1. -1800 (2)
  2. -2000 (2)
  3. -240 (21)
  4. -266 (1)
  5. -310 (21)
  6. -320 (1)
  7. -330 (1)
  8. -333 (1)
  9. -400 (1)
  10. -450 (1)
  11. -466 (4)
  12. -499 (5)
  13. -500 (5)
  14. -5500 (2)
  15. -599 (5)
  16. -6000 (2)
  17. 0 (22)
  18. 1 (1)
  19. 100 (1)
  20. 1001 (1)
  21. 1300 (1)
  22. 1300/1400 (1)
  23. 1367 (10)
  24. 1400 (2)
  25. 1433 (10)
  26. 1460 (1)
  27. 1466 (1)
  28. 1473 (1)
  29. 1477 (1)
  30. 1480 (2)
  31. 1480/1500 (1)
  32. 1499 (1)
  33. 1500 (1)
  34. 1564 (1)
  35. 1565 (3)
  36. 1566 (1)
  37. 1575 (4)
  38. 1600 (1)
  39. 1630 (2)
  40. 1633 (2)
  41. 1642 (2)
  42. 1645 (1)
  43. 1645-1650 (1)
  44. 1650 (1)
  45. 1658 (1)
  46. 1680 (1)
  47. 1684 - 1770 (1)
  48. 1685 - 1748 (1)
  49. 1694 (1)
  50. 1698 (1)
  51. 1700 (2)
  52. 1703 (1)
  53. 1707 (1)
  54. 1716 - 1791 (1)
  55. 1720 (1)
  56. 1730 (1)
  57. 1730-1809 (1)
  58. 1738-1814 (3)
  59. 1741-1828 (1)
  60. 1742 (1)
  61. 1770 (1)
  62. 1770/75 (1)
  63. 1773 (1)
  64. 1774 (1)
  65. 1775 (3)
  66. 1780 (3)
  67. 1783 (1)
  68. 1787 (1)
  69. 1790 (2)
  70. 1793 (1)
  71. 1795 (1)
  72. 1797 (1)
  73. 1799 (1)
  74. 1800 (1)
  75. 1819 (2)
  76. 1833 (1)
  77. 1840-1917 (1)
  78. 1866 (1)
  79. 1880 (1)
  80. 1891 (1)
  81. 1899 (1)
  82. 18th century (1)
  83. 18th century (ca. 1780-90 … (2)
  84. 18th-19th century (1)
  85. 1910 (1)
  86. 1911 (1)
  87. 1911-c. 1914 (1)
  88. 1919 (1)
  89. 1927 (1)
  90. 19th century (probably 18 … (1)
  91. 200 (1)
  92. 2000-1800 B.C. (2)
  93. 310-240 (1)
  94. 310-240 B.C. (20)
  95. 400 (1)
  96. 499 (1)
  97. 5th century B.C. (1)
  98. 6000-5500 B.C. (2)
  99. 6th century B.C. (5)
  100. 700 (1)
  101. 899 (1)
  102. 8th-9th century (1)
  103. about 1350-1200 B.C. (2)
  104. about 1400-1300 B.C. (1)
  105. about 1450-1350 century B … (1)
  106. about 1705 (1)
  107. About 1730 (1)
  108. about 5th century B.C. (4)
  109. about 600 B.C. (1)
  110. about 650-550 B.C. (2)
  111. about 750-475 B.C. (3)
  112. about 750-600 B.C. (1)
  113. about early 5th century B … (3)
  114. about end of 8th-beginnin … (2)
  115. about first half of 5th c … (1)
  116. Africa, Mali//Africa, Su … (10)
  117. Africa, Mali//Africa, Sud … (1)
  118. American; 1756-1833 North … (1)
  119. Archaic Period (22)
  120. Boeotian (1)
  121. c. 1630 - before 1642 (1)
  122. c. 1630s - before 1642 (1)
  123. c. 1696 (1)
  124. c. 1775/1780 (1)
  125. c. 1793/1795 (1)
  126. c. 450 BC-200 AD (1)
  127. c.1570 (4)
  128. c.1725 (1)
  129. ca. 1470 (1)
  130. ca. 1475 (1)
  131. ca. 1785 (1)
  132. circa 18th century (1)
  133. Cypro-Archaic I Period (1)
  134. Cypro-Archaic Period (5)
  135. Dates not recorded (5)
  136. early 17th century (1)
  137. early 5th century B.C. (4)
  138. Eleventh/fourteenth centu … (1)
  139. Europe,Greece,Greater Ath … (1)
  140. France, 1738-1814 (1)
  141. France, active Italy, Rom … (1)
  142. French, 1861-1929 (1)
  143. French; 1665-1755 (1)
  144. French; 1700-1759 (1)
  145. French; 1738-1814 (1)
  146. French; 1876-1918 (2)
  147. Geometric Period (2)
  148. Gupta period, 5th century (1)
  149. Hellenistic Period, 330/3 … (1)
  150. Imperial Period, Roman Em … (1)
  151. Isin-Larsa or Old Babylon … (2)
  152. Italian; 1525-1608 (4)
  153. late 15th century (1)
  154. Late 16th century-early 1 … (1)
  155. late 4th-early 3rd centur … (1)
  156. Late Archaic Period (2)
  157. Late Cypriote II Period (1)
  158. Late Helladic III A Perio … (1)
  159. Late Helladic III B (2)
  160. Late Orientalizing or Ear … (1)
  161. mid 19th Century (1)
  162. mid-5th century B.C. (1)
  163. Neolithic (2)
  164. Niger Delta, Inland (1)
  165. North Indian (1)
  166. probably between 1776-179 … (1)
  167. Probably late 14th/ earl … (10)
  168. Roman Republic and Empire (1)

Browse All : Sculpture and Terracotta

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Bust of Amphitrite
Lambert Sigisbert Adam
Bust of Amphitrite
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Lambert Sigisbert Adam
Bust of Amphitrite
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Saint Peter
Alessandro Algardi
Saint Peter
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Alessandro Algardi
Saint Peter
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
Saint John the Baptist
Giovanni Minelli dei Ba...
