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George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Tan y Groes, near Dolgelley
Captain George Bankhart
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Monolith, the Face of Half D …
Ansel Adams
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-69
Ferns, Wellington Rivulet
Morton Allport
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Falls, Riviere du Lonpeu Bas …
Henry St. Vincent Ames
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
At Cumloden, Newton Stewart
Marchioness of Anglesey
The Cleveland Museum of Art
The human pincushion at a ca …
Diane Arbus
The Cleveland Museum of Art
[Versailles, Chaste Venus, V
Jean Eugène Auguste Atget
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Notre Dame, Paris
Édouard Baldus
The Cleveland Museum of Art
[Eglise d'Auvers, Church at
Édouard Baldus
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
On the Wye, Ashford
Captain G. Bankhart
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Fishermen on a boat by bridg …
Captain George Bankhart
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
View on the Trent
Captain George Bankhart
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Rocks by a pond
Captain George Bankhart
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Tintern Abbey (?)
Captain George Bankhart
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Cottages at Wilford, Notts.
Captain George Bankhart
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Clifton Grove, Notts.
Captain George Bankhart
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Pont ar Debibbyn
Captain George Bankhart
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Clifton Grove, Nott.
Captain George Bankhart
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Wilford Green, Notts.
Captain George Bankhart
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Tintern Abbey, North Transet
Captain George Bankhart
George Eastman House
ca. 1865
Cottages at Bramstone, Leist …
Captain G. Bankhart
George Eastman House
Hay Field, Bury Hill
F.K. Barclay
George Eastman House
Bury Hill
F.K. Barclay
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Burnham Beeches
Frederick Beasley
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Bolton Abbey
Frederick Beasley
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-70
View at Gruidelwald
Frederick Beasley
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-68
At Lynmouth
Frederick Beasley
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Bolton Abbey
Frederick Beasley
The Cleveland Museum of Art
late 1850s
Algerian Woman
Gustave de Beaucorps
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Academic Nude, Reclining on …
Auguste Belloc
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Paris Windows with Flags, Ba …
Ilse Bing
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1842-1843
Louis-Auguste Bisson
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-68
Snow scene in Epping forest
A. Booty
The Cleveland Museum of Art
After the Theater, London
Bill Brandt
The Cleveland Museum of Art
[Le Pont Neuf à Paris, The P
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Lesbian Couple at Le Monocle
The Cleveland Museum of Art
late 1850s
Untitled (Farm Animals)
Adolphe Braun
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1865
[Trophée de Chasse, Trophy o
Adolphe Braun
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Snow Scene
Earl of Caithness
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Avenue at Weston, Warwickshi …
Earl of Caithness
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
Hoar Frost
Earl of Caithness
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Julia Jackson Duckworth (184 …
Julia Margaret Cameron
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Sir John Herschel (1792-1871 …
Julia Margaret Cameron
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Queen of the May
Julia Margaret Cameron
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1872
Julia and Ethel Arnold
Lewis Carroll
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
James Casebere, American, bo …
Library of Congress Prints a …
Site of the new palaces--rem …
J. André Castaigne
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-70
Below Rydal Falls
W. Chomley
The Cleveland Museum of Art
House and Car, near Akron, A …
William Christenberry
George Eastman House
ca. 1861-80
An Fishamn
Col. Clarke