Library of Congress Prints a
1918 Mar
Bolm, Adolph, Mr., portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1918 Mar
Allan, Lieutenant, portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1918 Mar
Sturges, Rush, Mrs., portrai
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1918 Mar
Brown, E.C., Commander, port
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1918 Mar
Andrews, John, Mr., portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1918 Mar
Andrews, John, Mr., portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1918 Mar
Hiskman, B.B., Mr., portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1918 Mar
Plant, C., Miss, portrait ph
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1918 Mar
Boulton, Daniel S., Mr., por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1918 Mar
Boulton, Daniel S., Mr., por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1918 Mar
Vance, Arthur, Mr., portrait
Arnold Genthe