Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Mar. 2
Gregg, Enid, Miss, portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Jan. 29
Hanson, Gladys, Miss, portra
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Jan. 29
Hanson, Gladys, Miss, portra
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Jan. 29
Hammond, Virginia, Miss, por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Jan. 29
Hammond, Virginia, Miss, por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Feb. 23
Klumpke, J.G., Mr., portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Feb. 23
Klumpke, J.G., Mr., portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Feb. 23
Klumpke, J.G., Mr., portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Mar. 3
Belasco, David, portrait pho
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Mar. 3
Belasco, David, portrait pho
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Mar. 3
Belasco, David, portrait pho
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Mar. 15
Crosby, S., Mr., portrait ph
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Mar. 13
Lhevinne, Mr., portrait phot
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Mar. 13
Lhevinne, Mr., portrait phot
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Mar. 20
Archibald, C., Mrs., portrai
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Mar. 20
Archibald, C., Mrs., portrai
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Mar. 18
Bispham, David, Mr., portrai
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Mar. 27
Hall, Myra, Miss, portrait p
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Mar. 27
Hall, Myra, Miss, portrait p
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Apr. 3
Penoyer, C., Mrs., portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Apr. 27
Calhoun, Miss, portrait phot
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Apr. 31
Ehrlick, E.M., Mrs., portrai
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
Neuhaus, Master, portrait ph
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 May 12
Scheffauer, Herman, Mr., por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 May 12
Scheffauer, Herman, Mr., por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 May 19
Goldstein, Alexander, Mr., p
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 May 19
Goldstein, Alexander, Mr., p
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 July 15
Cooke, Helen, Miss, portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 July 5
Stephens, Professor, portrai
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 July 5
Stephens, Professor, portrai
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Sept. 2
Chilson, C., Miss, portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Sept. 2
Chilson, C., Miss, portrait
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Oct. 11
Sargent, Laura, Miss, portra
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Oct. 12
Montagne, Edna, Miss, portra
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Nov. 11
Sprague, Isabelle, Miss, por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Nov. 11
Sprague, Isabelle, Miss, por
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Nov. 17
Biskel, George, Mrs., portra
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Nov. 17
Biskel, George, Mrs., portra
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Nov. 17
Casserly, E., Mrs., and baby
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Nov. 17
Casserly, E., Mrs., and Mast
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Nov. 17
Casserly, Michel, Master, po
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Nov. 10
Sousa, John P., Mr., portrai
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Dec. 13
Schweitzer, M., Mrs., portra
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Dec. 13
Schweitzer, M., Mrs., and an
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
1909 Jan. 11
Dunbar, Jennette, Miss, port
Arnold Genthe
Library of Congress Prints a
ca. 1911
McClure, S.S., Colonel, port
Arnold Genthe