Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
The Holy Family
Francesco Amato
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
St. Jerome in the Desert
Francesco Amato
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Jacob and Laban with Leah an
Sisto Badalocchio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Rest on the Flight to Egypt
Bartolomeo Biscaino
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
The Finding of Moses
Bartolomeo Biscaino
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
mid 17th century
The Nativity with Angels
Bartolomeo Biscaino
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
mid 17th century
The Nativity
Bartolomeo Biscaino
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
The Ark of the Covenant Carr
Orazio Borgiani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Joshua Commanding the Sun an
Orazio Borgiani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
The Lamentation Over the Dea
Orazio Borgiani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
A Consistory Showing the Int
Ambrogio Brambilla
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Rest on the Flight into Egyp
Simone Cantarini
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
St Anthony of Padua Adoring
Simone Cantarini
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Madonna and Child Beside a F
Bernardino Capitelli
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Chiesa de Frari, pl. 24 from
Luca Carlevariis
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
St. Anthony of Padua
Giulio Carpioni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Christ of Caprarola
Annibale Carracci
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
circa 1647
Nativity with God the Father
Giovanni Benedetto Castiglio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
The Raising of Lazarus
Salvatore Castiglione
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
mid 17th century
The Raising of Lazarus
Guillaume Courtois
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
The Journey Of Jacob Into Eg
Stefano della Bella
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
The Flight Into Egypt
Stefano della Bella
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
circa 1641
The Flight Into Egypt
Stefano della Bella
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
The Crossing of the Red Sea,
Orazio Farinati
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Magdalen
Paolo Farinati
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
The Wedding Feast at Cana, a
Odoardo Fialetti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
St John the Baptist Preachin
Giambattista Fontana
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Holy Family on their Fli
Giovanni Battista Franco
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
late 18th century
The Pilgrims
Gaetano Gandolfi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Virgin and Child with Saint
Girolamo Imperiali
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Angelos custos (Guardian Ang
Girolamo Imperiali
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
The Guardian Angel
Girolamo Imperiali
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
The Flight into Egypt
attrib. to Giovanni Francesc
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
The Rest on the Flight into
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Der Graf (The Nobleman), pl.
Wenceslas Hollar
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
mid 17th century
The Mystic Marriage of St. C
Carlo Maratti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
The Baptism of Christ
Giovanni Battista Mercati
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th - 17th century
The Doubting Thomas (Incredu
Palma Giovane (Jacopo Negret
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Christ and the Woman Taken i
after Palma Giovane (Jacopo
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
St. Peter Delivered From Pri
G. Petrignani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Veduta della Facciata della
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Christ and the Samaritan Wom
Attributed to Guido Reni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
The Holy Family with St. Cla
Guido Reni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Holy Family with Two Angels
Guido Reni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Angels in Glory, after Luca
Guido Reni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Veduta Generale del Tempio d
Luigi Rossini
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Saint Sebastian, after Anton
Pietro Rotari
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Joachim and Anna
Ventura Salimbeni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Marriage of the Virgin
Ventura Salimbeni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Joachim and Anna, copy after
after Ventura Salimbeni