The Metropolitan Museum of A
2nd-3rd century A.D.
Door lintel with lion-griffi
Northern Mesopotamia
The Art Institute of Chicago
Fragment of Animal Frieze
Italian, Lombardy
The Metropolitan Museum of A
12th century
Chapter House
From the Abbey of Notre-Dame
The Metropolitan Museum of A
ca. 1150
Head of King David
French, Paris
The Metropolitan Museum of A
ca. 1150-1170
Column Figure of a Nimbed Ki
The Metropolitan Museum of A
ca. 1150?1170
Portion of a Pilaster Capita
From the Abbey of Saint-Mart
The Metropolitan Museum of A
From the Church of San Marti
The Metropolitan Museum of A
before 1206 (with 14th-centu
Cloister of Saint-Guilhem-le
French (near Montpellier)
The Metropolitan Museum of A
ca. 1220?1230
Keystone from a Vaulted Ceil
The Metropolitan Museum of A
mid-13th century
Tomb Effigy of Jean d'Alluye
The Metropolitan Museum of A
ca. 1400
Pietà (Vesperbild)
Los Angeles County Museum of
3rd century
Relief with the Bodhisattva
India, Andhra Pradesh, Gumma
The Metropolitan Museum of A
second half of 3rd century
Buddha's Descent from the Tr
India, Andhra Pradesh, Nagar
The Metropolitan Museum of A
Fragment of a Lintel
The Metropolitan Museum of A
ca. 500?600
Fragment from a Lintel or Fr
Asia Society
Mon style, c. 8th century
Head of Buddha
The Metropolitan Museum of A
Not available
Capital, with the Presentati
From the Abbey of Saint-Guil