The Art Institute of Chicago
[Fatherly Discipline, La Cor
Honoré Victorin Daumier
George Eastman House
ca. 1852
Vacuum Apparatus
Claude-Marie Ferrier
George Eastman House
ca. 1852
Philosophical Instruments
Claude-Marie Ferrier
George Eastman House
ca. 1852
Metallic Barometers
Claude-Marie Ferrier
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
1851 - 1852
Minakuchi, no. 51 from a ser
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
circa 1851 - 1852
Kegon Waterfall in Nikko (Ni
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
White Mountains from North C
David Johnson
George Eastman House
ca. 1852
View of East End of Building
Friedrich von Martens
George Eastman House
ca. 1852
View of East End of Building
Friedrich von Martens
George Eastman House
ca. 1851-52
John Shaw Smith
San Francisco Museum of Mode
1851-1852, printed 1853-1854
Égypte. Edfou: Aspect généra
Félix Teynard
Smithsonian American Art Mus
Miners in the Sierras
[August Wenderoth, Charles C