The Minneapolis Institute of
18th century - 19th century
Lidded Brush
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 18th century - 19th cen
The Abbot Mkhas-grub Rje
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Cricket Catching Net
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Cricket Fighting Ring
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Cricket Tickler Case with Te
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Cricket Tickler and Case
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Dream of the Red Chamber
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Celadon Jar
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century
Pair of shoes
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Six-sided pitcher
[Edwin Bennet, William Benne
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 19th century
[Wu Changshuo, Zhang Binglin
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Comforter cover
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Comforter cover
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Comforter cover
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Comforter cover
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Comforter cover
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Comforter cover
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
The Ship, Fleetwing, Hong Ko
Lai Sung
The Minneapolis Institute of
18th century - 19th century
artist unknown
The Minneapolis Institute of
late 18th century - 19th cen
Inkstone in the Form of a Sh
Ch?ing dynasty
Fine Arts Museums of San Fra
19th century
Punch bowl
The Minneapolis Institute of
19th century
Tung Wen
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Three Purities
Zhang Xiong
The Cleveland Museum of Art
1700s - 1800s
Embroidered Panel
China, Qing Dynasty, 18th -
Los Angeles County Museum of
18th-19th century
Inscribed Tablet
South China
Los Angeles County Museum of
18th-19th century
Inscribed Tablet
South China
The Metropolitan Museum of A
19th century
Goqing (Sonorous Stone)