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The Art Institute of Chicago
Late 16th Century
Saint Michael and San Giovan …
Andrea del Sarto Andrea del …
The Art Institute of Chicago
late 16th century
Family of Darius before Alex …
Polidoro da Caravaggio
The Art Institute of Chicago
late 16th century
Story of Niobe: Niobe Receiv …
Polidoro da Caravaggio
The Art Institute of Chicago
Sketches of the Dead Christ, …
Jacopo Palma, called Il Giov …
The Art Institute of Chicago
late 16th century
Sketch of Three Saints(?) an …
The Art Institute of Chicago
late 16th century
Seated Church Father (Saint …
Perino del Vaga
The Art Institute of Chicago
Putto with Raised Arms
Cristoforo Roncalli
The Art Institute of Chicago
late 16th/early 17th century
Écorché before Landscape
Titian, Circle of
The Art Institute of Chicago
late 16th/early 17th century
Sketches of Standing Male Nu …
Titian, Circle of
The Art Institute of Chicago
Seated Male Nude with Outstr …
Unknown Emilian
The Art Institute of Chicago
Departure of Tobias
Unknown Ferrarese