1. Alexander, Francis (3)
  2. Alexander, John White (3)
  3. Allen, Thomas (1)
  4. Allston, Washington (15)
  5. American (32)
  6. Ames, Joseph (1)
  7. Anderson, Karl (1)
  8. Aronson, David (1)
  9. Audubon, Victor Gifford (1)
  10. Babcock, William P. (2)
  11. Bacon, Henry (3)
  12. Badger, Joseph (8)
  13. Ball, Thomas (1)
  14. Bard, James (1)
  15. Beard, William Holbrook (1)
  16. Beaux, Cecilia (2)
  17. Bellows, George Wesley (7)
  18. Bennett, William James (1)
  19. Benson, Frank Weston (11)
  20. Bierstadt, Albert (9)
  21. Binder, Jacob (1)
  22. Bingham, George (3)
  23. Bingham, George Caleb (2)
  24. Birch, Thomas (10)
  25. Blackburn, Joseph (20)
  26. Blakelock, Ralph Albert (2)
  27. Blashfield, Edwin Howland (1)
  28. Blythe, David Gilmour (5)
  29. Boggs, Frank, Myers (1)
  30. Boit, Edward Darley (2)
  31. Bosley, Frederick Andrew (2)
  32. Boutelle, De Witt Clinton (1)
  33. Bowers, Edward (1)
  34. Brewster, John (1)
  35. Bricher, Alfred Thompson (1)
  36. Bridgman, Frederick Arthu … (2)
  37. Brown, George Loring (5)
  38. Brown, John Appleton (4)
  39. Brown, John George (3)
  40. Brown, Mather (1)
  41. Browne, Byron (1)
  42. Bunker, Dennis Miller (6)
  43. Bunting, Jesse D. (1)
  44. Burnham, Thomas Mickell (1)
  45. Carter, Mrs. Robert (1)
  46. Cassatt, Mary (13)
  47. Chambers, Thomas (1)
  48. Champney, Benjamin (1)
  49. Chandler, Joseph (1)
  50. Chandler, Winthrop (2)
  51. Chapman, John Gadsby (2)
  52. Chase, Adelaide Cole (2)
  53. Chase, William Merritt (8)
  54. Church, Frederic Edwin (5)
  55. Churchill, William Worces … (1)
  56. Clark, Alvan (2)
  57. Clark, Virginia Keep (1)
  58. Clonney, James Goodwyn (5)
  59. Codman, Charles (1)
  60. Codman, John Amory (3)
  61. Cole, Joseph Foxcroft (4)
  62. Cole, Joseph Greenleaf (2)
  63. Cole, Thomas (10)
  64. Coles, John (1)
  65. Collins, Alfred Quinton (1)
  66. Copley, John Singleton (108)
  67. Costigan, John, Edward (1)
  68. Cranch, Christopher Pears … (1)
  69. Crawford, Ralston (1)
  70. Cropsey, Jasper Francis (7)
  71. Cushing, Howard Gardiner (1)
  72. Dabo, Leon Scott (1)
  73. Dallas Museum of Art (1)
  74. Dannat, William, Turner (1)
  75. Darby, Henry (5)
  76. Darrah, Sophia Towne (1)
  77. Davies, Arthur Bowen (2)
  78. Davis, Charles Harold (3)
  79. de Haas, Maurits Frederik (1)
  80. Deas, Charles (1)
  81. Decamp, Joseph (2)
  82. Decker, Joseph (1)
  83. Dewing, Thomas Wilmer (5)
  84. Dickinson, Preston (1)
  85. Dietz, Joseph J. (1)
  86. Dodson, Sarah Paxton Ball (2)
  87. Doughty, Thomas (10)
  88. Dove, Arthur Garfield (1)
  89. Dow, Arthur Wesley (1)
  90. Duncanson, Robert S. (2)
  91. Durand, Asher Brown (4)
  92. Durrie, George Henry (4)
  93. Duveneck, Frank (2)
  94. Eakins, Thomas (6)
  95. Earl, Ralph (3)
  96. Eastman, Seth (1)
  97. Eaton, Wyatt (1)
  98. Ehninger, John Whetten (1)
  99. Eichholtz, Jacob (3)
  100. Elliott, Charles Loring (1)
  101. Enneking, John, Joseph (2)
  102. Etnier, Stephen, Morgan (1)
  103. Evergood, Philip (2)
  104. Feininger, Lyonel (3)
  105. Feke, Robert (4)
  106. Field, Erastus Salisbury (11)
  107. Fiene, Ernest, W. (1)
  108. Fisher, Alvan (5)
  109. Fiske, Gertrude (1)
  110. Francis, John F. (8)
  111. Frieseke, Frederick Carl (2)
  112. Fromkes, Maurice (1)
  113. Frothingham, James (1)
  114. Fuller, George (6)
  115. Fuller, Richard, H. (1)
