The Cleveland Museum of Art
11th Century
Byzantium, 11th Century
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1325-1350
Mirror Case: Tristan and Iso
France, Paris, 14th Century
The Cleveland Museum of Art
late 19th Century
Side-Blown Trumpet
Africa, Gabon, Equatorial Gu
The Cleveland Museum of Art
400s BC
Greece, 5th Century BC
The Cleveland Museum of Art
400s BC
Greece, 5th Century BC
The Cleveland Museum of Art
400s BC
Greece, 5th Century BC
The Cleveland Museum of Art
1st-2nd Century
Ladies Entertained by Dancer
India, Begram, Kushan Period
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Horn of Saint Blaise
Sicily, Palermo, 12th centur
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1100-1120
Plaque with Journey to Bethl
South Italy, 12th Century
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1250
Enthroned Virgin and Child
Valley of the Meuse, 13th ce
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1300-1350
Front Panel from a Casket wi
France, Paris, 14th century
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1300-1350
Lid from a Casket with a Jou
France, Paris, 14th century
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Diptych: The Life of Saint M
Germany, Cologne (?), 14th C
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1470
Roundel with the Annunciatio
Germany, Upper Rhine, 15th C
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Carved Tusk
Africa, Nigeria, Edo, Benin
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Carved Tusk
Africa, Nigeria, Edo, Benin
The Cleveland Museum of Art
8th Century
Fasting Buddha
India, Kashmir, 8th Century
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 967-970
Placque with Christ Blessing
Germany, Ottonian, 10th Cent