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National Gallery of Canada
after 1849, printed 1852
The Bubastite Courtyard and …
Maxime Du Camp
George Eastman House
ca. 1852
Vacuum Apparatus
Claude-Marie Ferrier
George Eastman House
ca. 1852
Philosophical Instruments
Claude-Marie Ferrier
George Eastman House
ca. 1852
Metallic Barometers
Claude-Marie Ferrier
George Eastman House
Chartres Cathedral, detail, …
Henri Le Secq
George Eastman House
Chartres, 1852
Henri Le Secq
George Eastman House
Amiens, 1852
Henri Le Secq
George Eastman House
Chartres, 1852
Henri Le Secq
George Eastman House
ca. 1853-55
Cathedral de Chartres, Grand …
Charles Marville
George Eastman House
Arles: Porte des Chataignes
Charles Negre