  116. Gallison, Henry Hammond (1)
  117. Garber, Daniel (1)
  118. Gaugengigl, Ignaz Marcel (2)
  119. Gauntt, Jefferson (2)
  120. Gay, Walter (3)
  121. Gay, Winckworth Allan (3)
  122. George, E. (1)
  123. Gerry, Samuel Lancaster (3)
  124. Gifford, Sanford Robinson (1)
  125. Gignoux, Francois (1)
  126. Gignoux, Francois Regis (1)
  127. Gilliam, Ed (1)
  128. Giroux, Charles (1)
  129. Glackens, William James (6)
  130. Goodwin, Arthur Clifton (3)
  131. Graham, William (1)
  132. Green, Charles Edwin Lewi … (2)
  133. Greenwood, John (5)
  134. Gregory, E. (1)
  135. Guy, Francis (1)
  136. Haberle, John (2)
  137. Hale, Ellen (1)
  138. Hale, Lilian (1)
  139. Hale, Philip Leslie (3)
  140. Hall, George Henry (1)
  141. Hallowell, George Hawley (1)
  142. Halpert, Samuel (1)
  143. Hamblin, Sturtevant (1)
  144. Hamblin, Sturtevant J. (3)
  145. Hamilton, Edward (1)
  146. Hammer, John J. (2)
  147. Hanson-Murphy, Deborah (1)
  148. Harding, Chester (15)
  149. Hardy, Jeremiah Pearson (1)
  150. Harnett, William Michael (8)
  151. Hart, James McDougal (1)
  152. Hart, William (4)
  153. Hartley, Marsden (3)
  154. Harvey, George (1)
  155. Hassam, Childe (8)
  156. Hawthorne, Charles W. (1)
  157. Hayden, Charles Henry (1)
  158. Heade, Martin Johnson (34)
  159. Healy, George Peter Alexa … (3)
  160. Henri, Robert (5)
  161. Henri, Robert Cozad (2)
  162. Henri, Robert Earle (1)
  163. Hesselius, John (2)
  164. Hibbard, Aldro T. (3)
  165. Hicks, Thomas (1)
  166. Hinckley, Thomas Hewes (3)
  167. Hitchcock, George (1)
  168. Hollen, John (1)
  169. Hollingsworth, George (4)
  170. Homer, Winslow (13)
  171. Hope, James (5)
  172. Hope,James (1)
  173. Hopkinson, Charles (1)
  174. Hopper, Edward (130)
  175. Hovenden, Thomas (1)
  176. Howell, Felicie Waldo (1)
  177. Hudson, Jr., John (1)
  178. Hunt, Frances Emily (1)
  179. Hunt, William Morris (47)
  180. Ingham, Charles Cromwell (1)
  181. Inman, Henry (3)
  182. Inness, George (15)
  183. James, William (1)
  184. Jarvis, John Wesley (1)
  185. Jennys, William (3)
  186. Johnson, David (2)
  187. Johnson, Eastman (2)
  188. Johnston, John (2)
  189. Johnston, John Bernard (2)
  190. Jones, Hugh Bolton (1)
  191. Jones, Leon Foster (1)
  192. Kaula, William Jurian (1)
  193. Keith, William (1)
  194. Kendall, William Sergeant (1)
  195. Kensett, John Frederick (8)
  196. Kent, Rockwell (1)
  197. King, Charles Bird (1)
  198. Koch, John (1)
  199. Kroll, Leon (1)
  200. La Farge, John (3)
  201. Lamb, Aimée (1)
  202. Lambdin, George Cochran (2)
  203. LaMont, De Grachshus (1)
  204. Lane, Fitz (13)
  205. Lane, Fitz Hugh (1)
  206. Lang, Louis (1)
  207. Lawrence, A. A. (1)
  208. Lawson, Ernest (1)
  209. Leighton, Nicholas Winfie … (1)
  210. Leutze, Emanuel Gottlieb (1)
  211. Lie, Jonas (3)
  212. Lockwood, Robert Wilton (2)
  213. Loemans, Alexander (2)
  214. Longfellow, Ernest Wadswo … (3)
  215. Loring, Francis William (2)
  216. Luks, George Benjamin (9)
  217. Macomber, Mary Lizzie (3)
  218. Major, Ernest Lee (3)
  219. Man Ray (1)
  220. Manchester, M. M. (1)
  221. Marchant, Edward Dalton (3)
  222. Martin, Homer Dodge (1)
  223. Mason, William Sanford (1)
  224. May, Edward Harrison (1)
  225. Melchers, Gari (2)
  226. Meltsner, Paul Raphael (1)
  227. Meneghelli, Enrico (1)
  228. Metcalf, Willard Leroy (4)
