Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Parable of the Good Sama
attrib. to Hans Sebald Beham
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Rest on the Flight into
Giulio di Antonio Bonasone
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Annunciation, after the
Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Magdalen
Paolo Farinati
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
St John the Baptist Preachin
Giambattista Fontana
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Holy Family on their Fli
Giovanni Battista Franco
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Deluge
Giovanni Battista Franco
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Virgin and Child with St. Jo
Giovanni Battista Franco
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Saint Roch
Battista Angolo del Moro
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Death of Ananais, after
Agostino Musi (Agostino Vene
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Sacrifice
after Parmigianino (Francesc
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Last Judgment
after Martino Rota
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Jesus and St. John Embracing
Andrea Schiavone (Andrea Mel
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Christ Carrying the Cross
after Hans Leonhard Schäufel
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Madonna and Child, after Par
Antonio da Trento
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
St. John the Baptist in the
Antonio da Trento
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Martyrdom of St. Peter a
Antonio da Trento
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Martyrdom of St. Peter a
Antonio da Trento
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
St. Andrew, after Parmigiani
Antonio da Trento
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
St. Thomas, after Parmigiani
Antonio da Trento
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
Sheet of Drawings, after Gio
after Giorgio Vasari
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Antique Sacrifice
Giovanni Battista Zelotti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16th century
The Deposition From the Cros
Domenico Zenoni (Zenoi)