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Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
The Martyrdom of Saint Sigis …
Domenico Beccafumi (Domenico …
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
The Ponte Vecchio, Florence
Bernardo Belotto
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Entrance to the Park at Sain …
Jean Victor Bertin
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Cottage Interior
Bernardus Johannes Blommers
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Young Man in Oriental Costum …
Ferdinand Bol
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Combat between Carnival and …
Pieter Bruegel, the Elder
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Landscape with Bathers
Annibale Carracci
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
John Paine
Winthrop Chandler
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Ch?øteau at Murols in Winter
Victor L??on Jean Pierre Cha …
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Ethelyn Pratt Cobb
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Virgin and Child
Domenico Corvi
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Portrait of a Woman with a P …
Lorenzo Costa
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Portrait of a Young Man
Corneille de la Haye
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Portrait of a Man
Corneille de la Haye
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Male Saint
Benvenuto di Giovanni
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Saint Mary Magdalen
Ugolino di Nerio
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Niagara River
Thomas Doughty
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Julien Dupr??
Walker Art Center
not dated
Quarter Moon
Louis Eilshemius
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Portrait of a Man (said to b …
Fran??ois Xavier Fabre
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
La Toilette
Henri Fantin-Latour
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Portrait of a Man in his Stu …
Marguerite G??rard
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Presumed Portrait of Mrs. A. …
Daniel Gardner
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
The Communion of the Apostle …
Luca Giordano
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Tree Landscape
Ivon Hitchens
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Young Girl Sewing
Jozef Israels
Dallas Museum of Art
not dated
Portrait of a Man
John Wesley Jarvis
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Musical Party
Godaert Kamper
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Young Boy Selling Kindling W …
Bernard Keil
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Goose and Reeds
Kusumi Morikage
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
The Mystical Marriage of Sai …
Lorenzo Lotto
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Salome with the Head of Sain …
Bernardino Luini
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Portrait of Helena van Heuve …
Nicolaes Maes
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Untitled (Niagara Falls)
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Virgin and Child with Saints …
Master of the Borghese Tondo
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Virgin and Child
Master of the Johnson Nativi …
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Virgin and Child
Master of the Saint Barbara …
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Saint James the Great of Com …
Master of the Saint Bartholo …
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Seaweed Gatherer
Anton Mauve
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Triptych: The Virgin and Chi …
Sano di Pietro
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Triptych: Saint Catherine of …
Sano di Pietro
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
The Jury
Sigmund Menkes
The Cleveland Museum of Art
not dated
Landscape Near Paris
Georges Michel
The Cleveland Museum of Art
not dated
Figures on a Terrace
Adolphe Monticelli
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Cirque Clos
Margaret de Morinni
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Christ after the Flagellatio …
Bartolom?? Esteban Murillo
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Blood of the Redeemer
Bartolomeo Passerotti
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
not dated
Alexander Pope
Jonathan Richardson
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Niagara Falls
Thomas Rossiter, American, 1 …
The Cleveland Museum of Art
not dated
The Oak Tree
Théodore Rousseau