  229. Miller, Alfred Jacob (1)
  230. Millet, Francis Davis (1)
  231. Moran, Edward (1)
  232. Moran, Thomas (1)
  233. Morse, Samuel Finley Bree … (5)
  234. Mount, William Sidney (4)
  235. Mowbray, Henry Siddons (2)
  236. Murphy, Hermann Dudley (2)
  237. Murphy, John Francis (2)
  238. Museum of Contemporary Ar … (5)
  239. Museum of Fine Arts, B … (1125)
  240. Nakamura, Kanji (2)
  241. Neagle, John (3)
  242. Neal, David Dalhoff (1)
  243. Neel, Alice (1)
  244. Newman, Henry Roderick (1)
  245. Newton, Gilbert Stuart (2)
  246. Norton, William Edward (2)
  247. Noyes, George Loftus (1)
  248. O'Keeffe, Georgia (2)
  249. Oliveira, Nathan (1)
  250. Otis, Bass (1)
  251. Page, Marie Danforth (1)
  252. Page, William (4)
  253. Parton, Arthur (1)
  254. Paschke, Ed (1)
  255. Pascin, Jules (1)
  256. Patterson, Margaret Jorda … (1)
  257. Paxton, William (2)
  258. Paxton, William McGregor (4)
  259. Peale, Charles Willson (3)
  260. Peale, James (1)
  261. Peale, Rembrandt (5)
  262. Peale, Rubens (2)
  263. Peckham, Robert (2)
  264. Penniman, John Ritto (2)
  265. Perry, Lilla Cabot (2)
  266. Peto, John Frederick (3)
  267. Phillips, Ammi (4)
  268. Picknell, William Lamb (1)
  269. Pippin, Horace (2)
  270. Plamondon, Peter (1)
  271. Platt, Charles Adams (1)
  272. Pond, Dana Ripley (1)
  273. Pope, Alexander (1)
  274. Post, Edward C. (1)
  275. Powers, Asahel (1)
  276. Pratt, Henry, Cheever (1)
  277. Prendergast, Maurice Braz … (6)
  278. Prior, William Matthew (5)
  279. Quidor, John (3)
  280. Raleigh, Charles Sidney (1)
  281. Ranney, William (3)
  282. Read, Thomas, Buchanan (1)
  283. Redfield, Edward Willis (1)
  284. Remington, Frederic (2)
  285. Richards, William Trost (1)
  286. Rimmer, William (3)
  287. Robinson, Theodore (1)
  288. Robinson, Thomas, R. (3)
  289. Roesen, Severin (2)
  290. Rogers, Gretchen Woodman (1)
  291. Ross, Denman Waldo (5)
  292. Rossiter, Thomas Prichard (1)
  293. Rotch, Benjamin Smith (1)
  294. Rothermel, Peter Frederic … (1)
  295. Ryder, Albert Pinkham (5)
  296. Sargent, Henry (5)
  297. Sargent, John Singer (57)
  298. Schmitt, Albert Felix (1)
  299. Scott, J. (1)
  300. Selinger, John Paul (1)
  301. Shaffer, Richard (3)
  302. Sharp, William (1)
  303. Shaw, Joshua (2)
  304. Sheeler, Charles (8)
  305. Shirlaw, Walter (1)
  306. Smibert, John (16)
  307. Smith, Dana (2)
  308. Smith, Frank Hill (1)
  309. Smith, Thomas (1)
  310. Sonntag, William Louis (1)
  311. Spear, Arthur Prince (1)
  312. Speicher, Eugene (2)
  313. Spencer, Lilly Martin (1)
  314. Spencer, Niles (2)
  315. Sprague, Isaac (1)
  316. Staigg, Richard, Morrell (1)
  317. Stella, Joseph (1)
  318. Sterne, Maurice (2)
  319. Sterner, Albert (1)
  320. Stewart, Julius L (1)
  321. Stillman, William James (1)
  322. Stock, Joseph Whiting (2)
  323. Story, Julian (1)
  324. Story, Julian Russell (1)
  325. Street, Robert (1)
  326. Stuart, Gilbert (22)
  327. Stuart, James Reeve (1)
  328. Stuart, Jane (1)
  329. Suba, Miklos (1)
  330. Such, B. J. (1)
  331. Sully, Thomas (10)
  332. Tack, Augustus Vincent (1)
  333. Tarbell, Edmund Charles (8)
  334. Thayer, Abbott Handerson (5)
  335. The Art Institute of Chi … (62)
  336. The Detroit Institute of … (82)
  337. The Metropolitan Museum o … (5)
  338. Theüs, Jeremiah (3)
  339. Thieme, Anthony (1)
  340. Thompson, Adrian (1)
