National Gallery of Canada
Procession at Sainte-Famille
André Biéler
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1480
The Annunciation
Albert Bouts
National Gallery of Canada
c. 1895-1898
Salome with the Head of St.
Jean-Joseph-Benjamin Constan
National Gallery of Canada
c. 1942
Emotion No. 2
Henry Eveleigh
National Gallery of Canada
c. 1908
Canal du Loing, Moret
Clarence Gagnon
National Gallery of Canada
Farmyard, France
Clarence Gagnon
National Gallery of Canada
Pully, Canton de Vaud, Switz
Clarence Gagnon
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1532
Terminus, the Device of Eras
Hans Holbein
National Gallery of Canada
c. 1911-1912
South Wales, Evening
J.D. Innes
National Gallery of Canada
A.Y. Jackson
National Gallery of Canada
c. 1925-1931
The Blue Pool
Derwent Lees
National Gallery of Canada
Fishing Village, New Brunswi
Arthur Lismer
National Gallery of Canada
c. 1908
From the Studio Window, Quai
James Wilson Morrice
National Gallery of Canada
Returning from Easter Mass
Albert H. Robinson
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1518
Portrait of a Woman
Andrea del Sarto
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1625
The Healing of Tobit
Bernardo Strozzi
National Gallery of Canada
Evening, Fall
Tom Thomson
National Gallery of Canada
Squally Weather, Georgian Ba
F.H. Varley
The Cleveland Museum of Art
c. 1650
Dune Landscape with Figures
Philips Wouwerman