Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 1340
The Mystical Marriage of Sai
'Barna da Siena'
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 1340
The Mystical Marriage of Sai
'Barna da Siena'
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 1340
The Mystical Marriage of Sai
'Barna da Siena'
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 1340
The Mystical Marriage of Sai
'Barna da Siena'
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 1340
The Mystical Marriage of Sai
'Barna da Siena'
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 1340
The Mystical Marriage of Sai
'Barna da Siena'
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 1340
The Mystical Marriage of Sai
'Barna da Siena'
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not dated
A Papal Saint (Saint Gregory
Bartolo di Fredi
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Expulsion from Paradise
Benvenuto di Giovanni di Meo
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 1380
Madonna and Child Enthroned
Niccolò di Buonaccorso
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Crucified Christ with the Vi
Naddo Ceccarelli
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not dated
Madonna and Child with Saint
Francesco di Giorgio Martini
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not dated
Triptych: Saints Augustine a
Niccol?? di Ser Sozzo
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not dated
Triptych: The Dormition and
Niccol?? di Ser Sozzo
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not dated
Triptych: Saint John the Eva
Niccol?? di Ser Sozzo
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Triptych: the Redeemer with
[Duccio di Buoninsegna, Work
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Triptych: the Redeemer with
[Duccio di Buoninsegna, Work
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Triptych: the Redeemer with
[Duccio di Buoninsegna, Work
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Triptych: the Redeemer with
[Duccio di Buoninsegna, Work
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Triptych: the Redeemer with
[Duccio di Buoninsegna, Work
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Triptych: the Redeemer with
[Duccio di Buoninsegna, Work
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Triptych: the Redeemer with
[Duccio di Buoninsegna, Work
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Triptych: the Redeemer with
[Duccio di Buoninsegna, Work
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Triptych: the Redeemer with
[Duccio di Buoninsegna, Work
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Virgin and Child
Lippo Memmi
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
early 1330s
Madonna and Child
Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 1324
Saint Andrew (?)
Simone Martini
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not dated
Angel with Instruments of th
Master Goodhart Ducciesque
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not dated
The Crucifixion with the Vir
Master of the Osservanza
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not dated
Bishop Saint
Master of the Straus Madonna
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 1436
Madonna of Humility
Giovanni di Paolo
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
about 1436
Madonna of Humility
Giovanni di Paolo
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not dated
Triptych: Saint Jerome
Sano di Pietro
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Madonna and Child
Sano di Pietro
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Madonna and Child with Four
Sano di Pietro
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not Dated
Madonna and Child
Ugolino di Nerio
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not dated
Saint Peter
Andrea Vanni
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Not dated
Saint Paul
Andrea Vanni
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mid 14th Century
Biccherna Cover: The Tribute
Lippo Vanni