  341. Thompson, Cephas (4)
  342. Thompson, Jerome B. (5)
  343. Thompson, Leslie Prince (1)
  344. Tirrell, George (2)
  345. Troccoli, Giovanni Battis … (1)
  346. Trumbull, John (5)
  347. Tryon, Dwight William (1)
  348. Tryon, Sarah, J. (1)
  349. Tuckerman, Stephen Salisb … (1)
  350. Turner, Helen M (1)
  351. Tuthill, Abraham (1)
  352. Twachtman, John Henry (4)
  353. Unknown (32)
  354. Vedder, Elihu (8)
  355. Vincent, Harry Aiken (1)
  356. Vinton, Frederic Porter (6)
  357. Waite, Emily Burling (Emi … (1)
  358. Waitz, R. (1)
  359. Waldo, Samuel Lovett (1)
  360. Walker, William Aiken (1)
  361. Waterman, Marcus A. (2)
  362. Waters, Susan (1)
  363. Watters, J. P. Mc L. (1)
  364. Weber, Max (2)
  365. Weir, John Ferguson (1)
  366. Weir, Robert Walter (1)
  367. West, Benjamin (14)
  368. Weston, Harold (1)
  369. Whistler, James Abbott M … (10)
  370. White, Edwin (1)
  371. White, John, Blake (1)
  372. Whiting, S. (1)
  373. Whitman, Sarah Wyman (3)
  374. Whitney Museum of Ameri … (123)
  375. Whittredge, Thomas Worthi … (7)
  376. Whorf, John (1)
  377. Wight, Moses (1)
  378. Wilkie, Robert (1)
  379. Winter, C. (1)
  380. Wittkamp, Andrew (1)
  381. Woodbury, Charles Herbert (2)
  382. Wright, James (1)
  383. Wyant, Alexander Helwig (2)

Browse All : Oil on canvas of North American; American

301-350 of 1,403
  5 6 7 8 9  
Paul Revere
John Singleton Copley
Paul Revere
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Paul Revere
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
John Amory
John Singleton Copley
John Amory
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
John Amory
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Isaac Royall
John Singleton Copley
Isaac Royall
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Isaac Royall
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mrs. James Smith (Elizabeth Murray)
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. James Smith (Eliza...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. James Smith (Elizabeth Murray)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Samuel Cooper
John Singleton Copley
Samuel Cooper
after 1769
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Samuel Cooper
Creation Date
after 1769
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Colonel John Montresor
John Singleton Copley
Colonel John Montresor
c. 1771
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Colonel John Montresor
Creation Date
c. 1771
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
Dorothy Quincy (Mrs. John Hancock)
John Singleton Copley
Dorothy Quincy (Mrs. Jo...
about 1772
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Dorothy Quincy (Mrs. John Hancock)
Creation Date
about 1772
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Samuel Adams
Copley, John Singleton
Samuel Adams
about 1772
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Copley, John Singleton
Samuel Adams
Creation Date
about 1772
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Samuel Adams
Copley, John Singleton
Samuel Adams
about 1772
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Copley, John Singleton
Samuel Adams
Creation Date
about 1772
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Reverend Thomas Cary of Newburyport
John Singleton Copley
Reverend Thomas Cary of...