Saint John the Baptist
ca. 1475
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Minelli dei Bardi
Saint John the Baptist
Creation Date
ca. 1475
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
Triton with a Sea Serpent
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernin...
Triton with a Sea Serpe...
c. 1630s - before 1642
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini
Triton with a Sea Serpent
Creation Date
c. 1630s - before 1642
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
Triton with a Shell
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernin...
Triton with a Shell
c. 1630 - before 1642
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini
Triton with a Shell
Creation Date
c. 1630 - before 1642
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
Chair of St. Peter
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernin...
Chair of St. Peter
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini
Chair of St. Peter
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
La Pythie Phillippise
Emile-Antoine Bourdelle
La Pythie Phillippise
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Emile-Antoine Bourdelle
La Pythie Phillippise
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Bust of a Man
Jean Jacques Caffieri
Bust of a Man
mid 19th Century
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Jean Jacques Caffieri
Bust of a Man
Creation Date
mid 19th Century
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
Bust of a Satyr
Clodion, (Claude Michel...
Bust of a Satyr
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Clodion, (Claude Michel) Clodion, (Claude Michel)
Bust of a Satyr
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Bacchic Scene
Clodion (Claude Michel)
Bacchic Scene
Los Angeles County Muse...
Creator Name-CRT
Clodion (Claude Michel)
Bacchic Scene
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Bacchante and Satyr with Young Satyr
Bacchante and Satyr wit...
c. 1775/1780
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Bacchante and Satyr with Young Satyr
Creation Date
c. 1775/1780
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
Nymph and Satyr Carousing
Clodion (Claude Michel)
Nymph and Satyr Carousi...
18th century (ca. 1780-...
The Metropolitan Museum...
Creator Name-CRT
Clodion (Claude Michel)
Nymph and Satyr Carousing
Creation Date
18th century (ca. 1780-90)
AMICA Contributor
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Nymph and Satyr Carousing
Clodion (Claude Michel)
Nymph and Satyr Carousi...
18th century (ca. 1780-...
The Metropolitan Museum...
Creator Name-CRT
Clodion (Claude Michel)
Nymph and Satyr Carousing
Creation Date
18th century (ca. 1780-90)
AMICA Contributor
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Zephyrus and Flora
Clodion (Claude Michel)
Zephyrus and Flora
The Frick Collection
Creator Name-CRT
Clodion (Claude Michel)
Zephyrus and Flora
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Frick Collection
Torso of a Young Man
Raymond Duchamp-Villon
Torso of a Young Man
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Raymond Duchamp-Villon
Torso of a Young Man
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Raymond Duchamp-Villon
1911-c. 1914
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Raymond Duchamp-Villon
Creation Date
1911-c. 1914
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Etienne-Maurice Falcone...
18th century
The Minneapolis Institu...
Creator Name-CRT
Etienne-Maurice Falconet
Creation Date
18th century
AMICA Contributor
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Portrait of Charlotte Meissonier
Vincenzo Gemito
Portrait of Charlotte M...
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Vincenzo Gemito
Portrait of Charlotte Meissonier
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
Madonna and Child
Copy after Lorenzo Ghil...
Madonna and Child
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Copy after Lorenzo Ghilberti
Madonna and Child
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
Diana the Huntress
Jean Antoine Houdon
Diana the Huntress
probably between 1776-1...
The Frick Collection
Creator Name-CRT
Jean Antoine Houdon
Diana the Huntress
Creation Date
probably between 1776-1795
AMICA Contributor
The Frick Collection
MODEL for the tomb of Sir Isaac Newton
[William Kent, Michael ...
MODEL for the tomb of S...
About 1730
Victoria and Albert Mus...
Creator Name-CRT
[William Kent, Michael Rysbrack]
MODEL for the tomb of Sir Isaac Newton
Creation Date
About 1730
AMICA Contributor
Victoria and Albert Museum
Saint Thomas
Pierre Le Gros II
Saint Thomas
about 1705
Los Angeles County Muse...
