Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
The Triumph of Two Roman Emp
Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
The Triumph of Two Roman Emp
Cherubino Alberti
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
The Adoration of the Magi
Andrea Andreani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
The Christian Hero
Andrea Andreani
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
Recto: Angel Playing a Lute
Giovanni Baglione
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
Giovanni Bologna
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
Madonna and Child Under a Tr
attrib. to Giovanni Battista
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
An Urn
manner of Raffaello Sanzio
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
Wine glass
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
Wine glass
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
Plate inscribed, "per questo
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
Drug jar (albarello)
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
Drug jar (albarello)
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
16 - 17th century
A Battle Scene, after Antoni
Francesco Villamena