about 1770-73
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Reverend Thomas Cary of Newburyport
Creation Date
about 1770-73
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mrs. Joseph Warren (Elizabeth Hooton)
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Joseph Warren (Eli...
about 1772
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Joseph Warren (Elizabeth Hooton)
Creation Date
about 1772
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mrs. Ezekiel Goldthwait (Elizabeth Lewis)
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Ezekiel Goldthwait...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Ezekiel Goldthwait (Elizabeth Lewis)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mrs. Ezekiel Goldthwait (Elizabeth Lewis)
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Ezekiel Goldthwait...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Ezekiel Goldthwait (Elizabeth Lewis)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mrs. Ezekiel Goldthwait (Elizabeth Lewis)
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Ezekiel Goldthwait...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Ezekiel Goldthwait (Elizabeth Lewis)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mrs. Ezekiel Goldthwait (Elizabeth Lewis)
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Ezekiel Goldthwait...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Ezekiel Goldthwait (Elizabeth Lewis)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Ezekiel Goldthwait
John Singleton Copley
Ezekiel Goldthwait
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Ezekiel Goldthwait
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mrs. Richard Skinner (Dorothy Wendell)
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Richard Skinner (D...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Richard Skinner (Dorothy Wendell)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mrs. Richard Skinner (Dorothy Wendell)
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Richard Skinner (D...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Richard Skinner (Dorothy Wendell)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mrs. Richard Skinner (Dorothy Wendell)
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Richard Skinner (D...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Richard Skinner (Dorothy Wendell)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
James Gambier
John Singleton Copley
James Gambier
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
James Gambier
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Winslow (Jemima Debuke)
John Singleton Copley
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wins...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Winslow (Jemima Debuke)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
The Nativity
John Singleton Copley
The Nativity
about 1776
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
The Nativity
Creation Date
about 1776
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey)
John Singleton Copley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izar...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey)
John Singleton Copley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izar...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey)
John Singleton Copley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izar...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey)
John Singleton Copley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izar...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey)
John Singleton Copley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izar...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey)
John Singleton Copley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izar...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice Delancey)
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
The Ascension
John Singleton Copley
The Ascension
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
The Ascension
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Gilbert DeBlois
John Singleton Copley
Gilbert DeBlois
late 1770s
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Gilbert DeBlois
Creation Date
late 1770s
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Watson and the Shark
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Watson and the Shark
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Watson and the Shark
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Watson and the Shark
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Watson and the Shark
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Watson and the Shark
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Watson and the Shark
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mrs. Clark Gayton
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Clark Gayton
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Mrs. Clark Gayton
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
John Codman
John Singleton Copley
John Codman
about 1800
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
John Codman
Creation Date
about 1800
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
John Codman
John Singleton Copley
John Codman
about 1800
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
John Codman
Creation Date
about 1800
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Watson and the Shark
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
John Adams
John Singleton Copley
John Adams
after 1783
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
John Adams
Creation Date
after 1783
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Winslow Warren
John Singleton Copley
Winslow Warren
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Winslow Warren
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
The Copley Family
John Singleton Copley
The Copley Family
about 1788
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
The Copley Family
Creation Date
about 1788
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Lord Fauconberg (Henry Belasyse, Second Earl of Fauconberg)
John Singleton Copley
Lord Fauconberg (Henry ...
about 1792
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Lord Fauconberg (Henry Belasyse, Second Earl of Fauconberg)
Creation Date
about 1792
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Thomas Lane and His Sister Harriot
John Singleton Copley
Thomas Lane and His Sis...
about 1792
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Thomas Lane and His Sister Harriot
Creation Date
about 1792
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
John Quincy Adams
John Singleton Copley
John Quincy Adams
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
John Quincy Adams
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Saul Reproved by Samuel
John Singleton Copley
Saul Reproved by Samuel
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Saul Reproved by Samuel
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Saul Reproved by Samuel
John Singleton Copley
Saul Reproved by Samuel
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Saul Reproved by Samuel
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Saul Reproved by Samuel
John Singleton Copley
Saul Reproved by Samuel
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
John Singleton Copley
Saul Reproved by Samuel
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
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