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Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Aetas aurea (The Age of Gold …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Aetas ferrea (The Age of Iro …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Gigantomachia (Giants Atempt …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Diluvium (The Flood), pl. 7 …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Reparatio generis humani (Re …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Python ab Apolline interfici …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
(Argus a Mercurio iugulatur …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Funestas ad Phoebum Phaeton …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Phaetontiws casus (The Death …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Coronis in cornicem transfor …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Apoliinis sagitta Coronis tr …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Ocyroe vaticinata in equam ( …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Mercurius Herses amore accen …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Pallas Invidiam in Aglaurum …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Aglauros a Mercurio in lapid …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Iupiter tauri imagine Europa …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Draco a Cadmo interficitur ( …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Dianoe aspectu Actaeon in ce …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Semele divino Iovis concubit …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Amore sui inardescens Narcis …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Thisbe leonoe aspectu territ …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Thisbe Pyrami exemplum aemul …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Coniugis furtum Sol Vulcano …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Martem Veneremqz adulterante …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Leucothoe a Phoebo vim patit …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Hermaphroditus et Salmacis u …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Iunonis ad Furias alloquium …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Thesiphone regem, reginamqz …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Athamas Learchum interficit …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Perseus occisa bellua Androm …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Anguiparum Medusae caput pra …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Phineus Andromedae in nuptij …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Atlas ob inhospitalitatem in …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Pallas in Helicone Musas inv …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Musae dum Pyrenei vim effugi …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Plutonis animum amore Proser …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Rapta Proserpina Cyane in st …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Ascalaphus a Proserpina in b …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Sirenes Proserpinae comites …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Arethusa ab Alpheo adamata i …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Segetum usum Triptolemum doc …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Lyncus in lyncem a Cerere tr …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Arachne in araneam a Pallade …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Iasonem velleris potiundi ar …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Draconum velleris excubitore …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Deorum dearumque opem implor …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Aesoni decrepito inventam re …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Medea Peliades in parricidiu …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Cygnus in olorem Hiere in st …
Antonio Tempesta
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
17th century
Trucidatis liberis Medea fug …
Antonio Tempesta