Library of Congress Prints a
1924 Sept. 30
Shewan, Edwin A., Mr., and c
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 Dec. 26
McCormack, John, Mr., with M
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 Mar. 17
Waid, D. Everet, Mr., and Mr
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 Mar. 31
Barrymore children, Diana an
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 Mar. 31
Barrymore children, Leonard,
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 Apr. 18
Loewery children, portrait p
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 Apr. 18
Loewery children, portrait p
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 Apr. 18
Loewery children, portrait p
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 Apr. 30
Symphonic String Quartet, po
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 May 12
Wright, William May, Mrs., a
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 May 27
Wright, William May, Mrs., a
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 July 9
Dunning family, standing out
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 July 22
Kennerley, Mr., and Norman b
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 July 22
Kennerley, Mr., Mrs. D. Norm
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 Aug. 15
Hoyos, George, Count and Cou
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 Aug. 19
De Casseres, Benjamin, Mr. a
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 Sept. 30
Shallcross, Cecil, Mrs., and
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 Nov. 19
Twichell Mr., and sons, port
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1925 Nov. 19
Twichell Mr., children of, p
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1926 Feb. 11
Eames, Claire, and baby, por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1926 Feb. 11
Eames, Claire, and baby, por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1926 and 1930
Egger, Gabrielle, Miss, and
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1926 and 1938
Leonard, Mr. and Mrs., stand
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1926 and 1938
Leonard, Mr. and Mrs., with
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1926 and 1930
Egger, Gabrielle, Miss, and
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1926 or 1927
Carrington, Audrey, and daug
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1927 and 1937
Alanson, Bertram, Mr. and Mr
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
between 1927 and 1937
Alanson, Bertram, Mr. and Mr
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1927 May 8
McCormick, Medill, family of
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1927 Feb. 18
Murphy, James B., Dr., and c
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Lee, Margaret, Miss, and uni
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Goodall, Yette and Ludig Ste
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Jannings, Emil, Mr., and Mr.
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Jannings, Emil, Mr., and Mr.
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Jannings, Emil, Mr., and Mr.
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Bohemian Club members, portr
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Bohemian Club members, portr
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
MacKaye, Percy, Mrs., and ch
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Silo, James P., Mr., childre
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Boleslavsky, N., Mr., and un
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Boleslavsky, N., Mr., and un
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Henderson, H.M., Mrs., and c
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Kahn, Otto H., Mr., and unid
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Kahn, Otto H., Mr., and unid
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1929 Dec. 15
Murray, J.B., Mrs., children
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
not before 1929
Gossler, Philip, Mrs., group
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1929 or 1930
Irma Duncan dancers
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Cenerini, Mrs., and child, s
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 May 2
Gaston, William, Mrs., and b
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1930 Mar. 31
Lovett, Robert, Mr., and chi
Arnold Genthe