Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
1539-1075 B.C.
Kohl pot
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
332-30 B.C.
Bust of a king
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 1, reign of Djer, 29
Stela of a woman
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Old Kingdom, Dynasty 5, reig
Decree of Neferirkare
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Early Dynasty 4, about 2575-
"Reserve head" of Nofer
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 332-31 B.C.
Plaque of a prince or child
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 1-2, 3000-2675 B.C.
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mid-Dynasty 5 to early Dynas
Seated statue of Akhmeretnes
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 4, reign of Khufu, 2
Slab stela of Meretites
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 4, reign of Menkaure
Prince Khunera as a scribe
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 6, 2323-2150 B.C.
Seated statuette of Nekhebu
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 12, reign of Amenemh
Stela of Seniankhu and his w
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 4, probably reign of
"Reserve Head" of an officia
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Late Dynasty 12or early Dyna
Stela of Ameny
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 18, reign of Horemhe
Lid for double shawabty coff
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 26, 688-525 B.C.
Archaizing relief of a man
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 18, reign of Akhenat
Fragment of a boundary stela
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 26, 688-526 B.C.
Double canopic jar
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 18, reign of Akhenat
Talatat: palace interior
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 3, about 2649-2575 B
Head and upper torso of a ma
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Middle to late Dynasty 5, re
Standing figure of Weri
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 5, 2465-2323 B.C.
Woman tending a fire
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 5, 2500-2350 B.C.
Servant statue of a woman gr
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 6, 2350-2170 B.C.
Statue of a seated woman
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
late Dynasty 5, about 2400 B
Lintel from the tomb of Nofe
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 12, reign of Amenemh
"Reserve Head" of a lady
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 5, 2465-2323 B.C.
Seated statue of Nyshepsesne
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Late Dynasty 4 to early Dyna
Standing figure of Babaef
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Late Dynasty 4 to early Dyna
Standing figure of Babaef
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 6, 2323-2150 B.C.
False door of Redines
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 6, reign of Teti, 23
Artist not recorded
Mace head inscribed for King
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 6, 2350-2170 B.C.
Seated figure of Tjetety
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 4, reign of Khufu, 2
Relief of Hemiunu
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 1539-1075 B.C.
Ear stela
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 5, reign of Nyuserre
Pair statue of Nefu and Khen
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
early to mid Dynasty 5, 2500
False door of Inty
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 4, reign of Khufu, 2
Relief from the tomb of Prin
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 5, about 2465-2323 B
Statue of Khuienkhufu
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 5, 2500-2350 B.C.
Seated figure of Nefersefu
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 5 or 6, 2465-2150 B.
Statue of a seated man
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 18, reign of Aye, 13
Relief from a throne base
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 18, reign of Akhenat
Talatat: palace scene featur
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 4, reign of Khufu, 2
Personified estates
Artist not recorded
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Dynasty 18, reign of Akhenat
Relief of Akhenaten as a sph
Artist not recorded