugis furtum Sol Vulcano
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Martem Veneremqz adulterante
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Hermaphroditus et Salmacis u
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Iunonis ad Furias alloquium
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Thesiphone regem, reginamqz
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Athamas Learchum interficit
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Perseus occisa bellua Androm
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Anguiparum Medusae caput pra
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Phineus Andromedae in nuptij
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Atlas ob inhospitalitatem in
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Pallas in Helicone Musas inv
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Musae dum Pyrenei vim effugi
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Plutonis animum amore Proser
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Rapta Proserpina Cyane in st
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Ascalaphus a Proserpina in b
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Sirenes Proserpinae comites
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Arethusa ab Alpheo adamata i
Antonio Tempesta