Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Foundryman ( Figure of V
Domenico Beccafumi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Blacksmith (Figure of Me
Domenico Beccafumi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The School of an Ancient Phi
Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Earth (Cybele with Cupid and
Giulio Carpioni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
17th century
Fire (Venus at Vulcan's Forg
Giulio Carpioni
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Allegory of Birth , after Gi
Giorgio Ghisi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Veduta di un Eliocamino (Vie
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Democritus in Meditation
Salvator Rosa
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
Joshua Ordering the Sun to S
Antonio Tempesta