Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Lobsterman's Warf, Maine
Zsissly (Marvin Marr Albrigh
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Vous ne prenez pas votre bou
Honore-Victorin Daumier
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Petit scelerat! (from Moeurs
Honore-Victorin Daumier
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Nude and Landscape
Arthur Bowen Davies
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Jan DeRuth
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Jan DeRuth
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Frontispiece for Poems of An
Henry Fantin-Latour
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Washer Women
Paul Gauguin
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Bass Viol
Joseph Hirsch
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
A composite of signatures wh
Gottfried Honegger
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
The Bathers
Augustus Edwin John
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Tropical Harbor
Joe Jones
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Fruit Still Life
Doris Emrick Lee
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Lunch Counter
Jules Pascin
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Two Girls
Jules Pascin
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Femme Au Hennin
Odilon Redon
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
In this Corner
Robert Riggs
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Sarah Bernhardt
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Egyptian bowl #6
Max Weber
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
not dated
Benjamin Franklin
S. J. Woolf