Creator Name-CRT
Pierre Le Gros II
Saint Thomas
Creation Date
about 1705
AMICA Contributor
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
S. Luigi Gonzaga in Glory
Legros, Pierre, The You...
S. Luigi Gonzaga in Glo...
c. 1696
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Legros, Pierre, The Younger
S. Luigi Gonzaga in Glory
Creation Date
c. 1696
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
[The Fear of Love, La Crainte de l'Amour, The Fear of Cupid's Dart]
Jean-Louis Lemoyne
[The Fear of Love, La C...
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Jean-Louis Lemoyne
[The Fear of Love, La Crainte de l'Amour, The Fear of Cupid's Dart]
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Joseph Charles Marin
c. 1793/1795
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Joseph Charles Marin
Creation Date
c. 1793/1795
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
Male Bust
Nigeria, Nok/Sokoto
Male Bust
c. 450 BC-200 AD
Dallas Museum of Art
Creator Name-CRT
Nigeria, Nok/Sokoto
Male Bust
Creation Date
c. 450 BC-200 AD
AMICA Contributor
Dallas Museum of Art
Marie-Adélaïde Hall
Augustin Pajou
Marie-Adélaïde Hall
The Frick Collection
Creator Name-CRT
Augustin Pajou
Marie-Adélaïde Hall
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Frick Collection
Leonardo and Francesco ...
ca. 1470
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Leonardo and Francesco Riccomani
Creation Date
ca. 1470
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
[Portrait Bust, Honoré de Balzac]
By Auguste Rodin
[Portrait Bust, Honoré ...
19th century (probably ...
The Metropolitan Museum...
Creator Name-CRT
By Auguste Rodin
[Portrait Bust, Honoré de Balzac]
Creation Date
19th century (probably 1891)
AMICA Contributor
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
General Andrew Jackson
William Rush
General Andrew Jackson
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
William Rush
General Andrew Jackson
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Hercules Fighting Two Centaurs, The Labors of Hercules (plaques on base)
Jean Baptiste Stouf
Hercules Fighting Two C...
ca. 1785
The Detroit Institute o...
Creator Name-CRT
Jean Baptiste Stouf
Hercules Fighting Two Centaurs, The Labors of Hercules (plaques on base)
Creation Date
ca. 1785
AMICA Contributor
The Detroit Institute of Arts
Bust of a female votary or priestess
Artist not recorded
Bust of a female votary...
2000-1800 B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Bust of a female votary or priestess
Creation Date
2000-1800 B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Female head on base
Artist not recorded
Female head on base
2000-1800 B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Female head on base
Creation Date
2000-1800 B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Statuette of a Seated Girl
Greek (Attic)
Statuette of a Seated G...
Hellenistic Period, 330...
The Art Institute of Ch...
Creator Name-CRT
Greek (Attic)
Statuette of a Seated Girl
Creation Date
Hellenistic Period, 330/320 B.C.
AMICA Contributor
The Art Institute of Chicago
Athena, Demeter, and Persephone
Artist not recorded
Athena, Demeter, and Pe...
early 5th century B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Athena, Demeter, and Persephone
Creation Date
early 5th century B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Woman grating cheese
Artist not recorded
Woman grating cheese
early 5th century B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Woman grating cheese
Creation Date
early 5th century B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Satyr on horseback
Artist not recorded
Satyr on horseback
early 5th century B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Satyr on horseback
Creation Date
early 5th century B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Seated goddess
Artist not recorded
Seated goddess
early 5th century B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Seated goddess
Creation Date
early 5th century B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Silenos mounted on a mule
Artist not recorded
Silenos mounted on a mu...
5th century B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Silenos mounted on a mule
Creation Date
5th century B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Goddess reclining
Artist not recorded
Goddess reclining
6th century B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Goddess reclining
Creation Date
6th century B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Seated goddess
Artist not recorded
Seated goddess
6th century B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Seated goddess
Creation Date
6th century B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Persephone (?)
Artist not recorded
Persephone (?)
6th century B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Persephone (?)
Creation Date
6th century B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Artist not recorded
6th century B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Creation Date
6th century B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Artist not recorded
6th century B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Creation Date
6th century B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mother goddess
Artist not recorded
Mother goddess
6000-5500 B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Mother goddess
Creation Date
6000-5500 B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mother goddess
Artist not recorded
Mother goddess
6000-5500 B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Mother goddess
Creation Date
6000-5500 B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Barber cutting a man's hair
Artist not recorded
Barber cutting a man's ...
about early 5th century...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Barber cutting a man's hair
Creation Date
about early 5th century B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Barber cutting a man's hair
Artist not recorded
Barber cutting a man's ...
about early 5th century...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Barber cutting a man's hair
Creation Date
about early 5th century B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Seated tripodic satyr
Artist not recorded
Seated tripodic satyr
about early 5th century...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Seated tripodic satyr
Creation Date
about early 5th century B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Fox scratching his head
Artist not recorded
Fox scratching his head
mid-5th century B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Fox scratching his head
Creation Date
mid-5th century B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
1-50 of 119
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