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Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1750
Anna Porter Brown (Mrs. Nath …
Joseph Badger
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Music and Dance
François Boucher
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Cupids in Conspiracy
François Boucher
National Gallery of Canada
c. 1740-1760
The Campo di Rialto and S. G …
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1735
Still Life with Herrings
Jean-Siméon Chardin
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1730
Maria Maytilda Winkler (late …
The De Peyster Painter
The Minneapolis Institute of …
about 1742
The Trinity with Souls in Pu …
Corrado Giaquinto
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1750
Lady with a Serinette (La Ch …
attrib. to Jean-Francois (Co …
National Gallery of Canada
John Herring
William Hogarth
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1740 - 1745
The Music Lesson (The Bird C …
Pietro Longhi
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra …
circa 1750
Descent from the Cross
Giovanni Battista Pittoni