Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th - 17th century
copy in reverse of The Rape
after Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Wounded Scipio, after Po
Giulio di Antonio Bonasone
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Triumph of Scipio, after
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Victory of Scipio Over S
Bernardo Daddi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
early 16th century
The Abduction of Helen, afte
Marco Dente da Ravenna
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Abduction of Helen, afte
Marco Dente da Ravenna
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Tarpeia is Crushed Under the
Giambattista Fontana
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Battle With A Cutlass, a
Agostino Musi (Agostino Vene
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
A Battle Scene, after Antoni
Francesco Villamena